The Farming Little Girl

C116: appetizers

That day a group of people strolled to this town.

Just in time, I met Zhou Di's eldest daughter wandering in the street.

At a glance, all of them are extraordinary.

The lady's eyes were green on the spot.

However, what she is very smart about is that she didn't take the initiative to say hello or the like.

I have to find the immortal to clean up. The price is easy to say.

At that time, Congxiang said at will, look for them, and pay five hundred Liang for one appearance.

The shopkeeper just laughed and promised on the spot that it was OK.

In this way, under such a big temptation, Ningxiang agreed to this business.

Wait until the shopkeeper takes the three of them to Zhou Di's home.

After a light meal and a cup of tea. Three people become soft hands and feet

Every time I think of this scene, Congxiang is very embarrassed.

After all, she is still too greedy for money and has been in a comfortable environment for a long time, losing her instinct to deal with danger.

When I opened the door and saw the pot of red soup, I was shocked.

Immediately, her heart thumped.

This kind of hotpot is what that woman would make.

Here she is.

"Mr. Ning, this is prepared by the people in the kitchen. It's a special appetizer."

Qingzi carefully put the hot pot on the table with a smiling face.

Casually, I also greedily glanced at Mo Daozi, who was not far away, and Qingfeng.

After touching Mo Daozi's cold eyes, she quickly took back her coveted eyes.

"Well, if you need anything else, you can order the kitchenette to make it."

Mo Daozi was shocked when he saw the hot pot ingredients.

A glance at each other with the breeze, a little surprise passed in both men's eyes.

Of course, they are familiar with this dish.

You know, these things are only made by that ghost woman.

Unexpectedly, she was left behind, but others came to rescue them.

For a while, three people are happy and guilty.

But it's congealing fragrance. I wake up in a moment.

"Cough, cough, master Mo, how about trying this dish?"

When I handed the chopsticks to him, I gave him a look.

Three people pretended to eat.

"Well, it's really appetizing."

One side of the huge and uneasy Qing son listened, on the spot relieved.

It's OK. It's OK. This time, the people in the small kitchen got the dishes right.

If Mo Xianshi wants to stop eating, she will want to commit suicide.

"Well, it's really delicious. Who made such a good thing? "

Congxiang is still a man. The poor lady's eyes have been on Mo Daozi.

Otherwise, she's a fake male rabbit. She's been worn long ago.

"Ah, the people who make this dish should be the people in the small kitchen." Qingzi cried happily.

"There is a reward." Don't give me a reward, but it will spoil Qingzi's happiness.

Qingzi is trying to come forward, but Mo Daozi impatiently slaps his chopsticks on the table.

"Ah, I'm going out now, I'm going out. Three immortal masters, please use them slowly

These three immortal masters are experts from all over the world. They stay together when they eat and sleep.

As for the servants of these girls, they are exempt.

Out of the room, Qingzi was called by the eldest lady.

Miss Zhou, who was still walking around the room, was eating raisins restlessly.

Seeing Qingzi come in, he will jump up.

"How about master Mo Xian, or don't you eat?"

Seeing her so worried, Qingzi quickly comforted her.

"But don't worry, young lady. The people in the kitchen are very attentive today. They make a mixed soup that I have never seen before. All three of them are very happy. No, when I came out just now, master Mo said that he would reward the cook. "

Miss Zhou's eyes brightened and she burst out laughing.

"Eat, eat, molang eat. This is good. I'm afraid that Mo Lang will be hungry if he doesn't eat all the time. As long as he can eat, he will not and will have to

Qingzi smiles and follows Miss Zhou happily.

They were almost happy. Miss Zhou threw out a large ingot of silver.

"Reward, all the people in the small kitchen have reward. In particular, the chef who can make morang appetizer needs a great reward. Give this ingot of silver to the man alone. Let him do a good job, and then make delicious food, I have more reward. "

Qingzi has to order. Hurry to carry those silver rewards.

Ten people in the kitchen saw her coming from afar.

One by one, they are all in a good mood. At a glance, Chen nianran, everyone is guessing. It's hard not to be successful. Today's mixed soup pot is really in the eyes of No. 3 tenant!

"The kitchens are doing well today, and this is what our eldest lady gave you. After that, everyone will do a good job. If we do well, we will not treat you badly. "

All the people answered in unison.

A smile of joy.

I was not dismissed, and I got a lot of money without any reason.

For big guys, that's a great thing.

So, when looking at Chen nianran one by one, it was extraordinarily cordial.

After a meal, Qingzi took out a ingot of silver alone. It looked like ten Liang.

"By the way, who is the chef who made this appetizer today? It's a special reward given by the eldest lady."

When they looked at the ingot of ten Liang silver, their eyes were full of envy.

You know, each of them is less than one or two silver.

It's estimated that it's only a few hundred dollars for the porters who do the dishes.

But Chen nianran alone can get ten liang of my silver.

"Sister huiqingzi, today's dish is made by the little woman." Chen nianran takes a step forward and answers with a smile.

Qingzi looks at the woman in front of her.

Wrapped in an ordinary scarf, his face looks a little haggard.

It's better to have bright eyes and a healthy face.

Although the clothes are a little old, they look clean.

My hair is behind my head, just a common wooden hairpin.

In terms of dress, you can tell that this is a new cook who just led in.

"Well, yes, it seems that you have some abilities. I'll do a good job here. Well done, there are many rewards from the masters. "

"Yes, thank you very much, sister Qingzi."

Qingzi turns to leave satisfied.

Chen nianran looked at her back, hesitated for a moment, or hurried forward to stop her.

"Sister Qingzi."

Qingzi looks back impatiently. At first glance, it was the little woman who came here.

She picked up her eyebrows and scratched impatiently in her eyes.

"Do more work if you have nothing to do. After all, you are the only one who comes here. You just make a dish by virtue of it. It's still early to fly to the branch and become a Phoenix."

Chen nianran smiled awkwardly. "Sister Qingzi, you misunderstood me. The little woman has achieved nothing. This is the little woman's little acceptance. Don't abandon it. After that, the little lady will have to take care of her sister

Put the money that just got into Qingzi's hand, Chen nianran turns around and enters the kitchen.

Qingzi is holding the ingot of silver in her hand, and her lips are rising slowly.

"Well, it's good, it's good. I think it's intentional. There are not many such smart women. I need such a woman most. Obedient and smart, I will come. If it's done well, maybe it can be transferred to it and promoted directly to be a girl, a woman or something. "

What Qingzi didn't see was the cold smile on the corner of his mouth after Chen nianran turned around.

If you want to enter this week's mansion as soon as possible, you have to win their trust as much as possible.

And the fastest trust, of course, is the most effective and simplest means: gifts!!

In the afternoon, when they did some other work, they were allowed to return home.

When I went yesterday, I asked to report early the next day.

Out of the door, in the agreed place to join the gold, six and joy girl.

"Tell me what you've got." Chen nianran asked quietly.

As they walked, they quietly reported the day's spy.

Six said first.

"I found that all the servants in the mansion were experts. If I compare with them, I can knock down three people at most. If there are many people, I can only be caught. "

Gold also reported his intelligence.

"I've been working all day today. I'm welcome with a man named sanwazi.

In his spare time, I listened to him about his private affairs.

It is said that there will be a wedding in this house recently, but the bridegroom is not very happy to listen to the words of the three children. So far, it's been soft in the guest room. "

Chen nianran frowned, but Xi wench shouted softly.

"Yes, I started in the inner mansion today. Help those people wash and deliver. A lot of dresses and stuff. According to Liu ya, who works with me, those things are all royal gifts. I moved all afternoon just for clothes and materials. And this is just the material that the royal family sent to the eldest lady to make clothes... "

Chen nianran gasped.

"A landlord can have a lot of clothes from the people above. This royal family really looks up to their Zhou mansion. "

"But I heard that it was only sent from the palace. It seems that it was sent by a master of the state. Master Guoshi is very good to these three young ladies.

Fortunately, I also saw the landlord Zhou in this mansion.

It's no surprise, miss.

Why do I always have the illusion of seeing a eunuch when I saw the landlord talking and doing things that week?

Besides, I listen to him. It's really fucking.

Most of all, his throat didn't protrude.

The face is also very feminine. But he is a man, too. There is no doubt about that. "

Chen nianran's heart thumped. "You mean, you saw the owner of the Zhou mansion, the landlord Zhou?"

"Yes, a small fat half old man. But it's not a good way to talk. I listen to it. It's very awkward. Don't look at the man smiling at me. But when I was stared at by him, there was always A very uncomfortable feeling.

It's no surprise you said it was strange. I have also contacted many people around the lady. Even the most powerful people, I will not be scared very much.

Can be targeted by the landlord that week, I just have a kind of It's a cold and gloomy illusion