The Farming Little Girl

293: tell the truth

"You old people, please leave Zhou Chaoyang and his wife behind. I think this matter today has a great relationship with them."

Several old people looked at each other, but finally agreed to send several women to stand behind Liu Xinran. At this moment, even if she wants to go, she can't leave.

The first old man with scar on his face, when he came in and saw Liu Xinran, his white beard trembled.

"It's you, you little bitch, you bastard. I didn't expect that I was still alive. Ha ha... God has eyes. When I am alive, I can still see you, the evil girl. "

They were puzzled. They all stared at a man about the size of the old lady. The old man has scars on his face and hands. But the body is quite healthy.

"You old man, and make it clear why you are so nonsense."

"Hum, this woman, I can recognize her even if she turns into ashes. Because she used to be the daughter of butcher Zhang. "

"Ah..." The people at the scene all exclaimed.

You know, there are rumors about Liu Xinran these days, which are also known by many people. I didn't expect to hear the exact news so soon. Besides, this witness has come.

"You old man's nonsense, master, don't listen to this old shameless saying. He, he, when my family owed him some money, so he always wanted to take advantage of my mother. But my mother would not like to die. After that, this man would hold a grudge. Now, I've been found by someone who wants to arrange me on purpose just for today Master, you have to decide for me...... "

At this moment, Liu Xinran also reacted very quickly, and immediately fought back.

Chen nianran looked at the old lady with a sneer. "Old lady, I think you want to find out what's going on, and let the old man tell you the truth. I think it's very clear who's going on and who's not."

The old patriarch also knew that this matter must be dealt with today.

Especially in this period of time, there are rumors about Liu Xinran, which must be solved.

"Well, you are in charge of your daughter-in-law. That old man, you told me what happened back then."

The old man seemed very excited. He stared at Liu Xinran not far away.

"You guys, I'm a butcher. The bitch's mother pretended to be happy with me. After the event, I lied that I was pregnant with my baby, because my family was all girlfriends, so I liked it. At that time, even if it was hard to kill one more pig, I recognized it and raised the woman

For many years, when I learned that this woman's children were not my children, I drove the woman away on the spot angrily. Originally, I wanted to poison the mother and daughter, but after thinking about her, I finally called my father for several years, so I just did it.

Afterwards, I heard that the little bitch got the power and was favored by master su. I was always worried about the little bitch's revenge. Sure enough, someone came to see me soon, because I was crippled by some small things. For this reason, the young and old can't kill germanium. Pretending to be seriously ill, he went to the countryside in seclusion.

Afterwards, I asked my son to check the whereabouts of the little bitch. I never thought she married into this week 's family.

At this time, I know that the day for me to turn over has come. As expected, when I asked someone to find her with some keepsakes that she was my illegitimate daughter, she gave me some silver You guys, I have proof of all this. Today brings not only physical evidence, but also human evidence.

This is the old Wang from the next house when she was young. This is the aunt next door to Su's illegitimate daughter after she was a girl.

And this is the witness who poisoned her mother Doctor, please tell me what happened in those years. We should have denounced such a wicked woman for a long time

Several witnesses came out one by one to testify that the daughter of the butcher was now Liu Xinran. It's also a witness of Su's family who has been rumored to be very strong recently.

"No, no, it's not true, it's not, it's you, Zhou Aoxuan, you planted dirt to frame me, right? You know, you have been dissatisfied with me before. Why do you need to find such evil people to frame me. Even if I'm not right, why do you have to drive me to the end. "

Liu Xinran is out of control. She yelled madly at Zhou Aoxuan.

Zhou Aoxuan sneered and waved, waving away the butcher and others. "These testimonials are nothing, but there are still some testimonials that can better illustrate some problems. I think Mr. Zhou Chaoyang is more willing to see these witnesses. "

At this time, Zhou Chaoyang was completely stunned. He can't believe that his pillow man was once the daughter of a butcher.

What's more, the butcher hasn't finished yet.

"Why do I come in and say I know this little bitch? Because at the beginning I admit that I have a bad heart. Once she was on, ha ha Because of this, I'm afraid that she will revenge me. After being taught that group of people, I escaped to the country smartly. I took this woman's first time. "

Liu Xinran's face turned white. "Husband, don't listen to his nonsense. It's not true. It's not true. You and I were real for the first time. It's true. I have fallen red. You know that..."

However, Zhou Chaoyang's brain is numb. Because, for the first time, he and Liu Xinran were drunk. When I wake up, I only see the red falling on the bed

"These are the people who served Miss Su. I don't know if Miss Su still remembers these people? "

Said, and came in a woman and a middle-aged woman. Look at the age, people who are similar to Liu Xinran. However, the facial features are not good-looking. It's like a donkey's face. What's more, people are also fat and look like a big hitter. When the woman saw Liu Xinran, her eyes also showed hatred.

"I'd like to tell you that I was Miss Su's maid. At that time, she always sent me to pay attention to Miss Su's affairs. After learning about the object that Miss Su wants to be engaged to, she beckoned us to rent a courtyard in the alley in the eastern suburb. After that, Miss Su stood at the door and smiled at master Zhou when he passed by... "

"Because Miss Su once had several guests in the curtain, and they were spoiled by others, what Miss Su designed that night was to let the maidservant Let the maid share the room with master su... "


Zhou Chaoyang looked at this ugly to not like the maid, only feel the breath up.

He, the first night he thought he was wonderful, turned out to be with such an ugly woman. God, that donkey's face is so long, and that bucket waist How hungry and thirsty he had to be to be such a woman!

Thinking of this, Mr. Zhou Chaoyang, who loves beautiful people, was so angry that he didn't hit him on the spot and slapped Liu Xinran severely. "You poisonous woman, dare to design me!"

"Master, don't talk nonsense, don't talk nonsense." Liu Xinran went up to him with his knees around his legs and begged for help. Turning around, he complained tearfully, "Ma Taohua, I used to treat you well. I didn't expect you to arrange it for me like this. You have a poisonous heart. "

Chen nianran immediately retorted, "you said that she also arranges you. We don't know her name yet, but you call her name Ma Taohua. It seems that your relationship with this aunt is really extraordinary. "

The crowd burst into laughter.

What Liu Xinran says now is useless. It's impossible for a person's evidence to be so perfect even if it's arranged. This matter, can only say, she is planted to fix today.

Looking around at the ridiculed people, Zhou Chaoyang was angry. These people look at him as if he were an idiot, which makes him evil from the edge of the gall. Lift your legs and kick Liu Xinran's chest.

"Wuna bitch, go to the dead side. He seduced the master and I didn't say anything, but he also did such a poisonous thing. Bah, my Zhou family doesn't have a woman like you. "

Liu Xinran cries for mercy, and looks pitifully at Zhou leiran, who is not far away, shivering to one side. At this time, Zhou leiran wished that everyone would not see himself.

She didn't expect that the noble and beautiful mother would be so unbearable. For Liu Xinran to throw the eyes for help, but also panic to avoid leaving. This moment, she is very decisive to choose to stand on the side of the Zhou family. Choose Liu Xinran, this is not looking for death.

"Help me, old lady. I'm innocent. I'm really innocent. These people united to frame me. They were jealous of me. Old lady! "

The old lady is also worried at this time. This bitch, they Zhou family two room this big room of people, but make no appearance. Now I dare to plead.

"Second, you have to deal with this man."

Zhou Chaoyang is about to show up now. It's annoying to watch Liu Xinran. What's more, Liu Xinran usually dresses up very feminine. But now it's different. She looked at her nose and tears. The hair line is messy and the clothes are not neat. How do you think it's annoying.

"If you dare to cheat me, I will teach you a lesson today."

It's really not a man when a man starts to be cruel.

Liu Xinran, who had been kicked in one leg before, was in pain when he spoke. At that time, Zhou Chaoyang picked her sensitive place to kick.

The middle of the leg, chest, which pain which kick.

For a time, I heard Liu Xinran crying.

But this week Chaoyang is also a person who has been washed out by wine and lust. After a few kicks, he can't afford to be kicked down.

"All right. Second, get this woman down and let her repent slowly in the fast. " The old lady is afraid that it will not affect her. Besides, there are still many children. Zhou Chaoyang is not a way to do this.

This week, although Chaoyang was a little confused, he still listened to his mother's words. The old lady said something, so she did it.