The Farming Little Girl

292: unexpected

"Master, I think you'd better give me a paper of divorce. I, I'll live alone with some children. I can't live in this family. I'll go straight to Li'er. "

She said, her eyes red with grievance.

One side of Zhou leisurely also looked at Zhou Chaoyang coldly, "Dad, the family just came back in a hurry to go on a trip, then they can control the family's big and small affairs. I see. In the future, I'm afraid that someone else will have to put a foot in your room. "

She is alluding to the great power of the Zhou Aoxuan family. In the future, Zhou Chaoyang will lose face and status. This is a kind of revenge.

In the separation, Zhou Youran really got his mother Liu Xinran's deep biography. At this time, coupled with Liu Xinran's sad face, Zhou Chaoyang really can't stand it.

He stood up with a bang.

All the people who were still eating and drinking looked at him and stopped. One by one he was staring at him.

Several old people are coughing, "Zhou Chaoyang, sit down."

It's ordering him.

If it had been, Zhou might have listened. But today is different. Just now Liu Xinran and his daughter said that his power was threatened. Now it seems that my position is not only threatened.

The commanding tone of the elders of these ethnic groups is the same as that of scolding a younger generation who has done something wrong. When did he accept such a thing!

"I have something big to announce today, gentlemen."

Several old people's faces were white. Five old people coughed loudly at this time. "Zhou Chaoyang..."

The old ancestor also frowned, looked at him, and looked at Liu Xinran, who was sitting beside him with red eyes. The eyebrows jumped.

"The second one, the second one drinks too much. You'd better help him down to have a rest."

Although she didn't know what several ethnic groups were anxious to stop Zhou Chaoyang from saying, she was afraid of bad things. How can an old man of a big family allow this to happen.

The family can say anything when the door is closed. But some ugliness is not to be exposed. With her understanding, Liu Xinran's character is not that man of the atmosphere. And is also a once launched ruthless, will regardless of all the eyelids of a short woman. I'm afraid it's about this woman today.

It has to be said that the old ancestor's guess is indeed that it is inseparable from the Communist Party. Unfortunately, she overestimated the influence of reputation on Liu Xinran.

Liu Xinran didn't pay attention to her at all. She just looked at Zhou Chaoyang with such a bland eyes. She took him as the world.

In this way, the old ancestor was depressed.

Zhou Chaoyang did not look at the eyes of several old people, but smiled at all the people looking at him on the spot.

"Everybody, what I want to say today is. I'm Zhou Chaoyang's person for the main office. I decide to help Liu Xinran to be the main office. "

Boom, the scene is silent.

Several old people even shouted.

"Nonsense, nonsense, everyone, this matter is not up to our family."

Zhou Aoxuan sneered.

Everyone looked at him and Chen nianran. Although Chen nianran was calm on the surface, his hand was quietly holding Zhou Aoxuan's hand.

No one knows that when Zhou Chaoyang said this, Zhou Aoxuan's hand was cold.

He may not be stimulated, but the feeling of being abandoned by his own father, trying again, the pain of gouging out his heart, can only be understood by his wife.

Volume this moment seems to know the pain of Zhou Aoxuan.

She hugged Zhou Aoxuan's neck. "Dad Are you cold? Rolls keep you warm. "

Originally, there was a burning anger in the chest, because of the comfort of my wife and daughter, it was inexplicably diluted.

Zhou Aoxuan calmly looks at Zhou Chaoyang in the distance. The man is looking at him with twinkling eyes.

There is no doubt that such a public announcement is in the face of Zhou Aoxuan.

He doesn't know all about it.

People around, wake up from shock. Some jokingly put it forward.

"Oh, so what is the one who moved the grave today? Is it a concubine? Or something? "

Some people even laughed on the spot and said, "Liu Xinran is the main room, so today's move, of course, is an irrelevant person."

Zhou Chaoyang frowned as he listened to these comments.

The old lady turned back in anger. At this moment, she understood why some old people would always stop this unfilial son. It's breaking. This is to drive Zhou Aoxuan out.

She looked to Zhou Aoxuan for help. "Xuaner, don't get me wrong. I won't allow it. My old lady is still alive for a day. This kind of thing is absolutely not allowed. "

Liu Xinran, who has been bearing all the blame, immediately looks up at the old lady when she hears her words. Eyes, with a deep hatred.

Week leisurely then eye turns.

"Ancestor, what's wrong with my mother? It's your daughter-in-law, my mother, who gave birth to so many children for the Zhou family. Isn't she a daughter-in-law? No wonder how filial my mother used to be to you. You scolded her right and left. Feelings, the old lady always thought my mother was inferior to the dead one. Mother, don't worry. In the eyes of children, you are the best mother

She seemed to say this in a charming way, but she made two points clear.

The old lady doesn't like Liu Xinran.

Zhou Aoxuan's mother is her daughter-in-law. As for the rest, it's shit.

The old lady was too angry to close her anger. "You, you, Zhou leiran At this time, it's not your turn to talk. "

Zhou Youran wanted to say that Liu Xinran pulled her at once. "Niang, leisurely is still small. She just doesn't talk. Don't complain. If you have anything, come to me and don't scare the child. "

Well, she is the only one who loves her children, and the old lady is a fool.

For a while, everyone looked at the family and thought the play was becoming more and more interesting. Many people look at Chen nianran and Zhou Aoxuan.

It's reasonable to say that this is the one who is now speaking.

But, Zhou Aoxuan from beginning to end, just calmly feed her daughter. Joking with his wife, I didn't feel at all that the matter at this moment had something to do with him.

Such a calm him made Zhou Chaoyang feel that he was completely despised.

"Mom, you didn't hear me wrong. I really want to help Liu Xinran in the main room. It's time for her to give her a name for having had so many children for me. "

Zhou Aoxuan suddenly got up and picked up the scroll. "Lady, let's go."

Chen nianran was not able to respond. His ancestors and several elders seemed to think of their talents. "Xuaner..."

One by one, they all rushed over. The old lady was so angry that she almost didn't kneel for him.

However, Zhou Aoxuan held the scroll aside at this time, and gave the old lady a serious kowtow, and then several old people a kowtow. Not far away, Zhou Chaoyang's pupil shrank.

It seems that things are a little out of control.

He quickly announced, "xuan'er, don't be angry. I didn't say your mother is not Zhou's. She, she also has credit. I gave birth to you, so I decided to help her as my wife. "

Some people shake their heads poof, "Ping wife, who is advanced in the door, is instead helped to be Ping wife?"? How can I listen? It's a little funny. "

Zhou Chaoyang's face is not very good-looking at all.

Liu Xinran is hanging his head, but his face is smiling. Her man, in the end, is controlled by himself.

Zhou Aoxuan kowtowed, got up directly and made a bow to the people around him.

"Everyone, now everyone is at the scene, making a certificate for xuanmou. From today on, I left the Zhou family. The glory of the Zhou family has nothing to do with xuanmou. "

Chen nianran covers his mouth, but in the end, Zhou Aoxuan is still out of the family power. It has to be said that this is really It was out of her expectation.

Zhou Chaoyang is a body shake, some flustered to roar out, "Zhou Aoxuan what are you talking about? I did not expel your mother's coffin. Can you say that you will leave if you leave? "

After a little delay, he seriously scolded Chen nianran, "Chen Wuya, you should hurry to persuade the old five. This child is in a state of magic. As a wife, you are good at persuasion. "

Chen nianran sneered.

"Oh As the ancients said, women regard husband as heaven and earth. My husband's choice, for my wife's I, is to stand on one side unconditionally. Just now, my mother-in-law didn't do the same. "

Light floating a word, but Zhou Chaoyang refuted nothing to say. He can't call Chen nianran, so he looks at Liu Xinran. "You still don't keep Shangxuan."

Where would Liu Xinran really keep Zhou Aoxuan? He just covered his eyes with a veil and cried out sadly.

"Xuan'er, I know you are really good to elder sister. You've had a problem with me these years, and I've had it. But today's decision is really a decision your father made for the sake of our parents' long-term harmony. Don't be angry with your father. You'll come to me. I'm used to it anyway... "

Well, this is about Zhou Aoxuan's lack of understanding. At this critical time, she is still right. Inside and outside, they all said that the son was unfilial at ordinary times and was right with her.

Chen nianran is very angry. This woman, but also a delicate and weak face by the gas. It's disgusting.

Zhou Aoxuan also said lazily to her, just raising his hand, "you guys, Xuan didn't make this decision on a whim. I think it's necessary to send a big gift to Zhou Chaoyang and his wife before leaving."

The old lady's eyes were turning. Now she even changed her name to Zhou Chaoyang and his wife. This is, completely do not recognize their Zhou family.

Several old people, looking at him painfully, are reluctant to part with each other. However, Zhou Aoxuan ignored all this. He held Chen nianran's hand firmly, and his eyes fell on the gate.

Several old people were escorted in.

When Liu Xinran saw these people, his face suddenly turned white.

She shrank and wanted to leave.

However, Zhou Aoxuan gave a cold order at this time.