The Exorcist As a Medical Examiner


Chapter 86 - yin-yang knife

I didn't wait for the elevator. I ran up the stairs.

Just as he reached the fifth floor, he heard hurried footsteps from above.

He raised his head and happened to face a person.

"Wang Yu!"

"It's you?!"

Wang Yu was startled for a moment, and then he pounced towards me, wielding a kitchen knife and thrusting it towards my chest.

I quickly sidestepped and kicked him away.

Wang Yu was kicked to the side of the railing, he paused for a moment and suddenly turned around.

I shivered.

His face had actually become incomparably twisted and hideous. His eyes had also turned dark red, and a thick layer of black aura covered his face.

Looking at his ghostly face, I suddenly thought of a man — a wild man.

Did this kid also know how to raise ghosts?

Without waiting for me to think further, Wang Yu once again slashed at me.

I kicked him hard in the stomach and took the chance to cut his wrist with the knife I'd missed.

"Ahh …"

Wang Yu screamed miserably. When the sharp blade left his hand, it actually fell onto the stairs and curled up into a ball. It started to tremble intensely like an epilepsy, and the black Qi on his face also disappeared in an instant.

"Xu Huo."

"Captain Zhao!"

Zhao Qi gasped as he walked down. A two inch long cut appeared on his left cheek and half of it was covered with blood.

I stepped forward to take a closer look and let out a long breath. "Fortunately, I'm not too deep. I don't need to undergo plastic surgery."

Zhao Qi slanted his eyes at me, then took out his handcuffs to handcuff Wang Yu.

Wang Yu seemed to have calmed down, as he glared at me and asked sternly.

"Who exactly are you? It can actually break my technique?! "

As expected, even if he could not raise ghosts, he knew diabolism. Otherwise, he wouldn't have been able to easily make Zhao Qi, the veteran criminal police, almost lose his life.

I looked at him coldly. "You pushed Qiu Ming down the stairs?"

"How do you know?" Wang Yu asked.

I nodded. With these words, I could finally give Qiu Ming an explanation.

Wang Yu saw that I did not say anything, and rolled his eyes: "You are Mr. Yin Yang? Was it Qiu Ming, that damn fatty, who called you to deal with me? "

I no longer have any interest in talking to him. I just coldly said, "There is the law of the mortal world and the rules of the mortal world. If one does evil, it is impossible to escape."

From the moment I was dragged into the police car, Wang Yu had been glaring at me, "I won't let you off!"

Later, Shen Qing told me that she confessed to causing Qiu Ming's death.

Pushing Qiu Ming downstairs was because Qiu Ming had broken his adultery with Lv Guizhi.

He pushed Lv Guizhi down the stairs because he found out that he was involved with another woman.

Her last words startled me.

She said: Lv Guizhi is pregnant, and the child is actually fine even after falling from such a high place.

I suddenly remembered the dream I had at the hospital …

When I got home in the evening, I took out my knife and two peach talismans.

"Zhang Xi, come out here!" I shouted.

There were too many mysteries in my mind and I desperately needed an answer.

Seeing that there was no movement, I picked up my knife and stood up.

"F * ck, if you still don't come out, laozi will throw this broken blade into the toilet bowl!"

Still no movement.

"You really don't shed tears until you see the coffin!"

I was about to head for the toilet when I heard a voice behind me:

"Don't, don't, don't be impulsive!"

I jerked my head back, but there was no sign of him.

This was not Zhang Xi's voice, this voice was … Old Ding!

"Old thing, you're finally willing to speak! "Come out here and die for laozi!" I was furious.

"Ai, if only I could get out."

I carefully searched for the source of the sound and was surprised to find that the sound seemed to be coming from the talisman with the word 'Blessed' engraved on it!

"You're in the peach symbol?"

Old Ding sighed again:

"Hai, I guess so. Or perhaps it could be said that I am a Peach Rune myself. "

I sat back on the sofa and lit a cigarette. I took a deep breath and looked at the knife and the two peach symbols on the tea table.

After a long while, he asked in a deep voice:

"Why did you want to harm me in the first place?"

"I want your body." Old Ding answered straightforwardly, but her tone was extremely bitter.

I became even angrier. "I helped you throw the bucket to your death, but you want to harm me?"

"Hehe, I've already gotten what I want. Is there a need to pursue the matter any further?"

"But I need an explanation!" I said loudly.

Old Ding laughed bitterly:

"That day is the day of my death. I would never have thought that you would go to the Underworld. For a moment, I was greedy, so I tricked you into falling for me … "

"Underworld?" I suddenly remembered that strange dream I had under the locust tree.

"Yes, there is no such thing as a Scholartree Manor." When you saw me that day, you were in Little Peach Garden Village.

"Why is this happening? Why would I go to the Underworld? " Cold sweat broke out on my forehead.

Old Ding dryly laughed twice:

"You originally possessed a baleful Yin Body. Coupled with the Yin Qi from the Hundred Years Old Locust Tree, your soul naturally left your body to go to the Underworld and see me after I died.

The Baleful Yin Body was a rare treasure to both the evil spirits and those with cultivation experience. When I saw you carrying two troublesome fiends with you, I thought that you would die soon. So I thought, rather than letting those two fiends off, why not let me take advantage of you?

How could I have thought that you. You actually possess the Nine Yin Baleful Body! "I am also blind. For my greed to fall to such a state, I deserve it."

"What exactly is the Nine Yin Baleful Body?"

More than once, I had heard these four words mentioned, and I was extremely puzzled.

"The baleful Yin Body is a Yin Body that gave birth to baleful yin; the Nine Yin Baleful Body is a Baleful Yin that gives birth to baleful Yin. To put it bluntly, you are born with a fiendish body of evil spirits. "

Speaking up to here, Old Ding sighed again:

"At that time, when you were in my store, the Yin servants turned a blind eye to you, so I should have thought of this. However, I was blinded by lard …"

I rubbed Sun Xu and asked: "What's wrong with Zhang Ande?"

Old Ding sneered:

"He's not a good person either! He knows everything about me. That day in the mourning hall, he saw through my intentions and knew that if I couldn't fulfill my wish, I would become a vicious ghost corpse. He originally had a way to break it, but he didn't want to waste his cultivation, so he added fuel to the fire and made you bear the brunt of the disaster.

"Hehe, he also did not expect you to be a born bane and thought that you could stay out of this mess. He did not expect that not only did Hanged Ghost would find a substitute for you, but you even caused your bones to become incomplete."

"Heh, that's why he's unwilling. That's why he would do something to harm me in my bro's mourning hall."

"No no no, you have wronged Old Zhang. Zhang Xi hung himself on the September Sun Peach, becoming red and his body absorbing the essence of the sun and moon. The soul left the body. If the corpse couldn't be destroyed in time, not only would it turn into an evil corpse, the soul would also turn into an evil ghost. Old Zhang only did that to redeem her sins. "

"What's wrong with this knife?" Why did you lie to me that day to injure Fang Gang's ghost with your blade? " I asked.

"yin-yang knife can't be used for no reason. If you don't have the ability to use the blade, and instead use the yin-yang knife to injure the ghost, the yin-yang knife will counterattack. At that time, your Nine Yin Fiend Body will be broken …"

"You can steal my body again."

As the riddles were solved, I felt a lot more at ease.

"yin-yang knife..." I picked up the knife and flipped it over and over before asking the Old Ding:

"What's so special about this blade?" "How did you get it?"

Old Ding also seemed to be slightly less depressed, he raised his voice and said:

"In the world, there are: the executioner's blade, the corona's vision, the craftsmanship of a paper man, the needlework of a two skin craftsman.

The executioner's sword was a great evil; the eyes of the corona could communicate with Yin and Yang; the craftsmen who were skilled in paper tying could use paper tying to make the dead come back to their souls; the second cobbler could sew the corpse and pick up the corpse.

The people of the world only knew that the skilled corona s could see Yin and Yang, and very few knew that the corona's sabers also had its own way. This blade is a yin-yang knife that can reach both the Yin Yang and Yang realms! "

"corona's blade?"

"Yes, corona is also known as the Medical Examiner."

My body shook violently.

The Old Ding said, "You are a medical examiner, so the yin-yang knife giving it to you can be considered to be in charge. Previously, you could not use this blade because you could not truly reach the Yin and Yang state. But now, you are closely linked with the Ghost Jade of Mount Kunlun and have already opened your Ghost Eye.

"yin-yang knife Index?"

I picked up the 'Blessed' character engraved on the peach talisman and looked back. Sure enough, there were a few neat words on the back of the talisman.

Opening the Ghost Eye …

Could it be that the reason I saw the old ghost lady at the hospital had nothing to do with luck and luck, but was because of that piece of Phantom Head Jade?

That night, Old Ding did not speak again.

For the entire night, I checked the yin-yang knife s and how to use the two peach talismans.

I am a exorcist, and also a Medical Examiner … Xu Huo.