The Exorcist As a Medical Examiner


Chapter 87 - Green Cheongsam

back street's Burial Shop No. 31.

I sat in a rattan chair behind the counter and slurped some instant noodles.

Because the case involved was of such great importance, Old He was still being held in the detention center.

I went to see him again.

The old man was very happy to hear that the funeral parlour was open for business, but he told me that I would be in charge on the night of the first and fifteenth.

I asked him what was going on with that female ghost Di Jinlian.

The old man seemed to be confused, and said that he had never seen any female ghost in qipao before.

I asked him some more questions, and though the old man was evasive at times, he didn't seem to have any evil thoughts, so I didn't pursue them.

After that, he would agree with Dou Dabao that he would open a shop for him. On the tenth day of every month, he would go home to rest and I would be on "duty".

His phone vibrated.

I clicked on the screen and it was a WeChat from Xiao Yu:

'On the first day today, you want to look at the shop again? '

I looked at the rain outside and replied, "That's right, it's raining heavily again. It's raining heavily in the autumn, so remember to put on some clothes."

'You too, look at the shop at night.'

"Thank you." Let's not talk anymore. It's time to go to work. You should sleep well. '

I put my phone aside and lit up the tallow wax on the counter.

These days, I had gotten used to chatting with Xiao Yu every day.

This Lioness who couldn't be bothered to lie to seemed to have gradually blended into my life.

From time to time, I would think, what exactly does this Lioness look like?

If it's not too ugly, I'll 'clean it up' and.


I snapped out of my reverie, glanced at the meat loaf at the door, and looked out.

Tonight, the first customer I will receive is Qiu Ming.

I bluntly told him about Wang Yu and Lv Guizhi.

The truth proved that ghosts and humans had their own reasoning and differences.

After going through a cushion of anger and grief, Qiu Ming finally regained his calm and was sent to the Netherworld Sea by the Yellow Talisman.

I can only say that a person's bottom line and necessary restraint is to be a human being … Or the basis of being a ghost.

At three in the morning, I looked at the notes.

Including Qiu Ming, they had received a total of seventeen 'customers' tonight.

I snapped my fingers at the meat floss. "Success! End of work!"


As the rain continued to fall, I wrapped a large plastic bag around the meat and tore the dog's head open. Then he closed the door, locked it, and walked out along the back street with his umbrella.

Just as I was about to reach the end of the street, I heard a woman scream.

I stopped, unable to tell if the cry was real or illusory in the sound of the rain.

"Woof!" "Woof woof woof …"

The meat floss suddenly began to bark wildly. Its front legs were stretched taut, and its hind legs were bent. It appeared to be very agitated.

As soon as I turned to look at it, it flew back in the opposite direction.

I subconsciously followed.

The meat pine sprinted all the way to the end of the street and turned to bark into an alley.

I ran after her. In the dim light, I saw a tall man holding a woman tightly to the wall in the alley. He pouted his mouth and arrogantly arched his neck.

The woman wore a dark green qipao embroidered with golden flowers. As she struggled, her white legs were revealed under her qipao.

The woman suddenly turned her head. When I saw her face, I couldn't help but exclaim, "How could it be you?!"

"Who the hell dares to meddle in other people's business?" The man jerked his head up and scowled.

"Let her go!" I didn't have time to think. I shouted and rushed over.

I didn't expect that two figures would suddenly appear in the dark corner and block my path.

As soon as they met, they could smell the strong smell of alcohol from the two of them.

"Fuck you!"

I hit one of them in the face and punched the other in the stomach.

Before he could react, she poked his crotch with her knee again.

"Ahh …"

The man screamed and fell to the ground.

As soon as I turned around, I heard another man cry out in pain.

Ye Zichen took a glance and saw that the meat floss was tearing at his calf.

I took the opportunity to throw a few punches and the man could only hold his head and wail.

When the man holding the qipao woman's hand saw this, he immediately ran away.

The other two followed suit.

"Dammit, don't run!" "Police!"

I shouted and chased after her. Then, together with the meat pine, we went back. Looking at the shattered umbrella, I pulled the qipao girl along and ran out of the dark alley.

I held her for a moment and then I remembered something and stopped and turned to look at the woman beside me.

"You …"

The reason why I suddenly stopped was because the woman who was humiliated was the first customer who visited the shop on the fifteenth of the previous month — — Di Jinlian.

I just remembered that Di Jinlian is not there, she's a female ghost!

Looking at the woman in front of him, her wet hair was all over her face. Although her appearance couldn't be seen clearly, she was clearly another person!

"Are my eyes playing tricks on me?"

I looked back, saw that no one was following me, took the woman a few steps, unlocked No. 31, removed the door, and pushed her through.

I ducked in after him and quickly closed the door behind me. I rested my head against the door for a moment to catch my breath, then slowly turned around.

Although the woman in front of him was also wearing a cheongsam, there was clearly a difference between her and Di Jinlian's cheongsam style.

She was not Di Jinlian, nor was she a ghost.

"Xu Huo!"

"Huh?" Hearing the woman call out my name, I couldn't help but be taken aback.

"Don't you know me?"

"You are..."

The Qipao girl shook her hair, lifting her hand to brush the hair on her forehead to the back of her head.

"Damn!" "Big back!"

This woman is actually Sang Lan's classmate, the one who brought me here to 'witness a miracle', the big-backed Pan Ying!

Pan Ying looked around in shock, and then looked at me with wide eyes: "Burial shop... This is back street 31? "

"Yes." I glanced at her.

This woman dressed in the qipao really looked like a woman …

"You are He Shangsheng?" Pan Ying stared at me and asked.

"I... I am Xu Huo. I am looking after the shop on behalf of Old He … "Why did you come here?"

I looked doubtfully at the time, and then at her retro attire. I felt incredulous.

Pan Ying looked at me blankly for a while, "I … Achoo... "Achoo …"

Seeing how thin her clothes were and how cold she was, I looked at my own body and saw that it was completely drenched... I'll have to take her home first.

… ….

"Is this your home?" Pan Ying was dressed in my clothes, sitting on the sofa, holding a teacup, he looked around and asked.

"Did you drink?" I asked instead.


"Did you take drugs?"

"No alcohol, no drugs. You're wearing a qipao at three in the morning and going out in the rain?"

Pan Ying was startled for a moment, put down the teacup and said: "I'm going to back street's 31, to look for He Shangsheng, who is he?"

"Coming to the funeral home in the middle of the night... Do you need to dress like that? " I had a vague feeling that something was wrong.

Pan Ying's expression became blank, and only after a while did she say:

"I don't know why I'm dressed like that either. That qipao is my acting uniform … It was a woman in a green qipao who asked me to come. "

The green qipao …

I thought of Di Jinlian.

She said she came back for the first time, but she didn't come back tonight.

And Pan Ying coincidentally wore a green qipao on her body, appearing in back street.

Although the back street was not very long, it was still close to two hundred meters.

The rain was falling so loudly that I wouldn't have been able to hear Pan Ying's screams from the alley at the end of the street …

"Where's He Shangsheng?" Pan Ying asked.

I looked at her and said, "He's in jail right now. He can't get out for a while."

"The jail?!" Pan Ying opened her eyes wide in shock, her expression unexpectedly showing some anxiety.

"Why are you looking for him?" I asked.

Pan Ying shook her head with all her might, "If we can't find him, that woman will die."

She suddenly looked up: "Xu Huo, when He Shangsheng asked you to help him look after his store, did you have the ability to do so as well? "I remember when you were at the performance hall, you were able to capture all the dead people."

I looked at her, and I said,

"Some things are not for fun, you'd better explain it all to me."

Pan Ying stared at me for a while and nodded her head:

"Alright, I believe in Sang Lan's judgement. Let me tell you the truth. Every day for a week, I've been dreaming of a woman in a green qipao who has asked me to help her find something that if I don't find it, she'll die. "

"Sleeveless Green Flag Robe? Rust golden flowers? With your head wrapped up? "

Pan Ying opened her eyes wide: "You've seen her before?"

I stared at her for a while, then gritted my teeth and said,

"She's called Di Jinlian, she's a ghost."