The Emperor Reigns Them All

v8 Chapter 133: Daoxin

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Sailing in the wild, King Qi said: "Since the emperor has ruled the six kingdoms of Shandong, to this day, with the power of my Han and Tang dynasties, I should have extended the territory for a long time, so that the politics of the Emperor would not be more beautiful than before. However, I want to go, except for Emperor Han Wu and the This dynasty is Taizong, as if we are not doing well.

"If it is in accordance with the time steps of the rise of the Great Qin, hegemony, unification, and the opening of Xinjiang, at this moment, we should have an incalculable land."

This is a practical issue as well as a historical one. Li Ye smiled. "There are many reasons. The most important are two points. First, the level of civilization is not enough. The territory is too large to be able to be beaten, but it cannot be effectively controlled. Second, it is within the country. The ruling class oppressed the people too much, causing most of the national power to become the wealthy private wealth.

"The development of the Tang Dynasty ’s Xiuzhen civilization is enough to rule a thousand miles of territory. If the development of the Xiuzhen civilization is not hindered, after decades, many countries can be effectively controlled. The only problem that needs to be resolved is to let the powerful people spit the country out. come out."

King Qi frowned slightly, "The rich and powerful have encroached on the national power?"

Li Yan looked at her and said, "Why do you think that Qin Guo became extremely powerful after the Shang Dynasty reform? Was there a lot of void power out of nowhere? Of course not. But before that, the aristocracy held a lot of land, population, Wealth is not used by the country, and the potential of the people has not been inspired to become a national power.

"Shang Yang changed the law and changed the aristocratic system into a bureaucratic system. In the final analysis, it is to eliminate the evil spirits who crawl on the country and the people to **** blood. In that era, the national power became the national power to the maximum."

King Qi thought about it and understood some joints, but some joints were more confused.

She was puzzled: "After the Qin Kingdom, there will be no aristocracy? If not, it will have been over a thousand years. The dynasty should have no borders. If there is ... Is history not going backwards?"

Li Yan sighed, faced Tang Tang Weishui, who could not see the end, pondered for a long time, his eyes were painful.

He said: "People are alive and they are trying to find out why they are alive, not for the country. Although the country is strong and its territory is broadened, individuals will also benefit, but there are too few people who can control the state of the country. Some people can only live on their own even if they have ambitions.

"After the Qin Dynasty, although there have been repeated times, the traditional noble landlords have gradually disappeared. However, the landlords have not disappeared. In the agricultural society, land is the fundamental and symbol of wealth. Both officials and large households will wantonly. Merge land and become a new power.

"People lose their land, become tenants, or even become refugees. How are they different from the slaves of the pre-Qin era? There is no essential difference, they can\'t help themselves, and even their own qualifications cannot be guaranteed. The power of the state is swallowed up by the power, and the state actually Not much power.

"At this time, the country will be extremely weak. If there is turmoil, whether it is an invasion of foreign enemies, a rebellion by a high-ranking minister, or a rebellion by the people, the country will be unable to settle the situation and it will only perish. The change of dynasty is here. The root cause is here."

These remarks made Qi Wang Liu Mei\'s eyes tight, unable to stretch for a long time.

The country dies because its national strength is weak, and there is no problem with this assertion. If the people are squeezed by the nobles, it will lead to the weakening of national strength, and if the people are squeezed by the state, it will also lead to the weakening of national strength.

Compared with the nobles, the people are the bottom ants, but they are indeed the foundation of the country.

"Can\'t this situation be changed?" Qi Wang asked Li Yan.

Li Yan said: "Of course it can change."

"How to change?"

"To make the world last a long time, and to make the country strong and strong, it is nothing more than two words: raising people."

"How to feed people?"

"Let it be good for the people."

"Equal distribution of national wealth?"

"That\'s unrealistic. The country can evenly distribute land at the beginning of the founding of the country-for example, the system of equal fields in the Chao Dynasty. But as the society changes, rich people who have more resources and more power will inevitably become richer. The poor are weak and unable to compete with the rich, but only become poorer.

Li Yan continued: "The stronger the stronger, the weaker the weaker. This is an iron law and cannot be broken."

"So what?"

"The state must suppress the powerful and prevent them from sucking too much into the blood of the people."

"It\'s that simple?"

"It\'s not easy."

King Qi was confused, but Li Zhi looked at the sunset behind the distant mountain, and sadness came from it.

How easy is it to suppress the powerful?

In agricultural society, land mergers are very difficult for the country to suppress completely, let alone in the business society. Land mergers have become the embezzlement of wealth. The wealthy and powerful households have more sophisticated and effective means of absorbing common people\'s blood, and it is even more difficult for the nation. Dealt with.

Speaking of which, to curb land mergers, it is only necessary to strictly implement the "equilibrium system". The dynasty has officials who control the powers of the states and counties, and forces that control the use of ordnance. Are they afraid that the powerful and powerful households will not rebel?

The answer is simple: afraid.

I\'m really scared.

Officials and army generals are themselves powerful people and vested interests.

Would the king dare to oppose the powers of the world and force them to cut blood and bleed?

The king did not dare.

The reason why a king is a king is because the power and wealth of the wealthy and heirs listen to his orders. Once the wealthy class does not listen to the orders, the king is lonely, and the throne will be replaced.

Will the king ignore the people?

I dare not.

The reason why a country is a country is because there are people. If people do n’t have a way to live, they rise up and rebel, the country is destroyed, and the king has to be replaced.

So the land merger was extremely serious, and the king would use insight to improve the social situation. However, it is only improvement. As long as the power is not suppressed, it is doomed to not completely change the overall appearance of the country. Therefore, the dynasty finally suffered from national power exhaustion, and it was destroyed when it encountered turbulence.

The nobles and the people are naturally opposed.

The latter creates wealth, the former deprives them of their wealth, which is their respective state of existence.

The wealthy must depend on the people to survive, but the people do not have to depend on the wealthy to survive, so the people should destroy the wealthy. Unfortunately, the power is in the hands of the nobles, and it is precisely because they have the power that they can **** the blood of the people.

Only when the dynasties were changed, the people could destroy the power and wealth, but the result was to shape a new group of powers.

The state and the nobles are also opposite. Unfortunately, the king who rules the country is the same color as the nobles. The ruler is the biggest power in the world. When he takes care of himself, he can\'t take care of the world.

So Li Yong admired Qin Xiaogong. He dared to use Shang Yang and succeeded in changing the law.

However, the deeds of Qin Xiaogong cannot be copied, it belongs only to that period of history.

No matter what the world says, the people are really just ants, they can\'t help themselves, and the power is a behemoth and a beast.

Therefore, the world is not kind, and all things are ruminant dogs.

What the people can do is to become powerful and change their own destiny. In order to keep the people from rebellion, the dynasty will also give them a step into the body, so that they have intelligent and intelligent characters with all kinds of rebellion, become a part of the power, become vested interests, and become their companions.

But this can\'t be changed. The common people are the reality of ants.

"How can I change this world? Change this dead end? Let ordinary people no longer be sucked by the wealthy? Let the power of the country continue to be strong?" Li Yan looked up at the sky.

If this situation cannot be changed, the glory of the Tang Dynasty he created will be as bright as the sun, and it is destined to be the same as that of Zheng Zheng, Liu Che, and Li Shimin.

In that case, the world will fall into the endless cycle of dynasty\'s rise and fall.

In the era where Li Yong lived, all countries seemed to be very prosperous, but that was the development of science and technology, which created more wealth, which caused the cake to become larger and everyone could share more, so we do n’t have to starve to death, There is no artificial reaction.

However, the relationship between the nobles and the people has not fundamentally changed. Once the development of science and technology is stagnated or the speed of increasing wealth to the society is slower than the speed of the nobles to encroach on the people\'s wealth, an endless cycle will occur.

People can actually tolerate powerful people sucking their blood. Because they are weak and cannot fight the strong. But when the vast number of people, even the basic living conditions of clothing, food, shelter, and transportation, have struggled their lives, they cannot be effectively satisfied ...

Li Yan thought hard for a long time, without an answer, he couldn\'t help but feel sad: "Is the glorious Tang Dynasty I created can only become rich in the end? Changan is prosperous, always prosperous with blood? I am simple, courageous and impassioned. Tang Zimin, must he still be boned by the power ?! "

When King Qi saw that Li Yan was not thinking, his face was dark and his breath was disordered, and he couldn\'t help but start to change his color. He didn\'t wait for her to do anything, and found that even Li Xi even started to make a random shock.

The fishing boat at the foot burst into powder, and as the Aura madly scattered around, the entire Weishui air explosion set off a sky of water, countless ships were affected, the hull was damaged, and the personnel fell into the water!

As a great monk, how could King Qi not know that this is the crumbling heart of Li Zhi!

If you ca n’t keep the Tao heart in time, even the foundation of the practice will be damaged, that is, the situation of the collapse, or even your life!

"Li Li!" Qi Wang shouted eagerly, and quickly opened up for repairs to protect the boats and the people on the Weishui River. But her cultivation is far too different from Li Yan, where can she bear Li Yan\'s violent aura? Just a moment later, she was shaken by the heart, and the corners of her mouth were overflowing with blood.

The Weishui River was in a mess, exclaimed, and monks rushed around, trying to rescue those who fell into the water, but they were shocked to fly out by Li Xun\'s strength.

"Li Li, you are the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, how can you confuse yourself ?!" King Qi sang loudly.

Suddenly, the scattered spirit wind stopped, and Li Yi\'s crazy hair slowly dropped.

When King Qi saw Li\'s face, he couldn\'t help shaking.

The eyes, as deep as the sky, are as vast as the sky, as if they contain the power of the universe.

"I want to open up the wisdom of the people!" This is the first sentence Li Zhi said after returning from contemplation.

King Qi froze, wondering.

During the time just before Li Yan, he thought a lot and thought a lot.