The Emperor Reigns Them All

v8 Chapter 132: Cook small fresh

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The battle between Silla and Laos was very smooth. When the whole town of Dongdong was protected, the three-year consecration was still in September, and the weather in Guanzhong was cool. It was a good time for Chang\'an to go out and play.

"The two counties of Chang\'an and Luoyang in Ping\'an Jing have been ordered to change their names-in fact, they have not changed much, just adding a" small "in front of Changan and Luoyang. In the final analysis, Wu Guo took these two names, too Admiration and longing for me.

"With the addition of the word" small ", people there will be reminded at all times that they are only small rural areas under the rule of the Great Tang, and they are only people of the Great Tang. I want to see the real Changan and Luoyang. , You have to make contributions to the **** battle of the imperial court. Therefore, this is also a kind of encouragement and flogging. "

Wei Shui Tang Tang, on an ordinary fishing boat, Li Zhuo supported the mule and talked to Qi Wang sitting on the bow of the boat.

The scenery of the river is beautiful, the leaves are fluttering, and there are many Chang\'an people rowing on the river. Some beautiful people lean over and play in the water. Some scholars bear hands and chant poets.

Seeing King Qi staring at the water, Li Zhe was slightly embarrassed without thinking about himself.

He was embarrassed not because King Qi didn\'t talk, but because he remembered the scene at Qi King\'s house in the morning.

In short, Qi Wang consciously practiced dancing successfully, so he recently invited Li Li to invite him, confident that he could find a good day to open his eyes. Of course, Li Zhi was “happy to see it happen”, but Li Zhi did n’t know where to hear the wind. He waited in front of the palace gate early in the morning.

Since Li Zhi wants to see, Li Zhi will certainly not refuse. After all, Qi Wang practiced the dance of Zhenger Ba Jing, and there is nothing to watch. Besides, in the entire Chang\'an city, except Li Zhi, only Li Zhi knows Qi now. Wang\'s true identity is impossible to have more audiences.

Before entering the Qi Palace, Li Ji repeatedly told Li Qi that he must give Qi King a face, no matter how the other party danced, he could only applaud and applaud, and he must not let King Qi leave the stage. Li Huan patted his chest to guarantee his head, saying that he would definitely give Qi Wang face.

The results are self-evident, Qi Qi is really not talented in terms of melody, just like some people are born with incomplete vowels. She practiced for so long, but when Li Yan watched it, he couldn\'t hold back and sprayed the wine directly. come out.

Later, although Li Zhi immediately plastic surgery and solemnity, but his artistic accomplishments are very high, Qi Wang\'s physical skills with the practice of martial arts are not too much, making him really hard. When it came, another pig accidentally laughed, and couldn\'t stop laughing, and finally annoyed Qi King, stepping down the high platform on the spot, leaving his face cold.

Li Yi, who was standing still, smiled and helped Li Yi aggrieved and said that he was definitely not intentional, but he couldn\'t help it. Li Ye didn\'t blame him. After he was blasted out of Qi King\'s Mansion, he could only go to see King Qi himself, and was relieved for a long time. Then he moved King Qi out of Qi King\'s Mansion and brought Weishui to snorkel.

However, King Qi seemed really angry and sad this time. Li Xun had no words to talk to her for a long time, and she still sat silent on the side of the ship, making Li Xun helpless for a while.

There was no way, Li Yan could only take out the killer hoe, fished a few fish from the river, and started to roast on the small stove on the fishing boat.

This trick really worked. When the two fish were grilled, Qi Wang finally turned around. Although he still hummed twice in his nose, the boss reluctantly looked, but when he received the grilled fish handed over by Li Zhi However, the action is not slow at all, one bite down and chew a few times, and his face is full of joy.

"The matter of the Lao Kingdom has been resolved, and the ocean routes can be successfully developed. What is the situation over Chu Nanhuai and his apprentices?" After eating grilled fish, rubbing his mouth, Qi Wang Zhenger Ba Jing asked Li Yan.

"I have sent monks to support them in the past. As far as I know, there is no such thing as a strong presence there. The entire Indian ethnic group, including the Maya, has the same level of civilization.

"The only special thing is to pay more attention to the worship culture of the starry sky and the gods. It is really important to talk about the entire social civilization and the advanced level is not as good as that of the country, and it can not pose a life threat to Chu Nanhuai."

Li Zhi naturally spoke these words, and some words from the earth did not deliberately avoid it. King Qi was close to him, and Li Zhi told her many times about many things.

He said that there was nothing wrong with it. If the Mayan civilization was really advanced and had a strong vitality, it would not have perished in the long river of history. Even Silla and Laos have been supporting for a long time. Is there no natural disaster or foreign invasion in Silla and Laos?

The country will perish because it is not strong enough, and civilization will perish. The same is true. The difference is that for a race, the weakness of civilization is much worse than the weakness of the country.

After all, the country is dead. As long as civilization does not die, this race is still this race. The country may have another day to rebuild. And once civilization is dead, this race is dead.

Even if there are descendants in the bloodline sense, they will be assimilated by others and become other people, and they will no longer have their own identity in this world.

According to Li Zhi\'s knowledge, Indians, including the Maya, living at the southern tip of Central America and North America at this time had scattered power and mountains, and there was no unity.

Without a unified country, without a unified thinking, without a cohesive force formed by a unified system, there would be no unified national power. Just like wild flowers on the wasteland, they bloomed again and again, and disappeared after a storm.

Such a race is not worth mentioning in the eyes of the current Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, Li Zhi. The richer the place they live in, the more guilty they are.

"Weak meat and strong food are the basic principles of this world. The strong have everything, and the weak must do their best to maintain basic survival. They are often deprived of even this qualification by the strong."

The two fishes that Li Min had just grilled had entered Qi Wang\'s belly. Before he had eaten himself, he took two more fish from the river and continued to grill them on the fire.

He continued: "Master and apprentice Chu Nanhuai is a monk of my Tang Dynasty. They not only possess the strength of the Americas, but also the wisdom of the Americas. Even if they encounter some problems, I have the strength to send support in the past. I believe they will also I can sort out that land before Lingnan Marine Division arrives. "

King Qi had already eaten very satisfied. When he saw Li Yan started grilling the fish again, he turned around and stared at them, his eyes glowed, and Wen Yan looked up at Li Yan and said, "You are quite good to Chu Nanhuai Have confidence."

Li Yan turned the fat fish to the side, "It is not confidence in them, but confidence in the Tang people."

King Qi snorted, knowing that you were bragging about yourself, "Our Majesty, when we praise the country and people under his rule, do we praise ourselves proudly?"

Li Yan laughed, "It\'s the same to praise the people, or to praise themselves. The current situation of Datang is created by our joint struggle, and no one can do without it."

This statement cannot be more reasonable. King Qi likes Li Zhi\'s sober and calm attitude even when he stands at the top. She points to the grilled fish in Li Zhi\'s hand and laughs: "Governing a big country is like cooking small fresh dishes. . "

Speaking of this, King Qi suddenly groaned, before waiting to speak, she looked at the fish that was grilled outside, and said, "I just thought that Silla, Laos, and America are actually roasted by you. Fat fish. "

Li Yan was serious: "You have eaten too."

The two looked at each other, and at the same time smiled, "Let\'s have something to eat for the Tang people."

Li Yan handed the two grilled fish to Qi Wang, who couldn\'t wait any longer.

He looked at Weishui and said with emotion: "At that time, Qin Shihuang conquered the six kingdoms of Shandong, attacked the Huns in the north, and took the Baiyue in the south, creating a situation of unification that had never existed on this land. In the hearts of every Chinese people.

"Because of this, the people on this land can withstand thousands of years of wind and rain, endure countless hardships, and stand up in desperation, shaping our glory again and again.

"The land in the Americas is a country with beautiful mountains and rivers, rich in resources, and it is definitely not lost to us. But compared with the Indians, I know how strong I am in China. Now I have to thank the Emperor for everything I think. Chiaki The Chinese people of Bandai should also thank him.

"The Qin people once said that in the future generations, the windowsill of every family, my big Qin Mingyue will follow it-they did it."

King Qi nodded, "So Da Qin was the first dynasty and the first empire, and Zheng Zheng was the first emperor."

One fish was not enough to eat, but Li Zhi didn\'t think about fishing again, and washed his hands in the river water. He raised the bamboo slug and planned to continue to support the boat. Although he can tell the fishing boat to go according to his ideas without using a mule, the feeling of supporting the boat can be regarded as a unique mood.

King Qi picked up another bamboo slip and left and right with Li Yan, allowing the fishing boat to move quickly and smoothly on the Weishui River.

"In fact, in addition to Silla and Laos, there are many places in the north that can be developed. In the north of Mobei, there are large areas of rich resources, and there are no people, but they are all fat."

Li Yan smiled at King Qi and said, "If King Qi is interested, you can also go to visit it. The scenery is better than staying at the palace."

King Qi glared at Li Yan, "You are trying to say that I can\'t dance well, don\'t bother to worry about it?"

Li Min shrugged and made a wise decision not to argue with the other party.