The Emperor Reigns Them All

v2 Chapter 36: Perseverance

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Wei Nianci saw Xu Xianjian stand up, her charming eyes bent into a half-moon shape, colorful and lingering, but there was no encouragement. The corner of her mouth twitched slightly, waiting to see a good show, lest the world be chaotic.

"Brother Xu, what are you standing up for?" Lv Luo was startled by Xu Xianjian\'s sudden movement, and she blinked with amazement big eyes and looked at Xu Xianjian in puzzlement.

Xu Xian Jianpi smiled, but didn\'t smile: "It\'s nothing, just to see the Xuanpao boy, I feel quite kind and want to know some."

Luluo looked at Wei Nianci and Xu Xianjian. Where can I not understand the mystery inside? Although she is young, she is not stupid, otherwise Wei Nianci would not be able to take her out, "Brother Xu, do n’t you go with!"

After speaking, she gave Wei Nianci an embarrassing glance. Her cousin was okay, but she regarded herself very high. She liked to see men fighting for her blood and enjoying it. If not, she would n’t be both. More than ten years old, I haven\'t thought about getting married, "Sister Wei, don\'t do this.

Wei Nianci saw that Xu Xianjian was standing still, and had the intention to sit down, and could not help but secretly annoyed. Although Xu Xianjian and his fellow Sun Shangjian kept following the same way, they were obviously right. Luluo took care of it a little bit more, meaning that there is no need to say a lot. This made Wei Nianci take a sigh of relief. After all, during her career, she was sought after by others. When was she left out? Sister, I\'m not old yet!

Wei Nianci\'s eyes flickered, and she immediately thought of her heart: "Sister Lu Luo wouldn\'t really look at that son, would you? Yes, if I change to my sister\'s age, I will be tempted, and my life is beautiful. Not to mention, you also know how to read the book, who is not pleasing to the eye? "

Lv Luo blushed. She didn\'t have that thought at all. She just felt that the son of Xuanpao was very charming. So she looked a few more times, and it was far from love at first sight. At most, she had a good impression, but Wei Nianci always did. "Brainwashing", I gradually believed.

When Xu Xianjian saw this battle, his anger rose sharply, which was okay. There was no moon near the water tower, but the moon would shine according to the ditch! Immediately snorted and stood up again, didn\'t you just look at people\'s good-looking, brother told you today that walking in rivers and lakes does not look at looks, but strength!

As soon as Xu Xianjian left the table, Lvluo couldn\'t sit still immediately, and she also got up and tried to stop, didn\'t she? People were eating well and didn\'t provoke us at all. If this was troubled ... Didn\'t it become a bane?

Only Wei Nian\'s eyes flashed coldness and irony.

Li Xun was chatting with Wei Xiaozhuang, and suddenly felt that two people came by and couldn\'t help but look at it. This saw Xu Xianjian looking at him with a poor expression, and a little lady in a blue shirt next to him was helpless. When he saw him, he was ashamed. His face bowed, and he was restless.

"Is there something wrong?" Lee Naghan said.

Xu Xianjian raised the wine glass in his hand, and said generously: "There is no empty sword gate under Xu Xianjian. Seeing the boy\'s extraordinary manners, and getting to know him, I want to admire the boy first!"

Looking for trouble, Xu Xianjian has done too much. He has already become familiar with the road, knowing what to do to not appear to be bullying and do not fall into the wrong hands. After he has spoken, he will do it in honor.

Li Yan looked at Xu Xianjian strangely, but was a little dazed, but when he saw the other party drinking, he didn\'t take a pinch, raised his glass to give a gesture, and drank.

Seeing Li Xun drinking, there was a flash of pride in Xu Xianjian\'s eyes. After serving first, you can\'t refuse my next request after drinking. He glanced at him recklessly, but did not know at this time. What should I do about Luluo, with a smirk in your heart, please take care of the little girl, and see how your brother shows prestige. Don\'t admire your brother too much later.

Xu Xianjian threw the wine glass back at will, and the action was very chic. He knew that the wine glass would steadily fall on the table, so he did not even turn his head back, and then fisted to Li Yi: "I have already had a drink with my son underneath. My friend, next I want to ask the son to give instructions, and I hope the son is complete! "

Xu Xianjian sneered, looking at how you refused, but whenever he wanted to show his face, he could only obey. Seeing the change of Xu Xianjian\'s look, Li Yan looked at the little lady with her head down from beginning to end. Where she didn\'t know what the other person was thinking, she couldn\'t help laughing. This was really done in the house. From heaven. However, walking in rivers and lakes is always inevitable.

Lu Luo finally summoned the courage to speak, whether she was nervous or shy, and her voice was a bit indifferent: "That, son, you don\'t need to bother, we disturbed, then ... goodbye!"

With that said, he turned his head down and did not forget to eagerly pull the robe of La Xu Xianjian.

Of course, Xu Xianjian didn\'t agree, but raised his head and exclaimed: "Lv Luo, haven\'t you always been optimistic about this boy? Can you be optimistic, presumably compulsory and good, and give pointers to your brother\'s cultivation, you should not Will he? "

Lv Luo was forced to turn around again, and when she looked up at Li Yan again, her eyes became red and she almost cried. What happened today made her completely at a loss.

Wei Xiaozhuang, a deputy monk, was scratching his head. About Nahan can still ask for advice. Cui Keli understands people and sees a glance. Su Emei looked at Lv Luo slightly and did not know. Thinking something.

Li Yan smiled and said to Xu Xianjian: "Do you really want me to instruct you to cultivate?"

Xu Xianjian hugged his fist and said, "I still want the son to be complete!" He sneered secretly, and when I knocked you down, the little lady of green dill would worship me very much, and it was not impossible for you to be secret, you are destined to be my stepping stone, but I won\'t thank you.

Li Yan said to Xu Xianjian: "Then you wait outside the door."

Of course, Xu Xianjian knew that he couldn\'t fight in the restaurant, so he didn\'t think that there was a problem with Li Yan\'s words. He immediately said with high spirits: "I\'ll wait for you outside the door."

Wei Nianci and Sun Shangjian on the adjacent table, seeing Xu Xianjian didn\'t take any words, let Li Yan agree with his request. At the same time, he was slightly surprised, and there were some surprises. For Wei Nianci, this meant that The show is about to begin, and she has fun to watch, while Sun Shangjian is scolding Li Ye for being stupid.

But fun did not show up.

Because Xu Xianjian did not go out.

He stood motionless.

Li Yan has already turned around and continued to jokes with Wei Xiaozhuang and others.

Xu Xianjian hasn\'t stepped forward, he immersed himself in the same place as if he was in a penalty station.

Wei Nianci was still waiting to see a good show, seeing Xu Xianjian\'s appearance, could not help but urge: "Brother Xu, why don\'t you leave?"

Xu Xianjian clenched his fists tightly, and his vest was sweating coldly. He couldn\'t even step back when he stepped out of the door. When Li Yan finished talking, he suddenly felt that his body seemed to be pressing down a mountain, making him unable to move. !!

Can\'t even talk!

Xu Xianjian fell into the ice cave, his hands and feet were cold, he couldn\'t react anywhere, he met a master!

Sun Shangjian first noticed something strange, and he stood up all of a sudden, going to see what happened.

But he just got up, didn\'t even turn around, he just stayed in place, his hands trembled, and a mountain-like repair force suddenly pressed on him, which made him worse. Kneel on the spot!

Wei Nianci saw the appearance of Sun Shangjian and finally reacted. Xu Xianjian and Sun Shangjian were obviously being suppressed!

She covered her open mouth with surprise. Her wide eyes were incredible, and she looked at Li Yan in disbelief.

His cultivation is so high?

Now Luluo found something wrong. She was crying because of blame and shame. Now she saw Xu Xianjian standing still and very uncomfortable. She was surprised and waited. To Sun Shangjian, he looked like an enemy, and was immediately laughed by them.

These two nasty guys are more aggressive than others. If it wasn\'t for Wei Nianci, she wouldn\'t want to stay with them. It just embarrassed her just a little bit now. Now she is happy to see them being taught. Wei Nianci looked at Li Yan\'s gaze, and she suddenly had a big difference from before. There was no longer a joke, but it was full of surprise and dignity. Just as she discovered an incredible treasure by accident, she turned her eyes. Standing up with a smile, came to Luluo, took her hand and asked gently, "Are you all right?"

She looked like a big sister.

Seeing Lv Luo shook her head, Wei Nianci immediately turned her head and looked at Li Yan, revealing a smile of apology that was impeccable and charming: "It\'s really embarrassing to disturb the son, all the little girls, no Restraint the curiosity of my sister, this case is not to compensate the son. "

Li Min glanced at Wei Nianci for a moment, then retracted his gaze.

Wei Nianci Weiwei, he was so beautiful, why did the other person just glance at it and look back?

She is unwilling, and has the contempt of annoyance. She wants to get back some face. Moreover, Li Zhi is a big family child. She has no background in life and knows how much higher than her. She is so capable of completely suppressing Xu Xianjian. Rarely, she has never married and is still walking the rivers and lakes, not to find such a "golden turtle" for her family? Now, how can you let it go easily when you come across it?

Wei Nianci smiled sweetly: "It was just offending the son, it seems that the son is angry with the little girl, how about the little girl punishing herself with a cup?"

Without talking about Li Xun\'s refusal, he returned to the table, poured a glass of wine, came to Li Xuan, drank it, and smiled more charmingly and enchantingly: "Can the son be satisfied?"

Li Ye still only gave her a slight glance, not even the interest of speaking.

Feeling Li Yan\'s indifference, Wei Nianci secretly gritted his teeth, and has seen someone who has a pinch gesture, but has not seen you so pinch gesture. Where did this fairy go? Have you ever been so angry!

Wei Nianci is indeed a steadfast-minded generation, and he is even more reluctant to give in. Now he pours himself a glass of wine: "If the son is not satisfied, the little girl will drink it again."

In Lu Luo\'s surprised eyes, Wei Nianci drank three glasses in a row.

This wine is nothing to her at all, but she deliberately shook her body, holding her forehead to look drunk. The fairy was drunk with you, and see how you can get rid of the relationship, here So many people look at it, I don\'t believe you dare to ignore it!

"Sister Wei, are you okay?" Luluo thought Wei Nianci was really drunk, worried, and blame herself again: "They all blame Luluo, and did something wrong for Sister Wei!" They said they would take Wei Nianci\'s hip flask Liquor, personally repay Li Yan.

Li Yan, who has always been charismatic about Wei Nian, finally turned around, but looked at Lulu: "Little girl, stop drinking, I\'m not angry with you."

Lv Luo gave a whisper, a jug and a wine glass, and stunned there, not knowing what to do.

Wei Nian was so kind that she was about to run away. The old lady spent so much energy and drank so much alcohol, you did n’t advise. Now Xiao Nizi has n’t drunk yet, are you worried? Why are you so biased? !!

Wei Nian gritted her teeth, but her face was full of smiles: "Son, can we sit down? So many people watch."

After she had said this, she did not forget to blink her bright eyes and send Qiu Bo to Li Yan secretly. Wei Nianci knew very well that when the woman was a little stunned, she was full of charm. She is very confident in her appearance, which is touted by countless men. She doesn\'t believe she will lose her forehead today!

Even if the other party is not cold or hot, it is because of Xu Xianjian\'s affairs that he is angry, but as long as he persists, the other party can really turn a blind eye to his beauty?

Wei Nianci\'s words fell, and Li Yan hadn\'t said that she was sitting in front of her, always facing away from her Su Emei, and had stood up sideways, watching to make room for her.

Wei Nianci saw Su Emei\'s face.

Where is she suddenly sulking, red lips round!

how can that be!

Her confidence in her appearance disappeared in an instant!

She suddenly understood why Li Li was so indifferent to her.