The Emperor Reigns Them All

v2 Chapter 35: Goodbye

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A horse and a horse traveled to a small town.

Although some unpleasant things happened on the road, there was no reason to turn back without delivering the goods. Moreover, Cui Li\'s carriage was followed by the chariot, and Su Emei Wei Xiaozhuang had seen them both. The chariots who shot the horse all felt that the trip was very safe.

Because of gratitude, fellow chariots and horses, including Yang Feng, talked hotly with Su Emei and Wei Xiaozhuang along the way, not to ask them to guide them in cultivation, and they could talk to the celestial minister. In the above, it is all the capital boasted in the future.

However, Yang Feng and others quickly disappointed and found that no matter how they put on their hot faces, Tianxian Daodao was never cold or hot. Although he did not have a clear and arrogant attitude, he had absolutely no intention to approach them and talk to her. It\'s also limited to polite answers, but the fat pride is very enthusiastic and can chat with anyone for a long time.

In this way, Yang Feng and others will not take hot faces and put on cold ass. Tianxian Dao obviously has a quiet temperament and does not like talking to people. This is not to miss them, they can\'t entangle people. Is that annoying? Can\'t say a few more words to others, at least make a good impression on others.

Wei Xiaozhuang looked around at the lively town, and after turning away from Li Da and Li Yan, he said quietly: "Sister, what did you say Brother Li did? He shouldn\'t be in trouble to find the Prince Wang Right? "

Su Emei is just not used to talking to strangers. She is still easy-going with Wei Xiaozhuang, but Wei Xiaozhuang\'s problem still confused her eyes. She thought about it and said in an uncertain tone: "I don\'t know ... However, after listening to Yang Feng, they said that the Wang family is one of the four major families in Qingzhou. They did not find the reason to lose face after suffering a loss, but strangely, they never appeared again. "

This is the speculation that Li Zhi went to the royal family, Wei Xiaozhuang focused his head, and recognized Su Emei\'s judgment, but immediately he got up again: "Four big families in Qingzhou, aren\'t they masters like clouds? And the royal family is still the gate, then It is even more hand-to-eye, if Brother Li really went to find them, would there be any trouble? "

When Wei Xiaozhuang said this, Su E\'s eyebrows, who were worried about Li Yan, frowned slightly. She was silent, and Huakaiyue\'s good face climbed up with a little annoyance: "I knew this. It was time to go with him. "

"But Brother Li didn\'t let us follow?" Wei Xiaozhuang disturbed his head. "If Brother Li is really righteous, when he met us, he would help me to cure the disorder of drunkenness. We went to Cui\'s house. We originally planned to entertain him well, but he helped him again. This time, we protected Mr. Cui to Penglai, and encountered a car and horse line insulted by the Wang family on the road. ... "

Speaking of this, Wei Xiaozhuang\'s eyes glowed, and the expression of worship appeared in his eyes: "Sister, do you think this is not the way to see the unevenness and help each other? In the Taoist temple, the old Master listened to us and said those ancient knights They are all walking in the world to support the weak, so as to what Brother Li is doing, should he be called a hero? "

Su Emei frowned, and then Zheng Jianjian headed: "Of course he is!"

Seeing that Su Emei agreed with her inference, Wei Xiaozhuang laughed happily, just as Su Emei pursed her lips and thought about these few days, Wei Xiaozhuang suddenly unexpectedly asked a question that surprised Su Emei: "Sister, when I was going down the mountain, Master told us that if she met someone she likes at the foot of the mountain, then don\'t think about returning to Taoism, and just marry home. Brother Li is so narrow-minded, isn\'t she interested?"

Su Emei didn\'t expect Wei Xiaozhuang to talk about this suddenly, her cheeks were flushed immediately after she slightly twitched, and she gave Wei Xiaozhuang a grumpy look, and her silver teeth gritted: "Wei Xiaozhuang! Is your skin itchy?"

Wei Xiaozhuang shrugged: "I\'m thinking about your life-long events, Master said, the woman is going to marry someone ..."

Su E\'s eyebrows were so shameless, this was again under the spectacle of the court, and she could not wait to dig a seam to drill into it. When she saw Wei Xiaozhuang\'s endless talk, her face became reddish, and she had to stare at Wei Xiaozhuang fiercely. The killing of the eyes is full of warnings.

Seeing Su Emei\'s appearance, Wei Xiaozhuang thought that Su Emei was unwilling and quickly responded: "Yes, brother Li, although chivalrous, looks a bit ugly, ca n’t compare with us, sister you do n’t like it too normal."

"Nonsense! Where is he ugly ?!" Su Emei immediately retorted.

Wei Xiaozhuang blinked blankly: "Isn\'t it ugly?" He quickly reacted again, with great interest: "So, did Sister Li see Brother Li?"

Su Emei froze: "You don\'t have it! Who cares about him!"

Wei Xiaozhuang said a second, and thought he understood Su Emei\'s meaning again: "After all, he still looks ugly."

Su Emei: "..."

The chariot stopped outside a restaurant, and the accompanying buddies stopped on the spot. Yang Feng went to negotiate with the restaurant buddies, and then came back to call Su Emei and others to enter the building.

The guys at the Chamaxing, except for a few people in the Wuzong realm, did not intend to enter the door. Later, the restaurant buddies will bring their meals out and let them solve them by the van. Anyway, it is some steamed cakes or something. When going out, these people on the ground floor do not expect to enter the restaurant. The reason why they stop here is mainly to supply dry food.

Cui Keli stepped out of the carriage, and Wei Xiaozhuang eagerly greeted him to enter the door.

Looking at the restaurant\'s signboard, Cui Keli sighed: "I don\'t know where Li Gongzi is now. I hope he didn\'t go after the Wang family\'s dude ... The Wang family is the gatekeeper, Ping Lujun is always arrogant and behaves rudely. If you do n’t talk about the rules, Li Gongzi rides alone, and there is no one to take care of it. If he is entangled by the Wang family, it will be troublesome. "

When Su Emei heard Cui Keli\'s words, she couldn\'t help but look worried. She was worried about Li Yan at the moment and couldn\'t help thinking: "Although Li Gongzi is a high-level man, he has a lot of experience in rivers and lakes, but it ’s still too much to be alone. Dangerous ... After dinner, shall I tell everyone and go back to him? "

With this in mind, Su Emei could not help but glance behind her. The long streets are bustling and bustling, but they are all unfamiliar faces. She burst out in her heart. I am not familiar with this place.

Just thinking about this, Su Emei suddenly heard a bright laughter, and then a familiar voice, from far to near the restaurant: "You are finally here, but I have been waiting here for a long time."

Su Emei\'s heartbeat suddenly snapped, and suddenly she turned around and saw a handsome goddess, who was coming out of the restaurant with a smile, and arched to the crowd: "I have ordered wine and wait for everyone to come to the table. "

Who is this Li Yan?

Why is he here? Su E\'s eyebrows looked at Li Yan, feeling extraordinarily incredible.

Wei Xiaozhuang greeted the surprise first: "Brother Li, how did you get to us?"

Li Yan laughed: "I\'m going to catch up with you after I\'ve done my business. But I\'m on the trail, so hurry up. Forget it, you will arrive today, and you\'ll just wait here."

Then, Li Yan glanced at Su Emei.

Seeing Li Yan looking to himself, Su E lowered his head, this guy is always so unexpected.

The crowds entered the restaurant and took their seats respectively. As usual Li Li sat at a table with Cui Keli, Wei Xiaozhuang and Su Emei, and Yang Feng and the horse and horse dealers sat at another table. As Li Zhi said, he was already applauded After the wine and dishes, everyone sat down for a long time, and the hot food was served.

This time without waiting for Wei Xiaozhuang to ask questions, Cui Keli said to Li Li: "Cui Mou also told the two Taoist chiefs that Li Gongzi left this trip and did not go to see the talents of the Wang family. Otherwise, there will be constant trouble. The son returned safely, and I was relieved when I waited. "

The words were tentative, Li Min smiled, "I went to meet a friend."

"What kind of friends?" Wei Xiaozhuang was full of interest. This young Taoist who entered the rivers and lakes was full of curiosity about everything in the rivers and lakes. "Li Gongzi\'s friends must be very powerful, but unfortunately I didn\'t see them. regret."

Cui Keli looked at Li Yan intentionally or unintentionally, and wanted to hear how he responded.

Li Yan greeted everyone to go down with chopsticks and heard the words responded: "It is impossible to talk about it. If you want to meet, you may have a chance in the future."

If Cui Keli had a deep meaning: "It is strange to say that during the period when Li Gongzi left, the people of the Wang family did not come to trouble again. This is not in line with their arrogant temperament."

Wei Xiaozhuang opened his eyes and looked at Li Yan with great anticipation: "Isn\'t Li Gongzi going to see the Wang family?"

After asking this question, I suddenly felt impossible. After all, the Wang family was very powerful. If Li Yan went to find them, he would not come back so quickly. Wei Xiaozhuang laughed twice to resolve the embarrassment.

Li Yiyi calmly pickled vegetables to eat, and said indifferently: "Is the person of the Wang family? Maybe they have experienced so much, so I dare not come for the time being."

Crickly didn\'t get the answer he wanted and didn\'t keep asking, it seemed too deliberate to ask again.

Everyone was talking and did not notice that a table not far from them was paying attention from time to time, that was two men, two women and four young people, men\'s brocade belts, women\'s blouses, skirts, dress up They are quite rich.

One of the younger women, about sixteen or seventeen years old, wore two shofar braids, gave birth to a small goose egg face, and the childishness had not faded. Under the curved eyelashes, a pair of black gemstone eyes, Looking curiously at Li Yan.

"What\'s wrong with Luluo? What\'s wrong with that guy?"

Next to the girl, a young man with a feminine face, seeing that the girl looked different, asked in a loud voice, and there was an imperceptible alert in Li Zhi\'s eyes.

The girl called Luluo gave a slight whistle, and after returning to her head, she quickly lowered her head and used the grilled food to cover up her disappointment. From time to time, the cheeks of the cheeks were full and swelled: "Nothing."

"Isn\'t Luluo fancy for others? I can see that you have been there for a while. You have a good vision. The boy is not only born handsome but rare, but also has a long breath and is not low."

A joking voice joked that it was a woman beside Luluo, wearing a dark green jersey, in her twenties, Dan Fengyan\'s eyes were unexplainably charming, and a pair of flame red lips were even more enchanting, especially like laughing at this time When you get up, you should be beautiful.

The girl is picking up food faster, and her head is lowered. If it is not the small bowl, it is estimated that she will bury her small head into the bowl. After listening to the other party, she is coquettishly weak and coquettishly said: " Sister Wei! "

Sister Wei did not intend to let her go. She had white and snowy hands supporting her flawless chin. She looked at Li Yan with a smile, and relentlessly added firewood: "Otherwise, novices will have good luck Well, when Lu Luo went out the first time, she encountered such a rare son. Is n’t that fate? But she is not a mouthful. The son is well-dressed. Every act is relaxed and modest, and he agrees with etiquette. He is a family member, and you Look at him talking to the people around him, there is no shelf, such a son, but very rare! "

Sister Wei looked at the two men at the same table intentionally or unintentionally, and the corners of her eyes were like deep smiles.

Lu Luo put down the bowl, raised her small face angrily, and the rice grains were still sticking to her mouth, but she was very solemn. She looked at Sister Wei, and when you talked about it again, I cried to show you the grievance expression, cute and lovely.

Sister Wei suddenly giggled, and it was quite a bit of flowers and flowers, but wasn\'t it? The full **** were "automatic without wind".

This beauty fell in the eyes of the two men at the same table. They almost didn\'t let their chopsticks fall to the ground, but after listening to Sister Wei\'s words, they saw Lulu\'s shameful response. When they looked at Li Yan again, they had a lot of hostility in their eyes. .

The man who was close to Luluo had a feminine face and had been maintaining a personable manner, but at this moment he could not bear the anger. He and the man who looked just like him, with long hands and feet, were all disciples of Laizhou Wukong Jianmen, and he was an outstanding disciple of this generation.

Although Wukong Jianmen can not be compared with Penglai Daomen, it is also a big faction in Laizhou. On the status of rivers and lakes, it is on a level with Qingshui Mountain Villa and Jimo Mountain Villa. Walking on rivers and lakes on weekdays is all tied up.

This time Penglai Daomen held the Fairy Road Conference, and Wukong Jianmen was also invited. Soon after they went out, they met the two. A disciple of Jianjian Jian has moved his mind, and he has done his utmost to act as a messenger of flower protection all the time.

However, it is only Wei Nianci and Luluo from the Laizhou Xiaoshi clan. Their attitude towards them has always been salty, and if they are away, no matter how they dig out of the hollow and please, even the Wushuang Sword style of the empty sword gate is exposed a lot. They also failed to win their hearts. Although they were secretly annoyed, they also had patience and planned to fight long-term.

But now, a guy who doesn\'t know where to come from, just sitting next to them and not even talking to the two "Women", has won the favor of the two Women How can two outstanding disciples who want to be beaten to be the hopeless future of Jianmen?

The feminine Xu Xianjian stood up first.