The domineering president loves his wife like loving his life

Chapter 244

At that moment, her heart seemed to be emptied.

She didn't expect that Yu Yiling was so cruel that she threw it directly into the lake.

Leng Shanshan looked at her and turned pale. She took Yu Yiling and whispered, "you threw this thing into the lake. If you were known by my brother, my brother would not let you go."

"Ha ha... What are you afraid of? In his heart, I'm more important than this woman, so he won't do anything to me." Yu Yiling was full of confidence, so she recognized that Leng Haotian would not do anything to her, so she would act recklessly and do whatever she wanted.

Yi Ruyan listened to Yu Yiling's words.

Yes, Yi Ruyan also knows that no matter what Yu Yiling does, Leng Haotian will protect her.

Suddenly, Yi Ruyan felt that what he had been insisting on became meaningless.

Will such a marriage really be happy?

Yi Ruyan also knows that as long as Yu Yiling has been inserted among them, their marriage should never be happy and have no results.

Instead, why not give up.

Such a marriage is too tired for Yi Ruyan. It's really too tired.

"Hehe... You cherish the fifty cent coin so much. You are so rare about this broken thing. You jump down and get it. I believe as long as you get it for three days, you should get it." Yu Yiling looked at Yi Ruyan with satire and a proud face.

"Three days and three nights... Is that still alive?" Leng Shanshan was a little worried.

Although Leng Shanshan doesn't like Yi Ruyan and hates her very much, Leng Shanshan just wants to revenge her. She just wants to see her pain and leave lenghaotian to let Yu Yiling marry in as her sister-in-law. She never wanted to let Yi Ruyan die.

It's so cold now. If Yi Ruyan really jumps down, he will die and freeze to death.

Don't say you're frozen, you'll drown, too.

"You're crazy. What if you let her jump, freeze and drown? My brother will never let us go. " Leng Shanshan looked at Yu Yiling with some worry and said.

"Don't worry, even if she is frozen and drowned, your brother won't do anything to us. Don't worry. Because this woman is not important in your brother's heart. Maybe her death is a solution for your brother. " Yu Yiling looked at Yi Ruyan's painful appearance and continued to say these words to stimulate her.

After hearing these words, Yi Ruyan thought: will it?

Is that really the case?

In Leng Haotian's heart, is he important?

Sometimes, Yi Ruyan doesn't know whether he is important in lenghaotian's heart.

If he really jumped down, what would Leng Haotian do? Will you be sad? If he dies, what will Leng Haotian do? Will he marry Yu Yiling?

"It's as easy as smoke. Don't think about it. Jump down and you'll die. Divorce your brother. Brother doesn't love you. You divorced your brother. Go to find your ex boyfriend, Luo Mingyu. Isn't he very kind to you? Why do you have to pester my brother? My brother doesn't love you. My brother loves Yu Yiling. " Leng Shanshan tightened her eyebrows and advised Yi Ruyan in a hurry.

Yi Ruyan seems to feel that lengshanshan is thinking of her at this time.