The domineering president loves his wife like loving his life

Chapter 243

"Hehe... Do you think I will believe what you say?" Yi Ruyan actually believes in Leng Haotian. She believes that even if yu Yiling has a place in Leng Haotian's heart, Leng Haotian can't give Yu Yiling the fifty cents.

Yi Ruyan recalled that last night, Leng Haotian still hung this fifty cent coin on his key. Why is it in her hand today?

Yi Ruyan thought again that Cheng Suqin mentioned that he had lost something at home last night.

No, it means that Leng Haotian lost something important and couldn't find it in the whole house. At that time, Yi Ruyan felt that there was something wrong with everyone. Moreover, at that time, Wu Ma said something wrong. What she said was an important document. Recalling Leng Shanshan's words, Yi Ruyan immediately understood.

Maybe the fifty cent coin disappeared yesterday. Did Leng Haotian take a vacation?

Or is Yu Yiling's fifty cent coin fake?

"If you don't believe me, it's up to you." Yu Yiling said with a smile.

"Yu Yiling... Last night, I saw Leng Haotian carrying the fifty cent coin. I read it carefully. I engraved those words myself. It's the one I gave him. You should be fake. Don't think you've seen Leng Haotian drying this jewelry on the Internet. You casually imitated one and said it was given to you by Leng Haotian. I believe it." Yi Ruyan actually has no bottom in her heart. She just wants to know what's going on.

Yi Ruyan also knows that if you ask Yu Yiling seriously, Yu Yiling will not tell you. If you ask lenghaotian, lenghaotian probably won't tell the truth. Therefore, Yi Ruyan must rely on himself.

"Ha ha... I tell you, this is the one you sent. There are words engraved by yourself on it. I think you should be able to see whether you engraved it by yourself." Yu Yiling held the fifty cent coin tightly and handed it to Yi Ruyan.

Yi Ruyan naturally knows the words engraved by herself. This is what she gave to Leng Haotian. She knows very well.

So, Leng Haotian, was that fake yesterday?

Last night, Yi Ruyan didn't read the engraved words carefully. After all, she didn't expect Leng Haotian to cheat her.


When she thought of this, Yi Ruyan's heart still hurt. She believed Leng Haotian so much. As a result, Leng Haotian actually lied to her.

Yi Ruyan felt that they were husband and wife. Dao Zi was willing to believe that lenghaotian would not give Yu Yiling the fifty cents. That is, he lost the fifty cents she gave but didn't tell her. He also faked and lied to her.


Why lie to her.

This point, Yi Ruyan's heart can't accept.

She suddenly felt that their hearts were still far away.

"Yu Yiling, I don't care how you get this thing, but it's mine. Please give it back to me." Yi Ruyan looked at her with a pale face and a cold tone.

Yu Yiling didn't return it, but was a little proud: "hehe... Is this your thing? What evidence do you have? Besides, you gave this thing to Haotian. Haotian saw that I liked it and gave it to me again. Therefore, now this thing is mine. "

"I know you cherish it very much, but Haotian doesn't cherish it. Therefore, please don't do these things again in the future. It's not necessary. You say that you are full of joy and spend all your efforts to give him such a thing, but he doesn't cherish it at all. What's the meaning of this? It's not yourself who was hurt in the end?" When Yu Yiling finished, he directly tossed the fifty cent coin into the lake, and the fifty cent coin was thrown into the lake.