The domineering president loves his wife like loving his life

Chapter 241

Leng Haotian felt that Yi Ruyan smiled when he looked at himself with his hot eyes. His heart tightened and thought, is it OK at night?

Getting into the quilt, Leng Haotian hugged Yi Ruyan, and the man's clear breath came to his face, making Yi Ruyan's heart jump.

When lying with Leng Haotian every night, Yi Ruyan always feels very dangerous.

Because Leng Haotian has started to hurt her, but she wants to eat her impulse. She feels very dangerous.

However, Leng Haotian still respects her very much. As long as she doesn't want to, he won't touch her.

"Wife, the moon is so round and big tonight." Leng Haotian's hoarse and sexy voice sounded in her ear.

Yi Ruyan understood as soon as he heard it, and his heart gently grabbed: "HMM. So go to bed early and go to work tomorrow. "

"Don't you think today's night is very ambiguous? So, are we going to do something? " Leng Haotian continued to test.

"I'm sleepy." Yi Ruyan was so angry that he turned his back to him.

Leng Haotian sighed. He knew that she still didn't want to.

"Wife..." Leng Haotian hugged her from behind: "have you ever thought about divorcing me?"

"No." Yi Ruyan didn't expect Leng Haotian to ask such a question. His heart pulled and felt some pain.

Does he want to?

"Huh? Do you want to? " Yi Ruyan's tone is a little sad.

"How possible." Leng Haotian quickly explained: "as I said, I can't divorce you in my life. There is no word divorce in my dictionary."

"Then why did you suddenly say this question?" Easy as smoke.

"Since you didn't want to divorce me, we are also husband and wife. We always have a baby, don't we? Will you give me a baby? Whether it's a boy or a girl, I like it very much, because you gave birth to it. " Leng Haotian coaxed her gently.

Yi Ruyan listens to it for a second, but he still doesn't want to pop.

"I think we just got married, or flash marriage. Our relationship is not very stable, and I'm still young. I don't want to have children so early. Mainly, I think it's still early to have children. I'm afraid." Yi Ruyan has refused so obviously. Leng Haotian is not a fool. Naturally, he can understand.

"Emotional instability?" Leng Haotian tightened his eyebrows and said something displeased.

"Isn't it?" Yi Ruyan thinks that the two of them are not emotionally unstable now?

After all, for Yi Ruyan, Leng Haotian still has Yu Yiling in his heart.

Leng Haotian's understanding is that Yi Ruyan's heart should not be able to forget her senior, so her feelings are not stable.

OK, Leng Haotian understands now.

"I try to manage our marriage well. I hope we can love each other and love each other all our life, okay?" Yi Ruyan turned around, gently hugged his strong waist and said softly in his ear.

Yi Ruyan said that. Doesn't Leng Haotian understand?

Yes, I know everything.

"Yes. I will too. I'm not running our marriage alone. I'm also working hard together. " Leng Haotian hugged her and kissed her on the forehead: "sleep."

"Yes." Yi Ruyan nodded happily. She knew that one day, she could enter lenghaotian's heart.