The domineering president loves his wife like loving his life

Chapter 240

Fortunately, we can eat together now.

Leng Haotian looked at Yi Ruyan and ate with him with chopsticks. He looked at her with a spoiled smile and asked, "didn't you eat either?"

"I didn't eat after two bites. I wanted to eat with you and accompany you when I went to your company. As a result... You went out to have a big meal yourself. Hum...... "Yi Ruyan wrinkled his nose at Leng Haotian naughtily. He looked very cute.

Leng Haotian looks at Yi Ruyan's lovely appearance and really loves her to the bone.

The eyes doted on her, and the deep eyes seemed to suck her in.

When Yi Ruyan was stared at by Leng Haotian's hot eyes, she was a little embarrassed to smile and said discontentedly, "eat your meal and see what I do."

Yi Ruyan finished and bowed his head for dinner.

After dinner, Leng Haotian and Yi Ruyan went back to their room.

When Leng Haotian went to take a bath, he took out the key from his pocket. When there was a hard defect of fifty cents hanging on the car key, Yi Ruyan's heart warmed, smiled, picked up the car key, looked at the fifty cents coin, smiled and said, "you really take it with you every day."

"Yes. It's from my wife. It's very precious. " Leng Haotian said humbly, "I'm going to take a bath."

Leng Haotian said and directly took the car key in Yi Ruyan's hand.

"Why, I can't have a look." Yi Ruyan looked at him with a smile and said with dissatisfaction.

"This is my most precious thing. I'm very rare. Don't look again." Leng Haotian took the car key and went into the bathroom together.

Yi Ruyan looked at Leng Haotian's baby and couldn't help laughing: "naive, hahaha..."

Leng Haotian is very warm to see Yi Ruyan's treasure. However, he is very sad that he has lost her gift. If she knows, she should be very disappointed with herself. She should be very sad.

The more so, Leng Haotian's heart is more guilty. The more he tangles about whether to tell her or not.

If you don't tell her, you feel sad and can't face her.

Tell her I'm afraid she'll be disappointed in herself.

I'm really bored.

After Leng Haotian came out after taking a bath, Yi Ruyan already lay down and looked at his mobile phone.

Yi Ruyan watched Leng Haotian come out naked. His heart was tight and his face was slightly red.

Yi Ruyan always feels that there is still something missing between their husband and wife.

Is it because there is no round house yet?

Before, Yi Ruyan wanted Leng Haotian to take her. She had seduced Leng Haotian before, but Leng Haotian didn't want to touch her even if he wanted and longed for her.

Later, slowly, Leng Haotian also wanted her, but she didn't want to.

Yi Ruyan doesn't know what she's sticking to. She always feels that the time is not ripe, not yet.

Yi Ruyan also knows that it will be sooner or later to round up a house with lenghaotian, but not now.

Maybe she is waiting for Leng Haotian to fall in love with her completely. There is only her day in her heart. When that day comes, Yi Ruyan will give himself to him safely. That night will be beautiful.

Therefore, Yi Ruyan is unwilling now.

Moreover, she always felt that Leng Haotian's heart had more than Yiling, but she was uncomfortable doing such intimate things with him. Therefore, continue to wait and see if she can wait until that day. If she can't wait, she'll talk later.