The domineering president loves his wife like loving his life

Chapter 203

"What do you want?" Cheng Suqin tightened her eyebrows and looked at Leng Shanshan with a worried face. She was afraid that she would do something impulsively to make Leng Haotian angry.

"I don't want to do anything. Mom, I'm going to call dad. " Leng Shanshan angrily took her cell phone and was ready to call to complain.

"You fight. Even if you fight, it's no use. You're not his own. Leng Haotian is his own and the successor of Leng's group. Who do you think he will protect? I advise you not to do something disgusting. " Cheng Suqin was really angry this time.

I don't listen to her at ordinary times. This time something happened.

Leng Shanshan listened to Cheng Suqin, put down her cell phone, tightened her eyebrows, looked at Cheng Suqin with a sad face and asked, "Mom, tell me what I should do."

"You can do what ah Hao told you just now. The most important thing now is Yi Ruyan. As long as Yi Ruyan is happy, ah Hao will be happy. Moreover, if this thing can make Yi Ruyan help plead, I believe it's no problem to restore your living expenses of 50000 a month. Therefore, you should know what to do next." Cheng Suqin is also a shrewd woman.

"You want me to beg her? I don't want it. " Lengshanshan said stubbornly.

"I'm not asking you to beg her. Be polite to her in the future, slowly let her accept us and have a better relationship with us. Do you think she won't want to ask ah Hao for help in the future? Yi Ruyan looks very kind to me and speaks very well. It doesn't mean to be right with us. I don't understand. Why do you want to be right with her? Is it for Yu Yiling? Can Yu Yiling provide you with food and drink for a lifetime? " Cheng Suqin was so angry that he gave birth to a daughter who didn't understand.

"Mom, she is my good friend. Good sister, I won't help her. Besides, she and her brother are a couple. She destroyed them. " Lengshanshan said angrily.

"OK, you think so. You can continue to do what you want to do. When you are tortured by Leng Haotian, don't come to me when life is better than death." Cheng Suqin said coldly and left.

Angry, really angry.

She is not sensible at all. She doesn't listen to what she says. Cheng Suqin is free to her. If her character doesn't teach her a lesson, she will suffer losses when she goes out in the future.

In addition, Cheng Suqin's words are useless. She can only do it.

Cheng Suqin left angrily. Leng Shanshan was deeply wronged: "why, why should everyone help that cheap woman."

Angry and wronged, let Yi Ruyan run to find Yi Ruyan.

Yi Ruyan goes out to dinner with Su Rumeng. After dinner, she strolls around again. When she comes back, she finds lengshanshan waiting for her, which makes Yi Ruyan a little confused.

Why did lengshanshan suddenly come to her?

"Yi Ruyan, you cheap woman, you seduce my brother and destroy the relationship between my brother and sister Yiling. Now you still speak ill of me to my brother, so that my brother won't give me living expenses anymore. Why are you so vicious?" Leng Shanshan pushed her as soon as she came up, and Yi stared at her and scolded her like smoke.

Yi Ruyan really didn't expect Leng Shanshan to push her. She was pushed down directly. Her forehead hit the foot of the table and hurt her teeth.