The domineering president loves his wife like loving his life

Chapter 204

"Who are you. Where's the wild girl? She talks nonsense as soon as she comes up. " Su Rumeng looks at Yi Ruyan being pushed down, walks to her front, holds Yi Ruyan, points to lengshanshan and scolds angrily.

"You don't care who I am. It's our family's business. Get out of here. I'm going to teach sister Yiling a good lesson today about the fox who seduces other men. " Lengshanshan angrily pushed Su Rumeng away.

Leng Shanshan made such a noise. Everyone gathered around to see the excitement.

"Leng Shanshan, don't talk nonsense. When did I seduce your brother and destroy the relationship between your brother and Yu Yiling?" Yi Ruyan got up from the ground and roared angrily.

"Hum... Dare to do it, don't you? If it weren't for you, my brother would have married sister Yiling. It was all your insertion that robbed my brother. You, a third party, are a cheap woman who specializes in robbing other men. Today I'm going to teach you a shameless cheap woman for women all over the world. " Leng Shanyang wants to slap Yi in the face.

Now Yi Ruyan is ready. How could he be slapped and flashed.

"Unexpectedly, she is a fox who seduces other men."

"What's unexpected? It's beautiful. There must be a lot of means."

"But I really can't see it. She's very regular at ordinary times. Moreover, she doesn't look like that kind of coquettish woman."

"People can't look like, and the sea water can't be measured. It's not normal. You look at her usually pure and harmless. In fact, this kind of woman must be coquettish in bed."

"Tut tut... It seems so."

"I really misunderstood her."

"What are you talking about?" Yi Ruyan roared angrily.

"What? You dare to do it but don't let anyone say it? " Lengshanshan put her hands on her chest and looked at Yi Ruyan proudly.

"Smoke, don't be angry. I believe you're not that kind of person." Su Ruo Meng looked at Yi Ru's whole body trembling, patted her gently and comforted her.

However, how can su Ruo Meng comfort Yi Ruyan now with a few words.

"Last time, I saw a luxury car parked at the door of the company to pick her up, and the man was holding a big bunch of roses. As soon as the trunk opened, many balloons flew out. Remember that time?"

"Remember, that was her."

"Yes, yes."

"Also, I heard that, in fact, the director knew that she had been kept, so he also wanted to sleep with her. Before, he proposed that the company should pay $1 million. She and Su Rumeng were 500000 each. The director said that she wanted to pay for her, but she didn't want it. Later, he immediately collected $1 million. You said, how could she have so much money? It must have been given by the man who kept her. Later, The director knew that she wanted to sleep with her after she was kept. He took her to a liquor store. As a result, the person who kept her appeared to save her. It was also related to her that the director left the company. " Another woman stood up and said.

When the woman said this, everyone understood what was going on.

This woman is also rumored to have an affair with the director in the company. Now she knows so much about Yi Ruyan's bad things with the director. It seems that they really have an affair. Otherwise, how could the director tell her these things?

"The director is really shameless."

"The most shameless thing is that it's as easy as smoke. How pure it is usually. As a result, we were actually cheated."