The domineering president loves his wife like loving his life

Chapter 201

"I see. What should I do now, brother... He won't give me living expenses now. " Lengshanshan shouted angrily, very angry.

"Mom, give it to you first. You've been doing better recently. Mom will find a chance to talk to ah Hao, and then ask what's the reason." After Cheng Suqin finished, he thought again, "why don't you go to your brother and ask him what's going on. Then you have a better attitude and admit your mistake when you're dead, you know? "

"Mom, take you." Cheng Suqin was still worried, so he called assistant Wu.

"Hello..." assistant Wu answered the phone.

"Assistant Wu, I'd like to ask ah Hao, do you have a party at noon? I want to take Shanshan to him at noon. Does he have time? " Cheng Suqin asked politely.

"OK, I'll ask first and call you back." Assistant Wu's attitude is also polite.

"OK, please."

"You're welcome." After assistant Wu finished, he went to ask Leng Haotian.

Leng Haotian is still in a good mood today, so assistant Wu dares to ask. If he is in a bad mood, he dares not.

"Mr. Leng, just now Cheng Suqin called and said he would bring Leng Shanshan to you at noon. He said he had something to do. Look... Do you have time? Want to see you? " Assistant Wu naturally helped Leng Haotian.

"Well, let her come." Leng Haotian is actually waiting for them to come to the door.

Leng Haotian wants lengshanshan to know what she did wrong.

"OK." Assistant Wu called Cheng Suqin and told her that Leng Haotian was willing to see her.


"Your brother has time at noon. When I take you to see him, you remember to have a better attitude, you know?" Cheng Suqin looked at Leng Shanshan very seriously and said, "if you don't obey me, I can't help you. In the future, your brother won't give you money. I'll give you two thousand pocket money a month."

"Mom..." Leng Shanshan shouted angrily.

"Think about it for yourself." Cheng Suqin then went back to his room, angry.

Cheng Suqin called Leng Huahai, Leng Haotian's father, and explained the matter. He hoped to give a preventive injection. If he was really unhappy at that time, he hoped Leng Huahai would be her backer.

Cheng Suqin can only do so now.

It's all for Leng Shanshan. However, Leng Shanshan is so disobedient that she doesn't listen to her at all. It seems that she wants to be right with Yi Ruyan all day, which makes Cheng Suqin very worried.

Cheng Suqin could feel the importance of Yi Ruyan to lenghaotian.

At noon, Cheng Suqin takes Leng Shanshan to Leng Haotian's office.

Leng Haotian was still cold with a face, expressionless: "what's the matter?"

"Brother... Why don't you call me for the living expenses this month? What did I do wrong? " Leng Shanshan shouted angrily.

At the thought that the cost of living was gone this month, lengshanshan couldn't help getting angry.

"Yes, Haotian, I brought Shanshan to apologize to you today. I think it must be something Shanshan did wrong that makes you so angry. Tell us what she dares to do wrong. I'll teach her a lesson and let her change." Cheng Suqin looked at Leng Haotian with a smile and said.

"One night, I worked overtime in the company. When Yi Ruyan was making dumplings at home, she seemed to have been to the kitchen. She learned that Yi Ruyan was making supper for me and sending it to my company for me to eat. As a result, Yu Yiling also came that night and came to my office before Yi Ruyan came. Ha ha... I don't believe it, How can there be such a coincidence in the world? Yi Ruyan sent me supper for the first time and wanted to surprise me. As a result, Yu Yiling came. Yu Yiling usually didn't care so much about me. She sent me supper every day. She didn't know I was working overtime that day. " Leng Hao said coldly, staring at lengshanshan coldly with a raging cold in his eyes.