The domineering president loves his wife like loving his life

Chapter 200

She spends money only when she needs it.

Therefore, Cheng Suqin has saved a small sum of money over the years, but Leng Shanshan is not sensible. She always spends money indiscriminately. After spending it, she comes to Cheng Suqin to ask for money. Sometimes Leng Shanshan has the cheek to ask Leng Haotian for money to buy gifts.

For example, for birthdays and festivals, they will act like spoilers and ask Leng Haotian for money to buy gifts. Leng Haotian is still very generous to her and will give money.

"No, I haven't given me my living expenses this month." Leng Shanshan is so anxious that her credit card is waiting to be returned.

"Why? Can it be that the finance forgot? Why don't you call and ask the finance what's going on? " Cheng Suqin was worried.

"However, you should honestly tell mom whether it's true or false?" Cheng Suqin was worried that his daughter would lie in order to cheat her of some money.

"Mom, can you still lie about such a thing? Really not, really not received. " Lengshanshan is so anxious.

"Then call and ask." Cheng Suqin is worried. Is it because he has offended Leng Haotian and stopped Leng Shanshan's living expenses?

"Well, I must call to ask." Lengshanshan tightened her eyebrows and said angrily.

"But first think about it. Have you offended your brother recently? Did you make your brother angry or something? " Cheng Suqin is most afraid of lengshanshan offending lenghaotian.

"No, mom, how could I offend him? He's so busy that he didn't say a few words to him at all. How dare I offend him with his cold appearance. Besides, he turns around the woman as soon as he's free. How can I talk to me when he's free? Even if I want to offend him, I don't have a chance." Leng Shanshan said with some dissatisfaction.

Listening to Leng Shanshan's words, Cheng Suqin thought what she said was reasonable: "also."

"Then you quickly call and ask the finance." Cheng Suqin urged.

"OK." Leng Shanshan hurriedly called the finance department.

As a result, the financial answer is that Leng Haotian ordered it. Leng Shanshan repeatedly confirmed that the financial side said it was Leng Haotian's order. Otherwise, she didn't dare not fight.

Leng Shanshan is right to think about it. How dare finance.

After hanging up the phone, Cheng Suqin looked at lengshanshan's cool color and asked with concern: "how to say, what's going on?"

"I said it was my brother's order. Mom... Why, why should I do this? I'm not short of 50000 yuan. How can it be? It must be the ghost of that woman. It's so annoying. " Leng Shanshan tightened her eyebrows. Her red eyes were cold, with vicious eyes and clenched her fist: "Mom, if you let me know that this time it was her who did it, I will not let her go."

Cheng Suqin looked at Leng Shanshan and was worried. He pulled her: "don't be impulsive. If you dare to treat your sister-in-law, your brother will dare to drive us out of Leng's house. Do you believe it?"

"Hum... I don't believe it. He doesn't own this cold house alone. There's also dad. Even if we don't live here, dad will give us living expenses. Anyway, we have other houses, so we're not afraid. " Leng Shanshan said with an air of fearlessness.

"You, you're really going to piss me off. I warn you, you can't find her or trouble her, you know?" Cheng Suqin roared angrily at lengshanshan.