The domineering president loves his wife like loving his life

Chapter 163

"Oh, that's right." Leng Hao felt terrible in his heart, but he couldn't bear to lose his temper with her.

"Yes." Yi Ruyan, uh huh.

"Promise me that no matter what happens or whether you are in a good mood, don't forget to eat." Leng Hao Tianyu spoiled her.

"I don't know." Yi Ruyan really doesn't know if he can do it.

"Huh? I don't know what it means? " Leng Haotian asked suspiciously.

"I don't know if I can do it. You also know that when people are in a bad mood, they don't want to do a lot of things." Yi Ruyan answered faintly, with a sad tone and sighed.

Leng Haotian listened to Yi Ruyan's sad tone. In fact, he felt very uncomfortable. He also sighed: "girl..."

Leng Haotian said two words, and it seemed that he couldn't go on.

Yi Ruyan didn't interrupt him. He had been waiting for him and waiting for him to continue talking to himself. However, lenghaotian didn't seem to say any more.

"If it's all right, I'll hang up first and have to work." Yi Ruyan said faintly, and his tone was still sad.

"Well, OK. Call me and tell me what you want to eat, you know? " Leng Haotian said softly.

"Yes. I see. " Yi Ruyan hung up after saying that.

The tone of their conversation was very calm during the whole phone call.

Yi Ruyan said she had dinner with Luo Mingyu. Luo Mingyu forced her to have dinner before she ate some. Leng Haotian's performance was also very insipid, which broke Yi Ruyan's heart.

Her heart began to be confused.

Do you really want to divorce him?

Do you really want a divorce?

In fact, Luo Mingyu is right. What's the use of such a marriage?

Even if such a marriage does not divorce now, it is estimated that it will divorce in the future. Therefore, it is actually worth taking such an emotionless marriage in exchange for your mother's news.

Her heart hesitated.

"Alas..." Yi Ruyan sighed in pain and closed his eyes in pain.

At night, when he went home to eat and then returned to his room, Yi Ruyan was still waiting for lenghaotian to ask him what was important when he had dinner with Luo Mingyu.

But I don't know why, Leng Haotian didn't ask.

Yi Ruyan remembers that he was cheated by the director to have dinner before, and his hand was grabbed by that person, which made Leng Haotian angry. At that time, Yi Ruyan thought Leng Haotian had some feelings for himself.

However, now she tells Leng Haotian to go to dinner with Luo Mingyu. Luo Mingyu forced her to eat. As a result, Leng Haotian is indifferent.

Is his heart on Yu Yiling's side?

He gave him a faint look and sighed.

The two of them just lay in bed, playing with their mobile phones.

"Girl..." Leng Haotian actually didn't want to look at his mobile phone. He was all about Yi Ruyan. When Yi Ruyan looked at him, he put down his mobile phone and decided to have a good chat with her.

"Huh?" Yi Ruyan smiled faintly. If his big eyes flickered, he looked at him brightly.

"What are you thinking?" When Leng Haotian asked this sentence, Yi Ruyan's heart was cold.

Yi Ruyan thought Leng Haotian would ask her about Luo Mingyu. As a result, he still didn't mention anything.
