The domineering president loves his wife like loving his life

Chapter 162

"Assistant Wu, let someone check what Luo Mingyu is doing and who he is in contact with recently." Leng Haotian tightened his eyebrows and looked angry.

"He has had the most contact with Yu Yiling recently. He always feels that they are plotting something." Assistant Wu has found out and doesn't need Leng Haotian's instructions.

"Hehe, it's Yu Yiling again. It seems that I have to warn Yu Yiling." Leng Haotian's face was cold, and a cold breath floated from the corners of his mouth.

"What do you need me to do?" Assistant Wu asked.

"I'll arrange it. You go and find out what they have been plotting recently. What do you want to do? " Leng Haotian tightened his eyebrows and looked at assistant Wu.

Assistant Wu nodded, "yes."

"Do you know what happened when they met alone?" Leng Haotian wants to know what Luo Mingyu is looking for Yi Ruyan this time.

"I don't know. The two of them had dinner and talked for a long time, and... It seemed that they were in a bad mood after their wife came out. " Assistant Wu continued to report.

"I see." Leng Haotian tightened his eyebrows: "you're busy first."

"OK." Assistant Wu said that and went out.

Lenghao Tianma makes a call to Yi Ruyan.

Yi Ruyan's heart was tight. In fact, he didn't want to answer it, but he still picked it up: "hello..."

Leng Haotian felt uncomfortable when he listened to Yi Ruyan's cold voice.

In the past, Leng Haotian called her. When she picked it up, she would call his uncle with a smile.

"Girl... Have you had lunch?" Leng Haotian's tone was a little heavy.

"Well, eat." Yi Ruyan answered.

"Where did you eat and what did you eat?" Leng Haotian continued to ask with concern, pretending to be careless. In fact, he was a little nervous and wanted to know how she would answer.

"I had dinner with Luo Mingyu near the company." Yi Ruyan told the truth and said frankly that he had dinner with Luo Mingyu.

"He came to me with something important." Yi Ruyan continued to explain, "so I went to dinner with him."

Yi Ruyan feels that nothing has happened between herself and Luo Mingyu, and she has not done anything sorry for lenghaotian, so there is no need to hide it.

Don't two people want to be honest with each other?

Leng Haotian can't be honest, but Yi Ruyan will be honest.

Leng Haotian listens to Yi Ruyan's honesty. In fact, he has some guilt in his heart.

"Oh. That's right. " Leng Haotian gave a faint.

"Yes." Yi Ruyan didn't say that Luo Mingyu had anything important. She was actually waiting for lenghaotian to ask.

As long as Leng Haotian asked, she would say, but Leng Haotian didn't ask in the end.

"What's the matter? What's up? " Yi Ruyan asked curiously.

"There's nothing important. I'm worried about not eating and starving." Leng Haotian said softly.

"He didn't have any appetite. He forced me to eat. If he didn't eat, he didn't tell me. There was no way. He could only eat a few mouthfuls. Fortunately, he forced me to eat. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to eat, and my stomach would be uncomfortable again." Yi Ruyan said faintly.

Yi Ruyan said with a bad mind. She hoped Leng Haotian would be jealous, unhappy and angry when she said this. However, in Yi Ruyan's opinion, Leng Haotian didn't seem to have it.