The domineering president loves his wife like loving his life

Chapter 153

"You... Alas..." Lv Qiufeng sighed, "then talk to him."

"Just ask him if he can give you love. If so, you can stay with him. If not, you can leave him. It's better to have a long pain than a short one." LV Qiufeng gave the most pertinent advice.

"There is nothing to ask. There is only Yu Yiling in his heart." Yi Ruyan sighed and sucked out his nose: "I'm really hopeless."

"You like Leng Haotian. What about the senior student? Do you still have feelings for him? " LV Qiufeng asked curiously.

"In fact, I always hope you two can continue to be together." LV Qiufeng sighed: "I always thought he came back this time and you two had a chance to be together again, but I didn't expect... You actually like lenghaotian."

"It seems that you two have no chance." Said LV Qiufeng.

Yi Ruyan shook his head: "I've passed with him. Even if I don't like Leng Haotian, I can't have a chance with him. The harm he gave me back then can't be made up by him. Besides, I've married Leng Haotian. I can't do anything sorry for Leng Haotian."

"But..." when LV Qiufeng still wanted to persuade Yi Ruyan, Yi Ruyan stopped: "don't say any more, don't discuss anything about him, I don't want to discuss it anymore."

"All right." LV Qiufeng looked at Yi Ruyan and really didn't want to talk about the senior students, so she didn't say much anymore.

"Ding Dong, Ding Dong..."

At this time, the doorbell rang.

"Who is this time?" LV Qiufeng tightened her eyebrows and got up to open the door.

Yi Ruyan was also curious lying in the room. When he heard the footsteps, he asked curiously, "who is it?"

"It's me." Leng Haotian's cold and magnetic voice sounded. Yi Ruyan tightened his heart, looked up at his familiar face, tightened his eyebrows and was surprised: "you, why are you here?"

Yi Ruyan thought he was wrong. How did he come here?

"Come and pick up my wife." Leng Haotian looked at Yi Ruyan with an expressionless face and said. After that, he directly took Yi Ruyan out of bed.

At this time, Yi Ruyan is already in her pajamas. She is embarrassed to push Leng Haotian: "you, let go of me. My friend is still there. What do you want to do?"

Yi Ruyan's face turned red.

"It's okay, I can understand." LV Qiufeng really didn't expect Leng Haotian to come to her house to pick up Yi Ruyan. It seems that they have a play.

After all, Leng Haotian is not a scum man. He should not bully Yi Ruyan.

"I'm afraid if I put you down, you won't go home with me." Leng Haotian directly overbearing picked up Yi Ruyan in his pajamas and left.

"Take your time." LV Qiufeng smiled, then told Leng Haotian, "Leng Haotian, if you dare to bully like smoke, I will find her an excellent man."

"You don't have a chance." Leng Haotian said with a rising corner of his mouth.

Yi Ruyan listens to Leng Haotian's words. Why is his heart warm? There is a feeling of heartbeat.

"That's good. You must not give me this chance. " LV Qiufeng said with a smile.

Leng Haotian didn't answer. He directly hugged Yi Ruyan and left. When he got downstairs, he directly stuffed her into the car, thoughtfully fastened her seat belt, then bypassed the front of the car, quickly sat in the driver's seat, started the car and took her home.