The domineering president loves his wife like loving his life

Chapter 152

Leng Haotian's deep eyes were distressed: "you... Some things are not what you think."

"None of that matters." Yi Ruyan sighed, sucked his nose, looked at Leng Haotian and said, "it seems that I think too much. I should have been satisfied and should not expect too much."

"I'm going to work." Yi Ruyan said and left.

Yi Ruyan's words stabbed into her heart like a knife, and she almost suffocated in pain.

What do you mean those things are not important?

In her heart, are those things really unimportant?

Doesn't it matter at all?

"Ha ha..." Leng Haotian sneered.

"Maybe, maybe it doesn't matter to her at all." Leng Haotian smiled at himself and looked at Yi Ruyan's figure slowly disappearing in his sight.

Finally, Leng Haotian sighed and left.


Yi Ruyan wanted to cry, but she didn't cry. She knew it was useless to cry.

After returning to the office, Yi Ruyan was depressed. The whole person seemed to be shrouded in haze. Su Rumeng didn't bother her. Why.

In this way, Yi Ruyan went back to LV Qiufeng after work for a long time.

LV Qiufeng brought some food back, and then she cooked again. She took Yi Ruyan and had dinner. Yi Ruyan's stomach was uncomfortable. Maybe she didn't eat at noon. Coupled with the feeling of physical and mental fatigue, she lay down and rested early.

Yi Ruyan picked up his mobile phone and looked at it. He didn't have lenghaotian's phone. Yi Ruyan smiled bitterly and said, "maybe he doesn't think it's important."

"Qiu Feng, do you think I want to divorce him? It doesn't seem interesting to be together like this. " Yi Ruyan sighed and said, "and... If I divorce him, won't I fulfill Yu Yiling's wish? Why should I do what she wants? "

"Why should I make her happy?" Yi Ruyan feels unwilling again.

"You, silly or not, why do you punish yourself for other people's mistakes? You just think, are you happy with him? Are you happy with him? Unhappy, why should you embarrass yourself? Why do you care so much? Who cares if you divorce him? " LV Qiufeng looked at Yi Ruyan as painful and distressed: "you, ask yourself, can you really be happy with him? And ruin your life? "

Yi Ruyan shook his head with tears in his eyes: "I don't know. I don't know what's going on in my mind now."

"I think I probably like him." Yi Ruyan said, his voice choking.

"What? You said you liked Leng Haotian? Why do you like him? You know you have no result with him. You say he doesn't love you. He doesn't love you for so many years. Do you think he can love you when you marry him? " LV Qiufeng looked at Yi Ruyan in surprise.

"I don't know, I don't want to, and I don't want to like him, but when I know she protects Yu Yiling so much, my heart hurts, really hurts... I......" Yi Ruyan's voice choked and couldn't go on: "I can't bear to think that if I divorce him, I'm not unwilling, but I can't give up."

"Don't you think I just like him?" Yi Ruyan cried.