The Demonic King Chases His Wife The Rebellious Good-for-Nothing Miss

Chapter 454

But Li Aotian was unable to lock Su Luo's position and lost her sight when he rushed to the waterfalls and pools.

Li Ao is almost mad in the weather.

He did not expect that he had entered the seventh level, but was still played by the third-class Su Luo in the stock market.

It was like an elephant was played by ants, and it made him spit blood.

Li Aotian does not know if Liuyun in Nangong has any injuries, and he is more inclined to be harmless.

Because there are few people in the world who can hurt the clouds in Nangong.

So Li Ao is worried in her heart.

He was worried that Suluo turned around and slipped back to join the Nangong Liuyun. In the attitude of Nangong Liuyun, he would surely protect the stinky girl.

No, we must find this stinky girl before Nangong. He doesn't want to revenge. What face does he have to live in the world?

But where did the stinky girl hide?

Li Aotian has a lot of mental power to search the surrounding area, but he doesn't care.

Even so, he did not find a little trace of sulo, as if she had disappeared completely in the world.

It's impossible!

Li Aotian stood in front of the waterfall silently, his eyes cold as ice, and looked at the waterfall coldly.

Suddenly, he thought of a waterfall in the back of his family, a cave hidden behind the waterfall, but was covered by the water curtain, if not to say who did not know.

But after passing the waterfall, there is a treasure collection of yaochi palace.

Li Aotian, with his eyes condensed, snorted coldly, rose from the ground and rushed to the waterfall.

How much impact should the water have when the waterfall is hit from a cliff of a hundred meters high?

Even Li Aotian, I feel a little bit of a loss.

But hatred makes people strong.

Li Aotian was attracted by Su Luo to all hate values, hate to tear her into pieces, how can easily let her go?

Li Aotian, under the great water pressure, inch by inch searches the cliff wall behind the waterfall, and does not let go of any doubt.

An inch of search, time a minute and a second past, Li Aotian felt extremely hard.

Because of the mental search too much, he felt some dizziness and brain swelling, but he shook his head and insisted on the search.

However, to his extreme disappointment, there was no mystery on the cliff wall, and there was no small pit, let alone caves.

Li Ao had to hit the weather, and suddenly he blew and roared with a loud noise and rocks.

A small cave about five meters deep appeared in front of him.

But unfortunately, the cave was smashed by himself.

Where the stinky girl is hiding!

Li Aotian covers some painful head and ponders constantly.

Suddenly, his eyes looked down, just saw a piece of floating wood rushed forward at a very fast speed.

Suddenly, he had a flash of light in his head!

It's really possible!

Li Aotian has a proud, cold and fierce smile on his face. He flies down on a small floating wood.

It's like a lone boat on the sea.

He was on the driftwood, and he took a breath, and the weight of his body was almost negligible, not only that, but also the constant acceleration of the wind.

In this way, he was moving along the Bank of the river, at a speed that was twice as fast as the heavy dead wood that Su Luo did not know.

But said that the fall on the dead wood, because of escaping Li Aotian's spiritual shackles, so her spirit relaxed a lot. , the fastest update of the webnovel!