The Demonic King Chases His Wife The Rebellious Good-for-Nothing Miss

Chapter 453

Su Luo was shocked and her hands and feet were cold.

This stinky stone! What a bad thing!

She finally found a small cave cat, but now it called, where can this cave stay?

I'm afraid that Li Aotian will float to me without a breath.

Su Luo was so angry that she patted the red stone and kicked it directly into her arms. She picked up the grass at the entrance of the cave and ran away in the direction of the deep forest.

Sure enough, less than a few breaths, the small hole appeared Li Ao Tian that tall and straight figure.

At this time, he was dressed in a black robe. Under the dim moonlight, the scar on his face became more and more ferocious and terrifying, which made people feel scared.

Li Aotian hits the mountain wall with a heavy blow!

Suddenly, a huge pit was blasted out of the mountain wall, and the rubble broke into powder.

Li Ao had to look up to the sky and scold: "Stinky girl! Don't let me find you! Otherwise, you will be waiting for the worst suffering in the world

That ferocious face, in the dim moonlight, in the dark mountain forest, appears to be particularly shocking, like a fierce ghost emerging from the ghost world.

Su Luo escape is not far away, Li Aotian's words clearly spread to her ears.

Su Luo stood on the top of the mountain and hummed several times in the direction of Li Aotian: "do you want to catch me? Come if you can. "

Su Luo turned around and spread out her feet. She quickly got into the dense forest and ran away quickly towards the old forest.

After all, Li Aotian has reached the seventh level. Compared with Su Luo, even if she has the skill of spiritual dance, he is far better than her in speed.

Therefore, Li Aotian's lucky choice of the right road, soon locked in Su Luo's position.

At this time, Su Luo is sitting by the waterfall panting.

It was dark all around, and I couldn't see my fingers.

It was the darkest moment before dawn.

There was a terrible silence all around, only the crashing sound of the waterfall.

All of a sudden, Su Luo found himself in a mental pain.

Su Luo said in her heart.

She just had a rest, but how could she be locked?

It's just like a dog's skin plaster. You can't throw it away!

Su Luo heaved a heavy sigh and thought about the way out.

It is a good policy to adjust measures to local conditions.

Su Luo's eyes looked around him.

In front of us is the top of the great waterfall. On the mountain wall about 100 Zhang high, it looks like a white screen. The water rushes to the stream below, and then quickly rushes forward along the waterfall.

It may be because of the rainstorm just a few days ago, and the speed of water spray is fast and fast.

Su Luo watched helplessly a piece of driftwood, which was dashed out of the distance in the blink of an eye.

Suddenly, a dead tree rolled down above the waterfall.

There are also some green leaves on the dead wood, which are obviously uprooted by the current.

At this time, the river is about ten Zhang wide, and this dead tree is in the center of the river, it is pushed forward by the impact of the waterfall.

Su Luo's brain flash, no time to think, jump, the body like a roc wings, quickly toward the dead wood.

Su Luo calculated the speed of the current, the resistance of the air, and so on, so she fell steadily on the dead tree.

Hiding in the gap between the branches, even if Li Aotian stands in front of her, he may not be able to find her out.

The speed of dead wood is very fast, fast almost fleeting.

Su Luo could feel the disappearance of the spiritual shackles, and she knew that she was safe again. , the fastest update of the webnovel!