The Demon King's Cowardly Vessel

Chapter 337 - The Mystery of the Purple Flower Mountain (Final)

"As you wish…" Little Goddess said nonchalantly. "The moment you step into the portal, your Atlantean mark will be taken away from you."


A soft voice caught their attention, and they looked over at where Wolfe and Luca were. Wolfe was sitting up while rubbing the back of his head. When he saw Little Goddess next to Juin, he bȧrėd his claws and yelled, "Stay away from him!"

"No, Wolfe," Juin quickly stepped forward and said, "It\'s all a misunderstanding."

"It\'s always a misunderstanding when you are involved…"

Juin looked towards Luca. "Ah… You\'re awake…"

Luca rolled his eyes at him and glared at Little Goddess. "You… You would have never beaten me that easily if it\'s a direct attack."

"Your inability to perceive sneak attack despite having wind power is amazing," Little Goddess said sarcastically.

"Why do I feel the same feeling of annoyance when I see her face?" Luca mumbled to himself as he walked towards the portal. When he was right in front of it, he turned and looked at Juin. "Are we leaving now?"

Juin nodded. He looked towards Little Goddess and wanted to say something, but before he could say anything, Little Goddess suddenly looked towards the portal.

"Go, you must leave now!"


"Go!" she snapped, sending all of them towards the portal. The moment they went through the portal, a bright light burst out, and when the bright light disappeared, someone else flew out of the portal.

It was a handsome blonde man with chiseled face and broad shoulders. The purest white wings behind him disappeared the moment he landed on the ground. As he looked around his surroundings, his golden eyes glowed, and it seemed as if his attention was at somewhere far away.

"The flowers..." the person narrowed his eyes as he looked in one direction and mumbled, "are gone…"

"Hello, Michael."

"That voice… Persephone…?" he said with a frown. He stepped forward and pushed the blinds aside using magic. When he saw her weakened self, he scoffed, "No. That couldn\'t be it. You are disappearing…"

His right hand gave out a golden glow as it dashed out to clamp its fingers around Little Goddess\' neck. He lifted her up easily as he sneered, "Do you think I won\'t be able to catch you just because you are a fragment of her soul? I can\'t believe you finally came out of your hiding place. Hand the Devil\'s Charm over."

"Hmm…" Little Goddess smirked as she glared down at him. "You… You\'re too late. The Devil\'s Charm is no longer in this world."

Michael\'s eyes glowed again, and he stared in one direction while keeping Little Goddess in midair. Angered by what he saw, he then clamped his fingers tightly, until Little Goddess completely disappeared.

All the flowers that she created withered and turned into dust at the same time.

"Do you think that I can\'t catch the b*stard who stole what is mine?" Michael snarled as he spread out his wings, flying straight into the portal.

"Little Goddess!" Juin yelled as he watched the portal close after they were thrown out on the other side of the portal.

"[email protected]#$%!%!"

The boys glanced at each other before quickly getting up and ran to the end of what seemed like an alley where they landed in.

"Wait…" Juin looked around at the bustling streets, groups of schoolchildren running around, and high-rise buildings with colorful LEDs on the sides and gasped, "Wait! Are we in… China?"

"No… I don\'t think so…" Wolfe said. He pointed towards a unique-looking building a distance away and said, "I have seen that in an anime before... That\'s the Umeda Sky Building. I think we are in Osaka…"

"Japan?!" Juin gasped. He suddenly thought of something and gasped again, "Cecile!"

Thankfully, she had been following behind them. But her Atlantean attire was attracting a lot of attention.

"Err…" Juin quickly took off his shirt and told Cecile to put it on.

"What about you?" Cecile asked as she looked at Juin\'s topless torso. "Wouldn\'t you bring attention to?"

"Not as much as a beautiful woman walking around in a revealing attire that\'s stained with blood…" Juin said with a sigh. He then looked around and when he found a Uniqlo, he told them to wait for him as he went to get some clothes. Within 15 minutes, he was back with two bags of clothes and was wearing a basic blue shirt. "I got you guys something as well. Let\'s find a place to get changed."

They quickly located a restroom and changed their clothes. When they met outside, Wolfe asked, "How did you pay for this?"

"USD works here too," Juin said with a shrug. "And I brought the credit card that Presley gave me."

"He should be here soon," Luca finally said something after remaining quiet for some time.

"Did you call him?" Wolfe asked.

"Juin just did," Luca said nonchalantly. "The moment you used the credit card, his people would have been alerted. We should get moving. There\'s a branch of the Order here, so we should go there."

"Wait!" Juin said when he saw Cecile coming out of the female restroom. He got her a pink hoodie and a pair of jeggings. "Hey, you look cute in that…" he said with a slight blush on his face.

"It\'s a little uncomfortable," Cecile said as she put a finger into the collar and pulled it slightly. "Why do I have to wear this?"

"We are in Japan, and it\'s quite a conservative country. While your hair is not really out of the norm here, we need to avoid as much attention as possible…" Juin explained. He then glanced around and said to the boys, "Let\'s look for a place to eat first."

At the restaurant, both Luca and Juin felt embarrassed as they kept their heads while the cute waitress serving them was mȧkɨnġ ŀȯvė gesture with Wolfe.

"Why are we eating here?" Luca hissed as his face turned red. He looked at his Pikachu-themed meal and frowned. "This is a kid\'s place!"

"No, this is a maid cafe, an establishment meant for cultured young men like me," Wolfe said as he waved slightly at the waitress who bowed and left their table.

"I thought you were cool when I first met you," Cyrus said as he looked at his Digimon-themed meal. He actually thought the meal was kind of interesting, but he wanted more meat than beautifully decorated rice box.

"I can be cool and still do all these things," Wolfe said with a shrug.

"I think they are cute…" Cecile said as she smiled at her Totoro-themed meal. "We don\'t have this in Atlantis…"

Juin looked at her childlike smile and didn\'t say anything. Everyone noticed it, but no one mentioned it. The marks that all Atlanteans had were gone from Cecile\'s body. Not only that, but her blue hair was getting darker and darker. She was losing most of the things that made her Atlantean…

"Excuse me…" Juin suddenly said midway through his meal and stood up. He went to the cashier and talked to the cashier for a while before using the phone. After about 15 minutes on the phone, he returned back to the table.

"Who did you call?" Wolfe asked before sipping from his chocolate milkshake.