The Demon King's Cowardly Vessel

Chapter 336 - The Mystery of the Purple Flower Mountain (10): The Demon's Charm

Juin and Cyrus exchanged glances before Juin asked, "That\'s all? He orchestrated the murder of presumably thousands of people just to get a neutralizing weapon?"

"I don\'t think you understand the true strength of it," Little Goddess said as she patted Cyrus on the head while looking at Juin. "It can neutralize all poisons, regardless of the origin."

"It can\'t be that only. The weapon has to have some attacking ability as well, right? Otherwise, the flowers wouldn\'t be able to able to harm others."

Little Goddess nodded. "You\'re right, the weapon also has an attacking ability. The weapon can create different types of poisons based on its user\'s ability. My main soul\'s power is to control earth, and she specializes in flowers and plants."

She then shrugged, as if saying, "Make the connection yourself."

And she was right to do so, because Juin and Cyrus had figured everything out now.

Little Goddess put her right palm out. The air upon it slowly congealed and a white lotus appeared on her hand. She then pushed it towards Juin.

"What…" Juin looked at the unstained white lotus for a few seconds before looking at the Little Goddess. "Why?"

"Take it as my gift to you. I\'ve been here for a long time, and without anyone on the island, the soul power that\'s been keeping me going is slowly diminishing. Rather than have it fall into the hands of an evil man, I\'d prefer to gift it to you."

"What if I\'m a bad person too?"

Little Goddess smiled and said, "Just because you live with darkness does not mean that you are a bad person…"

Juin blinked, thinking that she was talking about his soul-related power. He then reached out and gently cupped the white lotus.

"Put your mark on it," Little Goddess said gently. "Drop your blood on it."


Before Juin could do anything, he felt a pain coming from his right arm and quickly pulled it away while looking down. "Cyrus!"

Cyrus smirked as he wiggled his finger, which had a claw out and blood trickling down, around. "Let the pretty lady speak."

"This is revenge, isn\'t it?" Juin mumbled and looked at the bleeding scratch on his right arm. He then shook his head, turned his arm slowly so that the blood trickled down, and put it above the white lotus.

They watched as a drop of blood slowly fell onto the white lotus. The moment they connected, the redness of the blood diffused throughout the white lotus, coloring it bright red. The lotus then flew up in midair slightly, floating in front of Juin\'s eyes while turning around in circles.

Unknown to Juin and Cyrus, the flowers scattered all around the island started to wither and disappear at the same time.

Their attention was completely on the red lotus.

As it turned, black seemed to slowly seep in, until it turned into the darkest item that they had ever seen.

When it stopped turning, Juin instinctively reached out his hands and caught it. As he slowly opened it, a gentle black light started to spread from within his palm, and by the time it was gone, a black object that was emitting both warmth and coldness was floating in the middle of his palm. It floated for a few seconds before falling back onto his palm, and the sensation was soon gone.

"A… coal?" Juin scratched the back of his hand as he looked at the round ball. He then looked at the woman and said, "I prefer the white lotus more. This is…a bit..."

He wanted to say insulting, but he held himself back.

"The Devil\'s Charm is formless, and it takes the shape that it thinks would befit its owner best," Little Goddess said as she poked the round coal-like ball on Juin\'s palm. "It took the form of a white lotus because of my main soul\'s true self, and it probably took on this shape because it felt that this resonated best with your true self."

"A coal?" Juin sighed.

"Well, you are a flame-based user after all."

"Anyway," the Little Goddess said with a nonchalant wave, "it\'s your duty to keep it from others now. No one would have guessed that one of the most powerful neutralizing items would be a black lump."

Juin nodded. He kept it in his Dimensional Pouch. He then looked at Little Goddess and politely nodded at her as he said, "Thank you for this great gift, Little Goddess. Even though I don\'t understand half of the things you said, or why you gave me such a powerful gift upon our first meeting, I ȧssure you that I will protect it with my whole life."

Little Goddess looked at him, and there was a trace of joy and sadness in her eyes. She then leaned forward and hugged him tightly. "Grow well… Maybe one day we will meet again. When that day comes, you will understand."

Juin was startled for a moment, but after a slight hesitation, he hugged her back and whispered, "Thank you."

When his eyes briefly passed by Cecile\'s unconscious body, he had to do a double-take.

"Cecile!" He immediately released the woman and ran to her. "How are you doing?"

"I…" Cecile seemed confused by her surroundings. "I thought I was dead… But why would you be here then? Are you dead too?"

Juin smiled. "No, you are alive. I\'d call it a miracle, but it\'s not really… But, do you know how you ended up injured?"

Cecile nodded. After he helped her up and gave her some fresh water to drink, she explained everything to him, up until she saw her heart being ripped out of her and how she recognized that person.

"It\'s him again!" Juin gritted his teeth as he cursed.

"Isn\'t he your president?"

"He\'s an evil man…" Cyrus murmured as he shuddered. Looking up at Juin, he said, "What should we do now? We can\'t bring her back. He would kill her…"

Juin thought about it for a while before looking at Cecile. He then explained the situation with her bloodline to her. When he was done, he said, "You have to think clearly, Cecile. Cyrus was right, bringing you back might be endangering your life too. Presley is an evil man, as you can tell yourself. If I bring you back, you won\'t be able to stay by my side. You will have to ȧssume a different identity and stay away from me. The opportunities that you can get would be limited as well… You would have to get stronger by yourself."

Without even hesitating, Cecile said, "I will go with you!"

Juin and Cyrus were slightly taken aback, and after a moment of silence, they asked in unison, "Why?"

With a sad expression, Cecile explained, "I don\'t have anyone left in this world anymore… There\'s nothing left for me."

"What about your…" Juin cleared his throat and said, "lover?"

Cecile gave him a brief glance, wondering how much he knew, before saying, "He knew this would come. It may be better for him to think that I\'m dead. He would be able to lead better without me around."

Juin stared at her for a few seconds before saying, "I won\'t question your decision. If this is what you want…"

"I\'m sure…" Cecile said without so much as a single thought. "The day I chose to go down this road, I have made the decision to let him be the leader. So…"

She looked at Little Goddess and said, "I\'m willing to completely give up on my Atlantean side."