The Death Mage Who Doesn't Want a Fourth Time

Chapter 159 Episode 129: Heroes Comforting King with Body

Their consciousness was like a fog on their heads for 200 years. Much worse than when you're drunk.

When I was drunk, I thought of stupid things, and the head of emotions became more severe than usual, but I could still think.

During those two hundred years, I couldn't remember the memories of the past and couldn't move my body freely.

Zandia and Gina remembered that she felt like she was separated from her memory and body by something transparent.

The sense of time was so vague that I knew it was about two hundred years later.

But the end of that vague sense came abruptly.

It was when I met a damp-peel boy with dark red and purple eyes in a dark place. Behind them were some really nostalgic people.

T ran sla te d by m He felt strong refusal and disgust at the commands issued by the old man who had no doubt before. However, I couldn't resist it after all.

They were captured along with other zombies, and after having undergone [surgery] at the point where they were taken, it became easier at a stretch.

I was surprised at how painful they were before and how painful things were normal, and regained some memory and thinking.

Surprise when we realize we are dead and undead. Surprisingly, she learns that Princess Levia, who had evacuated his fellow Volks to zombies and to the Duke of Hartner, had turned into a ghost.

He learned that Tarosheim, which should have been destroyed, is now recovering and is now expanding beyond 200 years ago.

"At that time, the roughness was terrible. I got in right now and castrated and cut off all the men of the Dukes of Hartner, barking at the terrible thing. And I will grab the shaven that I tried to stop and take it as it is. "

"Yes, Zandia. You're the Second Princess, so you have to be modest. '

"No, no, Gina, I just shouted," I'll kill you all. " It's Gina's sister who shouted and cast and tried to abduct her with her iron claw. " T r an sl ated by jp

"It was amazing at that time ..."

"It was fine play that Luciliano, who was looking into the two surgeons, was stepped on. No one was angry with the peeping. "

"It was a replacement for the ribs, and it was Gina who started running with a single piece of surgical gown.

Sarias and Rita, living maid armor roasting meat with sauce, and Zadiris, who had to accompany her for some reason because her name is similar to Zandia, remembered what happened several months ago. I nodded at the end.

At that time, Gina slipped and tumbled down with Luciliano on the foot, and was able to catch up in that gap and calm down. Luciliano was exonerated from peeping for his achievements and the costly ribs.

"I'm good because I'm unemployed. In the temple, Nuaza is doing well ... and he apologized to those other than the bearded people, and his Majesty did forgive me. `` When I first knew the truth, I was reflexively running into indiscriminate slaughter, so I understand that feeling. ''

"That's right in the second half, but I'm unemployed ... I'm asking you to cling back to the temple every time you meet Nuaza"

"I guess my pace didn't go away even if I died. Well, I'll always give up right away. "

Later, Zandia and Gina, who were further weakened by removing the gimmicks of the original vampire Gubamon, began leveling immediately to regain their strength.

However, they struggled more than expected. Gina was an A-class and Zandia was a B-class adventurer, and they had defeated Earth Dragons and Stone Dragons as usual. Perhaps because of his own intention, he could not move his body well, and he could not control his magic well.

It was difficult to apply weapons and magic to moving monster opponents, even though it was possible to force the vaguely standing Vandaloo to brute force.

First of all, he fired magic at the goblin opponent, swung the halberd several times, and finally defeated it.

Even the newcomer who had just acquired a weapon was depressed if he did not struggle so far, but he was regaining the power of his lifetime while learning new ways to move his body against monsters and Michael.

The situation has turned around this morning. [Parallel thinking] One of the Legion's personalities who acquired the skill, Isis, performed a [surgery] to regain the power of the two.

Tr anslated by jpm t l.c om `` I'm afraid it's a tweak to the people of the undead who have already tweaked, and to see for the first time a heterogeneous body, ''

"Don't worry, Isis's Surgery is a mid-death magic, and I don't have any pride around it."

Speaking that way, Vandaloo, who does not realize that he is a doctor, points out the two people who are surprised at the legion, and urges them to say "Okay, come on."

"So don't hesitate."

"We want to refrain! ?

"Well don't say that. I have a lot of hands with my current body, so I feel like I can do more terrific surgery than in the past life. ''

"Oh, I came up with an urgent need, so then

"Gina unnie! It is Zului that only the upper body flies and escapes!

"And it's my first time playing with non-human undead. ... I really want to play with it. "

"Huh! ? Now you said something like “Tweak” or “Play with Toys”! ?

"Wow, I forgot that I couldn't get too far from the lower body of this flying device! Do n’t touch the cross section!

"Well, I'm waiting outside with my disciples."

"Huh !? Show me because I'm a junior high school teacher!"

Tentacle play of the flesh As a result of the stained operation, he succeeded in dramatically regaining power, though not a few steps before birth.

"Even at the Origin, any corpse can move in the same way as before ...

Apparently, Isis's personality can only fully regain his power through [Surgery] for undead below the Legion rank. T ra n sl a t ed b y jpmt l.c om

Vandaloo wasn't aware of it, but maybe because the world is different. Or perhaps, the curse of Rodcorte did not bring his previous life experience to this life, so he could adapt to Lambda because he had learned himself from scratch.

Another person who was reincarnated from another world and used magic was Kanto Kaito of [Gunguniru], but before and after encountering Vandaloo, he did not mention his magical problems.

Did he simply have no time to notice the failure in his third short life, or did Rhodocorte make adjustments to prevent inconvenience when reincarnating to Lambda for reincarnates other than Vandalu?

Probably the latter.

As a result of the tentacle play that tamed the horns, internal organs and muscle tissue of the rabbits and the efforts made so far, the two who had previously been equivalent to rank 6 have regained the power equivalent to rank 8.

And that's how he was leveling at Varigen Shrine.

"After all, if we don't have Volks, we are two and rank 9 is painful. By the way, this dungeon card is very convenient. The dungeon has been relocated near the town and it's amazing, your Majesty '

Although he is in his late teens, Zandia, who appears to be in his mid-teens or younger, said with his left hand over the fire returned from Vandaloo.

When you do so on your brown skin, it looks like it's blood has returned, and it looks like an ordinary pretty girl. …… Two meters tall because of the giant race.

"That's right! Weifang is amazing!

`` Yeah, the magic is great, I'm a saver of Tarosheim, I helped me, my sister helped, everyone who was enslaved by those of the Duke of Hartner helped me and how I don't know if I should return

Vandaloo is such a person for Zandia. If you're a zombie, not a princess, and he's the master, you'd better be in contact with him, and said, `` Volks are still calling me a shaven, and it's okay to throw them away. '' Saying, it appeals that it is good to call yourself.

The nation that should have been destroyed has revived while in captivity, and has received irreparable bounty as a royal magnate.

"Then, are you married after all?

Tr an sl a t ed b y jpmt l .com "It's quick, maybe not from engagement first?"

"Wow, congratulations!

"... Yeah, I was most surprised. I'm surprised.

Zandia stares at Rita talking with her half-eyed appearance. What surprised her the most was that she was one of Vandaloo's potential marriages.

"Oh, I'm a royal, I'm a second princess. Since the commencement of trade with the Duke of Hartner, there have been talks about getting married to the duke. I didn't even have a favorite person from my lifetime, and I thought marriage was decided by my parents. '

The dissatisfaction is that the Vandalu is to have not only herself but also Levia in the future, and that it has not been officially decided, but that she will have more than one wife. There is no.

Originally, Talosheim had a predominantly open mind on the relationship between men and women, and given the situation of the new Talosheim, it is rather essential to have multiple wives from various races.

The connection between blood and marriage has the effect of strengthening the bonds of those who lived in the country, especially in tribal units.

Zandia thinks so because it is a royal family of Talosheim who has been isolated from around 100,000 years without a concept of democracy.

What they need to unite is bond and religion.

And I'm not dissatisfied with Vandaloo. It is inevitable that small ones are heterogeneous, and they will be a little bigger in the future. You can see that the left hand, which had been taken care of, was treated carefully with care for the nails.

Apart from being a post-mortem story, she was the one who helped me out of the evil vampires. The romance is perfect.

So, I'm not dissatisfied with the fact that a marriage partner had been decided some other time. There is not-.

"The problem is that I'm a zombie! What! ? Why marry a zombie! ?

"What's wrong with zombies! ? We are living armor! ?

"The succession is a big problem! ?

What Zandia was concerned about was that she was a zombie and had no sense in marriage.

"Well, I know what I want to say. I don't mean that I have no blood."

"that's right. I guess the undead should be able to make children, in fact Vida's new race vampires and ghouls have rabbits.

I know that there is much more to political marriage than making children, but ... Your Majesty is already the king of Tarosheim. There is a bang bang stone statue in town. There's nothing you can get by marrying me ... "

When Zandia notices that there is no air left in her lungs as she tries to exhale, she inhales again and exhales.

"Sorry, you know it. She can do housework, she is tolerant, she's more exposed than she was alive, she's burning, and she has a rugged body, especially her chest in Talosheim.

On the other hand, I'm confident in my magical arm, but that's all, and the unevenness of my body is poor-

"Ah, it's bad for Zadiris."

"eh? Pia, sorry, don't worry!

"It would hurt to say that ... but for the time being Rita, it's confiscation."

"Oh! Meat for me!

"Isn't rabbit's body unevenness good? Whether or not you get married

After eating her meat at her own pace, Gina gave a simple tone to her worried Zandia.

"Gina unnie, so easy ..."

"Because it's the difference between being a bride or a mistress?

"No! No, Gina unnie!

"Is that so? I'm going to give my body and heart. Your Majesty seems to like my body. '

Gina, who was praised by the two names "Saint of Healing" during her lifetime, points to a rich bulge of the breast-not a strong biceps and a broken abs (broken in the upper and lower body in the middle). I told you.

Gina is a 200-year-old, giant race-aged woman called the "Saint", but her clothes and armor are minimal, except for a giant shield.

It is a kind of religion to show their vitality to the surroundings, especially for Gina, a priest of Vida, the Goddess of Life and Love, because their body is a beautiful thing to be proud of for the giants. It is.

It doesn't change if you become an undead zombie.

"Your kids are all right, your Majesty seems to have a longer life, so you won't need that much."

"That's right ... but ..."

"Rather I want to get married. Delicious rice comes with Saria, Rita and Zadiris. "

"Wow, it's just as expected, Gina unnie."

And her favorite type of woman, a tall woman of 2.7 meters, was "smaller than herself".

"No, I'm shy"

"Don't put me with my grandson right.

"Together with when I was alive, I'm already over 400"

While talking so lovingly, occasionally he turns his gaze to an immovable Volks, keeping silence like an ornament.


Volks often thought after entering the dungeon. This is normal during the battle, but it looks like this during the break.

"What do you think? I thought to Zandia, "Get me a shaven"

"It's uncomfortable ...

"A word to understand who Volks is among you"

For Gina, Volks is a dependable companion, as well as a young father. For Zandia, he is another father and a man like a friend.

And for Volks, Gina was her ecstatic sister, and Zandia was still another dangerous girl.

"I don't think it feels bad. I use my head too much and feel bad

That's why Volks shouted to them, who didn't hesitate. But Gina, Zandia, and the women were merciless.

"I don't say that worrying is to use my head"

"Oh, yes, we're undead, because the sense of time tends to be dull, so if you think about it, it will never end."

"If you don't have an appetite, please eat meat"

"Well, what if I say that? I can almost imagine who I want to talk to."

Apparently, Volks's worries are all in sight. Even though half was a skull face, Volks held down the forehead of the skull alone, asking if his thoughts would appear on his face.

But asking for cooperation is a betrayal for Zandia and Gina, as well as for the former Talosheim. If you worry about it, it will not be impossible.

"I'll tell you ... I want to release Michael's bastard from the role of Kito. It would be difficult to be free of innocence and freedom, but at least I should be able to hear my mouth and be a trainer's instructor ... so I'm thinking of asking a shaven ...

Volks was worried about improving the treatment of Michael of the Iceland Spear, a former hero of the Milg Shield, which caused the destruction of the former Tarosheim.

Now, several self-destructing devices, which also function as safety devices made of [Maou no Fragment], are embedded in the body, depriving the body and mouth of freedom and used as a wooden person in the training area. The only thing he can move on his own is the eyeball.

Although too miserable for a hero, Michael is a hatred enemy who destroyed the country for the people of the former Talosheim.

And for Volks, he's the one who killed himself.

"But now he's undead and now I can't go home. I have no religion in Arda, and I regret what I did before.

I don't feel sorry for that ... but at least I'm not going to be treated as a criminal slave ...

The voices of Zandia and Gina, who are staring at the eyes of the undead with no light and the gaze of their eyes, are interrupted.

Michael is their own enemy for them as well. After Volks was killed by him, Gina was stabbed, and Zandia was slashed with her left wrist and similarly defeated.

After that, Michael himself challenged the guardian Orichalcum Dragon Golem with his friends to destroy the goddess Vida's heritage, and his friends were annihilated. He also lost his love spear, Ice Age, and withdrew from his life and settled with vampires who came to collect Volks' corpses.

Despite the repulsion of the vampires, the wounds were deep and died due to lack of treatment. The corpse was later robbed and added to the undead collection of the original vampire Goubamon's hero.

"Hmm ... isn't that good?

"I'm good too. If you are acquitted, you will resist, but if you treat it as a criminal slave, it will be different ''

However, their reply was in favor of Volks.

"Seriously! ? That's Michael! ?

"I'm surprised. At the time of the training, I was so intensely teasing that I thought that my intestine was still boiling. "

"I can't boil, it's cool, my gut. Look at it?

"No, that's it."

Volks grabs her head and holds down Gina's upper body. Apparently, Gina, who is now consciously able to float with only her upper body, wants to brag about it and seems unbearable.

"And why? I guess the boy said before that the undead couldn't forgive the opponent once.

"I don't forgive me separately, but I feel like I'm fine once I defeat it. I think Gina is the same. "

Zandia and Gina, who had only regained a little strength before confronting Michael on the training ground, took the tactic of saying that they would use attack magic from a distance until endlessly.

Michael, who could not get out of a certain range and could not start training unless he was approached to a certain extent, had to take it standing. Michael was treated as a wooden man, so he knew that he was crafted so that protecting himself was not a priority in case something happened.

It seems that the grudge between the two has diminished since they were defeated once.

"And Volks is so much better than us ... it wasn't for Michael alone, old Talosheim.

I guess it was ruined without Michael's participation. ''

"What, what! ? Do you say we will lose to the unmatched Milg Shield! ?

"Yup. I think it was a bit late

Michael participated in the war only after Princess Leviae had evacuated from Tarosheim, and the remaining Volks had relied on the castle walls.

He was expecting reinforcements from the Dukes of Hartner at the time, but the truth he knew recently was that he was an Alda fundamentalist and chose to forsake Tarosheim and steal the national treasures brought by Princess Levia. Therefore, it was actually a cage castle battle without reinforcements.

Then the Milg Shield and the Amid Empire behind it have to endure until they give up, but could Talosheim at the time do that?

"I can't. Absolutely impossible ''

After all, the second princess decided to defeat himself.

"No such thing! We had to win without Michael!

"Whether you are resentful of Michael or want to improve your treatment?"

Apparently, Volks seems to be tolerant of losing to strong opponents, but pride does not allow the assumption of losing to an enemy army.

"I understand my feelings but I can't help. At the time, we had a bargain and an ogburn in addition to us, but there were far fewer people who could fight on a single wall. And all the dungeons are out of town, so you can't supply food or supplies while in the castle.

Of course I think I could defeat 10,000 or 20,000 enemy soldiers, but I think I lost last.

In Lambda, where there are many people with superhuman physical abilities as viewed from the Earth, individuals often turn over the war situation.

But there were limits.

If the Milg Shield and the Amid Empire behind it keep throwing in their strengths ... if they continue to send soldiers and knights in religious enthusiasm and keep an eye on the enormous sacrifice that would normally not be paid for, Michael would be gone But Tarosheim would have lost.

When it finally came, the empire was able to cut its top adventurers and their trump cards.

"So, that's why my grudge against Michael is ... well, I feel better. He must have been struggled for 200 years with that sick old man,

"Yeah, I'd rather hate that Goombamon and the other vampires who were involved. Later, there were the Dukes of Hartner, the Milg Shield, and the Amid Empire. I think that they are the best for them. "

`` Gina unnie, stop sneaking in me ''

There are several people from Taurusheim, such as Cesare, the presiding general, and Kurt, a deputy general, from the Milg Shield, but they do not seem to have a grudge against them.

By the way, in the former Tarosheim, who worships the Goddess of Life and Love, Vida has found that castration is a penalty equal to or greater than the death penalty. It is a symbol of terror that has never been done for a hundred thousand years because it is too heavy a punishment.

It may have been fortunate for the Duke's boy that some of the punishment to the Duke of Hartner had already been done by Vandaloo.

"Nuu ... Well, for that reason ..."

"Sometimes Volks is persuaded on the way. But I think the most difficult thing is to persuade Bocchan. "

"Because the boy is the type that has the root."

The next day, Volks returned from Varigen Lifeguard and pleaded that Michael would be treated as a criminal slave from a wooden man with the intention of jumping off a cliff. To him, Vandalou turned his murky eyes at all times.

The surrounding area is scattered with gold and silver, iron and copper, obsidian and large and small lumps of minerals and precious metals that are unfamiliar to mithril, adamantite, gems and volks.

In the middle, Vandalu was sitting on a hill of gold.

"Specifically, would you like to give Michael some freedom of action to take a self-destruct device?"

"Oh, oh, can't you ask?

Vandalu with a strange power, and Volks slightly and waist. Behind them, Zandia spoke to the fearing Darussian spirit.

"It looks kind of rough, but what happened?

"That's why [Golem Founder] got a job, and with that skill effect, I was able to make various things from nothing-"

"Wait a minute! ? Jewelry and precious metals scattered around even if they are made from nothing! ?

"That's right? After that, Vandaloo also released Mithril and Adamantite, dead iron and copper.

Darussia responds with a little pride, not knowing why Zandia will bite there. Zandia once again looked around for the scattered minerals and exhaled, "Wow ...".

"I don't know what to say, but it's amazing"

"Well ♪ But Orichalcum could not be created"

"No, it would be too terrible to create it. One of the three great secrets of alchemy, that's the only thing that the boy hasn't realized."

[Golem founder] Vandalu, who has become a golem, has created a variety of materials. Obsidian and marble, ordinary iron and copper, gold and silver, jewelry, lead, and aluminum in this world called light silver. And invented dead iron, copper, raw gold, spirit silver. I was able to make everything.

The required magical power varies depending on the type and amount of the substance to be created, but a substance that has a large amount in nature can be created in large quantities with a small amount of magical power. Therefore, iron is easier to make than copper.

And dead iron and copper, which do not exist in nature, raw gold and spirit silver, require a great deal of magic. It is much more efficient to use the traditional method of using [aging] while creating iron and copper and then exposing it to the magic of death.

And in order to create a substance directly in the form of a tool, more magic is needed. Sharpening the tip is easy, but trying to create an iron knife or a brilliant-cut diamond directly requires several to tens of times more magic.

Attempting to create a trained dead iron sword or brass armor can cause a vandalism with more than a billion magical powers.

The general comment is, "Matter can be created from nothing, but it is inefficient." Without Vandaloo's magic, it's not very useful.

It would be better if ordinary metals and precious metals could be mined or purchased in dungeons.

But what we wanted to create was Orichalcum. Or, the ability to precisely control the shape of Orichalcum and change it.

However, neither of them was able to get the job of [Golem Founder].

“I can now change the shape of Orichalcum more freely than before. But he couldn't completely repair the resuscitation device. "

Looking at Darusia's gaze, he says, there is a pool that is full of wriggling flesh that is made of legions, as a result of running the resuscitation device in an imperfect state. was there.

When the leveling legions come back, they will merge with them.

"Is it so depressed?"

"A resuscitation device ... it's hard to make things possible even with the goddess."


A goddess magical device that, when completed, will enable the resurrection of the dead. Even before that, Zandia, Rita and Salia did not want to return to life.

Not only they, but the Talosheim undead have almost no desire or patience to "relive". Normal undead may be different.

"But Volks just came and I'll be fine."

That's where Darcia said, Vandalou was begging for the Volks.

"Now, move like me. Use your muscles to make a side chest."

And make strange movements.

"Oh, oh, side chest?

"Side chest ~"

As I said, Volks showed the same movement and Gina for some reason. Unlike the slimming of Vandalu, the two strong muscles swell and swell.

Volks and Gina are poses of bodybuilding one after another, such as Most Mascular. The movement became smoother and the pose became more fascinating, as if he understood the intention of Vandaloo on the way.

"……What should I do. I feel a higher hurdle than I need a nice buddy

"It seems that it is more difficult to transplant muscles more beautifully than breast augmentation surgery."

"We don't have a body to transplant in the first place. What about Zadiris?

"No, well, boys should be interested in more than just their muscles. Will they have?"

"Oh, maybe, everyone!Because Vandaloo is adolescent soon!

After a while, Vandalou, enjoying the physical beauty of Volks and Gina, responded calmly.

"Okay, so let's treat Michael as a criminal slave."

"Oh, good! ?

"It's surprisingly straightforward. There's no opposition, but wasn't grudging an unforgettable principle?"

All of them are surprised at Vandaloo who nodded to improve Michael's treatment (even though she was still a slave).

However, it was not a problem for Vandalu.

"I'm sure I'll never forget my grudge. But Michael has no direct grudge. There's a grudge that put the Volks at a terrible point, but it's not good to say that the Volks are good. "

Resentment is after all emotion. Just as there is a word of contradiction, it is not something that can be resentful, hatred or abandoned by reason or reason.

If that is possible, the world must be more peaceful.

For that reason, Vandaloo is not resentful of Michael. In fact, Ira, who was appointed Commander of the Knights of the Dark Night, should have been much heavier and heavier.

So Vandaloo knew that if the Volks would forgive Michael, it wouldn't matter.

"But I can't be acquitted. Some people are still resentful of him. Well, there are several other candidates on the training ground, so I'll leave it for a while."

Hero undead robbed from Goubamon. Among them were new heroes of Wida, such as Zandia and Gina, but also more heroes of Ardah. Some of them have hunted a new tribe of Vida more than Michael and have made a name for themselves.

Neither Vandaloo nor Talosheim citizens intended to punish those who had never known themselves for their past crimes. However, some have become guilty after regaining their ego, and are more confused and crazy than before regaining their ego.

Vandalu seems to have been thinking of having them take the place of a wooden person for a certain period of time and taking the form of punishment to reduce guilt.

[Mental erosion] directly relieves guilt, but is too frenzy to do little.

"That's it. By the way, tomorrow is a week, but did you level up?"

The departure for the Noble Oak Empire was imminent.