The Death Mage Who Doesn't Want a Fourth Time

Chapter 158 Episode 122: Bouncing Paws

After all the curry was eaten, Vandaloo handed over the information of the reincarnated people, except for Deathsize, to the Iris and told them to be careful.

Each has cheat abilities, special attribute magic, and each person's name. And the reincarnations have something in common.

If you explain that cheat abilities are like unique skills, Lambda is almost the same. And even the mysterious and unknowable cheat abilities are useful because they usually convince them that "because that's a unique skill" and convince them that "unique skills can't be helped."

This is because in the past, unique skills have been identified that ignore logic and common sense.

The reason that the reincarnates also taught their special attribute magic is that if the reincarnates hid their cheat abilities without bursting like [Gunniru] 's Kanata, they would use magic instead. Because.

Reincarnated people seem to be able to acquire skills as soon as they reincarnate the experience, knowledge and skills cultivated in Origin unlike Vandaloo.

However, when reincarnating with an adult body, relying on non-cheat abilities should be magic, not martial arts.

T rans l at e d by m The reincarnated are trained in army style at Origin, and they have a variety of combat skills as well as gun handling. Kaito Kanata also had the skills of throwing and martial arts.

However, according to Legion, there is no martial arts expert in the dead Bravers.

Although they have learned military martial arts and knife handling at a fairly high level, many appear to be only "normal professionals." In terms of the skill level in Lambda, it is about 5 to 6 or so.

The exceptions are [Mage Smasher] Miwa Amber and [Odin] Akira Hamada.

Because there is no martial arts in Origin, martial arts are inferior to magic in many ways. This is even more so, especially with modern weapons such as guns and bombs.

Nevertheless, there are martial arts masters in Origin, but many of the reincarnates who have been given cheat abilities probably chose to train their cheat abilities and magic rather than aim for them.

And there are no guns or bombs in Lambda. …… Reincarnates could be made with black powder, but if you do that, it's like raising a sign saying “I'm a reincarnate”.

According to Iris, a former Aldaist, Arudaism contraindicates the creation and use of "burning black powder" in the name of the hero Bellwood. …… Since the person who actually made it has never appeared for 100,000 years, it is described only in old and thick scriptures, although it seems to be almost forgotten contraindications. Tran s lat e d by Jpm tl.c om

And while Rhodocorte can give reincarnated people the qualities and aptitude of magic, they cannot give them experience directly. Otherwise, there is no point in reincarcating them to Origin once.

So reincarnates will not suddenly become masters of new attribute magic.

Reincarnates who cannot rely on modern weapons and cannot use martial arts must use magic to work in Lambda, and use attribute magic that each person cultivated in Origin is good at.

"But is the name meaningful? If it's reborn, will it have a new name?"

"Iris says, of course, that's when you're reborn from a baby. If you're coming with an adult body, your name should be the same as in the past.

I heard that names aren't easily changeable. ''

In Lambda, it is not possible to change the name if you follow the same procedure as on earth. That's because the status shows only the name that you recognize as your real name.

In addition, the ID registration required for long-term activity in Lambda must be real. Even if you try to register with a fake name just for your mouth, it will be lost when issuing a card using a magic item.

Some reincarnates have apparently different names from when they were in Japan, but they won't be able to suddenly change their perception of names without having to start over from a baby.

"I see. But why can't you tell me your face?"

"Because you can change your body and maybe your race. Later on, you look pretty different with age."

When Vendaloo looked back at Tatsuya Tendomi of [Senrikomi] with [Abyss] skills, he saw almost all the incarnates of souls alone.

The figure could only be identified because of the information from Legion, but it would never have been possible to distinguish it from memory on Earth alone.

It's the Origin where there are only people, so it's not clear what happens in Lambda where there are different races.

T r ansla t e d by jp m tl.c om If an elf whose physique is close to race is still a dwarf with a very different physique, a beast race that harbors the characteristics of a beast, a dragon, etc., it will be absolutely impossible to tell just by appearance.

In fact, Rhodocorte cannot reincarnate reincarnates into a new tribe of Vida due to a different system.

"And the common feature of reincarnated people is that you can't use [Non-Attribute Magic] at first."

Origin has no time attribute and no attribute magic. Even if Rodcorte gives the aptitude for the time attribute again, there is no aptitude of the non-attribute magic, so it has to be studied from the beginning like Vandalou did to be usable.

"In other words, we need to be alert to those who have unique skills that have the effect of information and are good at certain attribute magic, or those who can use attribute magic but cannot use non-attribute magic."


When reincarnated with an adult body, as Iris says, the history is absolutely unknown. Still, he has already gained around 5 levels of skills.

If you don't get too clever, it will definitely stand out.

In particular, the Sauron territory, where the Iris are, is under the Amid Empire. Access to and from the Orbaum election is difficult, and access to and from the Amid Empire is restricted except for soldiers and merchants with passports.

So Iris, who are widely supported by the Sauron territory and have insiders in the Occupation Army, will be able to notice the reincarnated.

"But reincarnations will also find it difficult to penetrate here. Whether we can help ..."

"No, I don't want to catch me if I notice. I'll just tell me secretly, that's fine. I'll leave a golem for contact."

"Such a Majesty! We can't lose! No matter how many unique skills you have, you can't use martial arts.

Hadges raise their fists while holding a spoon to reveal their will. Vandaloo tries to calm it down, "No, it's a bit tough."

"Come down! Okay, they're ridiculous guys, you're not your opponent!"

Tr an s late d b y jpm t Miles shouted out Vandaloo's voice.

"Last night the boss fought one of the reincarnates and died! You just have to report calmly! Okay !?

"What, what !? Your Majesty died !?"

"Such a Majesty ... the Majesty said that he could afford even the original vampire Gubamon ... Huh, surely, we can only do it now."

Iris groans with regret to Hajji's astonishing eyes.

"... No, well, I sure died."

However, Vandalu feels subtly cheating on them. Certainly, my heart and breathing were stopped, and the Zadiris were a little dangerous.

"It's not good, I'm convinced. Lies are also convenient."

Bachin!Miles whispered with a strong wink that sounds like that.

"That is also true. It is true that reincarnated people are strong enemies. Then, I will return when I take measures against this hideout.

After that, a strange pattern was engraved on the roof of the hideout by Vandaloo, and a mysterious stone circle was placed around it.

Returning to Tarosheim, Vandaloo headed to the constant job change room.

Normally, raising the level while fighting with yourself also progresses skill acquisition, but this time there was no time, so Volks arranged a nearby alter ego when Michael defeated and experienced parasitism You earned value and reached the level of [Zombie Maker] to 100.

"[Cross-eye] It's going to take a long time to take measures. In the swamps of Lizardman and Scylla, is it a stone circle?"

Even though time is not available for reincarnation measures, reincarnations are new threats and must be strengthened to combat them. It's annoying.

<< Selectable Jobs [Devil Officer] [Devil] [Pirate Warrior] [Whip Tongue Disaster] [Grudge Madman] [Death Magician] [Mage Doctor] [Labyrinth Creator] [Devil Master] [Magician] [Golem Founder] [Hades of Magic] [God Enemy] (NEW!) [News] (NEW!) T rans la te d b y Jp mtl .com

The number of selectable jobs displayed in the consciousness of Vandalu touching the crystal, and the name of a noisy job increased.

"[Mude] is a job similar to [Mage] ... Is a guru able to have more than one person? But [God enemy] …… If someone knows, it is treated as an evil entity It is a job that is likely to be done. ''

The reason that such a job grows even though I have been in close contact with God recently must be due to Rodcorte or the god of law, Arda.

... It may just be the destruction of Goubamon. No, I didn't come out before the job change to [Zombie Maker] after that, so I guess it's because of Lodcorte.

Take care and select the job to be changed.

“…… Select Golem Founder”

If you think about the rate of increase in the ability value, it will be [Mage] of the same guru system job as [Mage]. However, Vandalou chose Golem Founder, which is likely to be related to alchemy.

Because I thought that if I created new metals such as raw gold and spirit silver and succeeded in the three major mysteries of alchemy, and further increase the correction to [alchemy] skills, I would be closer to the resurrection of Darussia .

Also, [Golem Training] skill is useful.

"[Golem Training] and [Alchemy] skills have been raised!

"[Golem training] skill has awakened to [Golem creation] skill!

<< [Carpenter], [Public Works], [Blacksmithing] skills have been integrated into [Golem Creation] skills!

Name: Vandaloo

Race: Dumpel (Dark Elf)

Age: 9 years old

Two names: [Ghoul King] [Ecological King] [The Return of the Demon King] [Guardian of the Settlement Land] [Son of Vida] [Monster] [Ring King] [Touch King]

Job: Golem Founder

Level: 0

Job history: Death attribute magician, golem slayer, undead tamer, soul slayer, poisoner, insect worm, treesmith, mage, great enemy, zombie maker

Ability value

Life force: 2,241

Magic Power: 1,082,220,588+ (324,666,176)

Power: 996

Agility: 748

Physical Strength: 1,053

Intelligence II: 2,225

Passive skills

Strength: 5Lv

High-speed healing: 10Lv (UP!)

Death attribute magic: 10Lv

State abnormal resistance: 8Lv

Magic resistance: 6Lv

Night vision

Mage Attraction: 2Lv

Discard chant: 6Lv

Guidance: Mage: 4Lv

Magic Power Recovery: 6Lv

Dependency enhancement: 7Lv

Poison secretion (nail tongue): 5Lv

Agility enhancement: 3Lv

Body stretching (tongue): 5Lv

Handless Attack Strength: Large

Physical strengthening (hair, nails, tongue): 4Lv

Yarn refining: 3Lv

Magic power increase: 3Lv

Active skills

Occupational blood: 3Lv

Breakthrough: 8Lv (UP!)

Golem Creation: 1Lv (Awakening from Golem Training!)

Non-Attribute Magic: 8Lv

Magic control: 7Lv

Spirit body: 8Lv

Carpenter: 6Lv (Integrated into the creation of Golem!)

Civil engineering: 4Lv (Integrated into the creation of Golem!)

Cooking: 5Lv

Alchemy: 7Lv (UP!)

Martial arts: 6Lv

Soul Breaking: 10Lv (UP!)

Simultaneous activation: 6Lv

Remote control: 7Lv

Surgery: 6Lv (UP!)

Parallel thinking: 6Lv

Instantiation: 4Lv

Cooperation: 4Lv

High-speed thinking: 5Lv

Conductor: 4Lv

Transplanting: 5Lv

Spinning: 5Lv

Throwing: 5Lv

Shout: 4Lv

Death magic: 5Lv

Artificial worms: 5Lv

Blacksmith: 1 Lv (Integrated into the creation of a golem!)

Artillery: 4Lv

Shield art: 1 Lv (NEW!)

Armor art: 1 Lv (NEW!)

Unique skills

God killing: 8Lv (UP!)

Deformed spirit: 7Lv (UP!)

Mental erosion: 6Lv (UP!)

Labyrinth architecture: 6Lv

Demon King Fusion: 4Lv

Abyss: 4Lv (UP!)


Shard of Demon King




Ink bag



Unable to carry over previous experience

Existing job unavailable

Unable to acquire experience points

Announcement in the brain resounding. Production skills have been integrated into [Golem creation], which seems to be the top skill of [Golem training].


Vandaloo was a little confused. Experience shows that when skills are integrated, the skills before integration do not disappear.

So, I decided to try using the throwing Kunai iron that I have right now to try it out.

"I feel uncomfortable, but there is no response to [danger detection: death] ... Is it a magical problem?"

If you try to change the shape with a kunai as a golem, two methods come to your mind intuitively. One is the same as before. The other way is to consume magic power that is orders of magnitude greater than before.

"What, how do you feel like a million yen corner was created in this 100 yen shop?"

Speaking of which, is it better to make a one-run shop in Tarosheim someday? What was the profit margin of the global 100 yen shop? Although there are many nocturnal people, the number of 24-hour retailers is already increasing.

With a little thought and flying in some direction, Vandaloo first made Goten the dead iron kunai in the usual way.

The feeling of changing shape and the precision were always the same.

"Next, mass consumption ...?!"

Then, the magic power was reduced. Much more than a million would have been reduced.

Then Kunai emerged from the palm of Vandaloo, fell down and hit the back of his foot with a heavy noise saying, "Bijan!" Fortunately, I didn't stab because of the liquid metal, but it was quite painful because the liquid weighed the same as iron.

We see alternately the dead iron that appeared in the shape of a kunai spreading at the feet with tears and the dead iron kunai that changed into a golem shape.

"This is what Luciliano would be happy to see."

Apparently, the [Golem Creation] skill can create a substance as the name implies, and treat it as a golem.

Until now [Golem training], a golem could not be made without using existing substances as materials. Stone and wood were indispensable for building structures.

However, the higher skill [Golem Creation] can create matter from nothing.

It seems to use a lot of magic power. If it takes more than 100 million magical power to create a single Kunai dead iron that Vandaloo uses for throwing, how much magical power is needed to create a golem that can be used as a regular baggage carrier or as a combatant What?

However, if you can master this skill, Vandalu will be able to build a fortified city in a truly empty wilderness.

"Well, there's already a Knochen, so I don't mind if I can't do that much."

Knochen in Bournefort is a mobile fortress that flies in the sky, made up of bones fortified with a large amount of bones. He is still a stronghold at the southern tip of the swamps as a base for the Knights of the Dark Night, led by Ira.

"For now, let's verify the amount of magic consumed by the type and amount of the substance ... before that, let's try to repair the resuscitation device"

He left the job change room while saying so.

C-class dungeons, sub-dragons that live in the Volks Sub-Dragon Meadow ... The monsters, now called dinosaurs, were running away with fear of their paws.


The paws are not paws on the feet of dogs and cats. It is a massive spherical mass of meat.

It is approaching as the giant fern plant trees are knocked down. Even monsters from dungeons that are more ferocious than normal monsters, it's no wonder they retreat away.

Moreover, there are a number of arms and legs growing on the sides of the body of meat, hitting the ground and kicking, and running on its own.

"Huah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Moreover, while laughing with a woman's voice from somewhere.

It's no wonder that the Tyrannosaurus escapes involuntarily.

However, Tyrannosaurus ranks 4 as a monster. In the C-class dungeon “Volks Sub-Dragon Meadow,” it is a monster classified as Zako.


The Tyrannosaurus escaped to the rank five Huge Triceratops. The giant horned dragon, which was already ready for war, struck a chunk of meat with a rush to kick off carnivorous dinosaurs.

"Fuhahahah! I ’m marching in Ha, nonstop! Spiral attack!

The voice of a woman shouts with a very suspicious pronunciation. However, at that moment, the arm that grew from the meat mass moves at high speed, and the rotational movement of the whole meat mass is super-accelerated!

"BUMO! ?

Huge triceratops rushing in a huge body more than 10 meters in length and crashed from the front, hitting the horn dragon.

Huge triceratops, whose horns and cervical vertebrae were crushed in the magnitude of the impact, and several tyrannosauruses that could not escape from the collision of both roll around.

The sight is reminiscent of an animal jumped into a car in a traffic accident if the size is ignored.

"Hahahahaha! Sieg!

The meat mass that won the rush confrontation stopped spinning, and a female upper body grew from above. The surface is the same color as the flesh, without eyes and nose, but it can be understood from the outline and form that it will be a tall woman's upper body.

The woman's upper body stretches her chest when her hand is placed on her waist, and she is proud of her triumph.

However, from the side, the upper body of a difficult-to-understand neutral form, whether a boy or a girl, got up and called out.

"Valkyrie, out"

"Nah! ? Enma, why! ?

"Sieg is not possible with lambda."

"So, Sonna! Experience value is good and it is good. ? OK! ?

"That's no good. It's a game that can only speak Lambda. Berserk suppresses Walkure

The newly appeared flesh-colored bear crushes Valkyrie and returns to the body of the ball.

"No! ? I ha, poor Nandazo! Labor-

"Valkyrie, you were the poorest after Pluto until the past. All abilities are common in this world. "

Meat chunks ... The legions raised their level by leveling, and while they gained skills and changed jobs, they were able to divide their thoughts to some extent.

Now, members of Walkure and the Enma and others, "Eighth Guidance," and Hitomi Minuma of [Gaiser], can now speak separately.

Unlike the state of borrowing a single body or multiple personalities, the memories are completely shared.

For example, a terminal called Enma or Walkure is connected to a server called Legion. It is such a state.

In such a state, the legions strive to level while playing a `` game that can only speak lambda '' to learn the Lambda language that is based on Japanese (accurately, earth, not the earth) It was.

"It's absolutely painful."

Suddenly, when Enma looked at him from behind, he thought that there was a chance, and three Tyrannosauruses were biting and eating meat.


Three tyrannosaurus that bites and shreds meat with sharp fangs and strong jaws and chews. Did the meat of ten humans be eaten already?

However, Enma had no significant pain or sense of crisis.

"status. ...... I see, is this a phenomenon that occurs due to the existence of vitality?

Calmly cast the status of non-elemental magic and check their status.

The life force of about 10 million Legions was reduced by about 10,000. In other words, the Legion is now taking 10,000 damage.

Nevertheless, the legions, including Enma, do not feel much pain because the damage is small as a whole.

If a Tyrannosaurus bites and eats a whole bite of meat, the creatures of "Earth" and "Origin" will not hurt. Humans and even large mammals will die. Whales and elephants may be alive depending on where they are bitten, but they can't stay very calm with screaming intense pain.

However, vitality ... In lambdas where the concept of hit points in the game exists, the size of the wound is determined by the amount of damage to the maximum hit point.

`` If the maximum hit point is large, is it possible for a tyrannosaurus to bite only a scratch? ''

"... That's why I'm devoured"

"I'm going to heal right away"

Next to Enma, Ereshkigal and Izanami grow their upper bodies. Although both of them have only vague forms, especially Izanami, which has no protrusions like tumors, cannot be understood at first glance.

"If you think so, fight back. I'm still not good at fighting. '


When Ereshkigal muttered, the next moment, one of Tyrannosaurus, who was unilaterally eating a legion, was exterminated by pouring blood into the invisible fangs.

The two remaining Tyrannosauruses are angry with the sudden counterattack and try to push their fangs again. One of them, however, suddenly exploded with a legion of meat left in the gap between the fangs, and the head popped off.

The remaining one died due to the artillery of the neck being cut off by [Quick Blow], a martial art released by a dagger held by one of the arms of the legion, which had been stretched out.

And the wound of Legion, which had been greatly dug, was quickly restored as new flesh swelled.

"Well, let's eat for exercise."

"Do not eat skin, magic stones and bones, Jack"

"Ok, Yo Hitomi-chan"

The limbs that grow from the side of the legion grow and wriggle, eating the dead Huge Triceratops and Tyrannosaurus meat as if they were assimilated.

Pauvina, who was looking at the situation at a distance, was eating a bento.

"Hey, what does" Zuck "mean?"

"I mean victory, Pauvina"

Among them was Pluto's personality, which was separated from the legions in the form of a girl-shaped flesh.

"By the way, [remote control] what are you doing when you activate the skill?"

"While you're away, you can't share memories unlike the undead ... Vandaloo"

"Yeah. After all, unlike Van, who is split, is he originally a different person?"

"I think it is. In our case, it feels more like [separation] than [remote control]. "


"Thank you, Eisen"

"I'm very comfortable because all the dinosaurs around go to the legion. Are you delicious?"

"Don't eat, Braga!"

Legion was leveling with Pauvina and Lapiesage, Yamata, Pribel, Eisen, and Braga, who came as a spy.

"Separation ..."

"[" Separation ......... ♪ "]"

Lapiesage and Yamata seem to be trying out the [remote control] skill by imitating Pluto. Each part is separated and moved.

Lapiesage had already gained [remote control], but in the case of Yamata, nine beautiful women with only upper bodies crawl on the ground, and the appearance is a terrible sight.

By the way, Eleonora was together yesterday to see if Legions and Pauvinas would pass on "Volks Suburban Grassland". Nest].

For her rank 9 vampire by-count, she seems dissatisfied with the experience gained in C-class dungeons.

It might be better to fight Michael, a rank 10 training man, but Eleonora's fighting abilities can't beat him, so he can gain a lot of skill to sharpen his skills, but he has no experience You can't get it.

The heroes zombies Zandia and Gina are separate actions. The two of them are in this morning a part of the Legion's [Surgery], they are as close as possible to the state of their birth, and now train with a B-class dungeon, "Varigen Lifeguard", to become accustomed to the undead body with Volks. I have. It seems that once you get used to it, you will fight against a related partner once.

"Feast! Let's go soon. By the way, how big can you go up the stairs?



Pauvina listens to Pluto, picking up Yamata's torso rolling on the ground. The current legion body has grown to be more than half a meter in diameter, so it's not surprising to think so.

"There is no problem because that is just changing the size with [size change] skill"

"That's right! I'm sorry, [Resize]. I want to learn it too. If I can remember it, I can go to Braga's house."

Pauvina, who is about two meters tall, seems enviable to be able to change the size freely. However, [Resize] is a skill that can usually only be obtained from monsters.

"Isn't there an effect that can be reduced with magic items or drugs?

"Hmm, I don't know."

"I don't even know. I've heard of things that grow up in the old days. I'll ask my mom when I return."

For a week, the extravagant girl + α party continued to level.

Name: Legion

Age: 0

Two names: None

Rank: 6

-Race: Legion

Level: 87

Job: Big meat warrior

-Job level: 0

Job history: apprentice magician, magician, apprentice warrior, warrior, meat bullet

Passive skills

Mental contamination: 7Lv

Compound soul

Magic resistance: 3Lv (UP!)

Special five senses

Physical attack resistance: 5Lv (UP!)

Shape change: 3Lv (UP!)

Super fast playback: 2Lv (UP!)

Strength: 3Lv (NEW!)

Increased magic power: 1 Lv (NEW!)

Strengthening vitality: 6Lv

Ability enhancement: Meat: 3Lv (NEW!)

Active skills

Limited Death Attribute Magic: 10Lv

Size change: 5Lv (UP!)

Conductor: 3Lv

Surgery: 5Lv

Martial arts: 6Lv (UP!)

Dagger technique: 3Lv (UP!)

Fusion: 2Lv (UP!)

Assault: 5Lv (NEW!)

Chant discard: 1 Lv (NEW!)

Parallel thinking: 5Lv (NEW!)

Remote operation: 3Lv (NEW!)

Non-Attribute Magic: 1 Lv (NEW!)

Magic control: 2Lv (NEW!)

Breakthrough: 1 Lv (NEW!)

High-speed running: 1 Lv (NEW!)

Enhance regenerative power: Meat: 3Lv (NEW!)

Unique skills

Origin God Blessing

Zuluwan's protection

Blessing of Recruit

Gaiser: 5Lv

Job Description: Zombie Maker

Job to create zombies from corpses. There is a job effect that greatly reduces the time and magic required to create undead (especially zombies) including zombies.

Although the rate of increase in stats is small, it is possible to create a large number of zombies. In the case of Vandaloo, however, it was originally possible to create an undead in less time and possess a huge amount of magic.

As a result, the time and magic required to change jobs by the zombie maker were reduced, resulting in the unexpected side effect of unconsciously undead surrounding corpses.

-Job description: meat bullet

A job that can be used only by intellectual races of meat only weighing more than 1,000 kg. Of course, Legion is the first to get this job in Lambda.

Strength, physical strength, and vitality are greatly increased, and there are large corrections to gaining [Martial Arts], [Assault], [Fast Healing] (or higher skills), [Resize], and [Cooking]. In addition, there is a job effect that the meat becomes delicious and the meat can be delicious.

If the level of the meat bullet reaches 100 and you have a body of only 10,000 km or more meat, you can change to the job of the big job [Big meat bullet].

In addition, the status of the above-mentioned legion is a thing at the time of leveling end.