The Dark Magician Transmigrates After 66666 Years

CH 47

: what happened that night (2)

Bena was looking at the entrance of the laboratory with a worried face.

Judging from the silence so far, it seems that the incident hasn\'t happened yet.

\'Should I go in? .\'

She stood at the entrance, not knowing what to do. Then someone walked out.


"Jeez, Zell."

He was a fellow warlock named Zell.

Zell asked, looking at Bena with distasteful eyes.

"What are you doing here?"

uh? Ah, that."

"Hilla is so mad at you. Are you going to kill me?"


Zell\'s words reminded Bena of the errand she had forgotten.

I was so nauseous that I completely forgot. Normally, I would have been very nervous at the thought of being insulted by Hilla, but today, for some reason, a sigh of relief came out.

Are you crazy? Is Hilla really mad?"

Hela was also known for her bad temper, even among her fellow warlocks.

Especially to Bena, he was like a devil, so Zell couldn\'t understand Bena\'s reaction like that.

"Did you do it because you were scared?"

"Oh, no."

"What- I told you."

After saying that, Zell headed somewhere.

As he disappeared, Bena breathed another sigh of relief. It was no different to be relieved, because there had not yet been any problems in the laboratory.

"Let\'s go in."

Vena clenched her fists and entered the lab.

The laboratory was as usual. But a small commotion was heard not far away.

"Where did that motherfucker go!"

"You crazy bastard!"

The source of the commotion was Nalson and Ball.

They were giggling and looking around. Then I found Bena and came to me about a month later.

"You haven\'t seen Pika?!"

"Have you not seen that child?"

"Mom, I didn\'t see it."

Bena was very embarrassed to see them angry.

The two, of opposite sizes, were growling with similar expressions.


"That motherfucker broke us apart."

"I don\'t know why, but if I get caught, I won\'t let it go. never!

It must have been that Pika had done something to them.

"But it\'s strange. I am not that kind of person."

right. He\'s a guy who isn\'t smart enough to reveal secrets like that. What kind of wind is blowing?"

"If you find it, you will find out. Come on, let\'s go catch it!

okay. Whatever it is, you have to pay the price!"

Nalson and Ball disappeared to find Pika again.

Alone, Bena bit her nails.


She knew Pika too.

Pika was called the Threesome with them, and the relationship between the three was very good. It wasn\'t the kind of personality that would suddenly separate the two of them.

That\'s right.

"Ah, maybe."

But in the corner of my heart there is still anxiety.

If that\'s the Pika that Nalson and Ball talked about.

"Tea, let\'s find it."

It\'s not the time to just think.

Benado also began to scramble to find Pica.

* * *

Pika is nowhere to be seen.

Although the laboratory was large, it was not to the extent that it could not be found at all.

It seemed that the roads kept crossing.

\'What if it\'s a real person?\'

gossip is cool

Things happen to happen in the lab, but I was afraid to find out that I was the cause of it all.

Rather, on the other hand, I thought that now might be an opportunity to leave this place.

But I still didn\'t have that courage.

I just wanted to find Pika as soon as possible.

At that moment, someone pulled one of Bena\'s tail hairs.


you. Are you kidding me about what I said?"

Bena, who had just hit her butt wheel, grabbed her hair and looked at the opponent who knocked her down.

"Hey, Hilla."

"I sent you an errand, so come on in now? And if you come, you have to jump right at me, what the hell is this garbage?"

"I\'m sorry, I\'m sorry. I forgot."

Ha ha ha ha ha! forgot?"


Hilla opened her eyes terrifyingly and pulled her hair forward.

Then he took the wand from his bosom and stabbed Bena\'s cheek.

"Are you saying that now?"

"Forgive me just once ."

Forgiveness? Oh, I must have looked really funny."

He raised one corner of his mouth and lifted the wand upwards.

Black mana began to condense at the end of the wand.

Seeing this, Bena hurriedly shouted.

"Hey, Hilla! Wait a minute!

"Things like you need punishment, too."


[Pain struggle]

The cursed wand turned towards Bena.

Bena grabbed Hilla\'s arm tightly and ejaculated.

"Please, please forgive me!"

"Leave this."

please ."

Tears flowed from his eyes filled with fear.

But Hela had no intention of showing mercy. Rather, he had a sadistic expression on his face and was in a state of excitement.

"Come on, let\'s struggle for a moment ."

The wand that came to Bena\'s nose stopped.

She doesn\'t know why Hilla stopped, but she thought it was a good thing the curse didn\'t touch her body. And I was going to thank Hilla for stopping.

"Go, thank you, Hill ."

What are you.

Hilla raised her eyes terrifyingly.

He threw Bena aside and stood up.

Bena was taken aback by Hilla\'s sudden action. What the hell did you see?

He shifted his gaze to where he was looking.


Standing there was Pika, whom Bena had been searching for so much.

* * *

"I didn\'t notice."

He safely escaped from the lab without being detected.

When he felt the pretense of popularity, he almost killed his opponent with a sudden impulse. If it did, you would be in a corner and in a big crisis.

Jamie immediately moved to another place.

Off the lab line, from the bedroom to the lounge. The living space of the warlocks appeared.

He looked around and then went into an empty common room and sat down roughly.

Then he muttered with a tired face.

"Is this all black magic that I made?"

Although the nature itself is different from that time, in any case, its maintenance has continued into the present day, creating the situation here.


But knowing and seeing are two different things.

Other schools of black magic will not be much different from this place. Maybe there was a worse place, I didn\'t know.

"I didn\'t want this."

He himself can\'t blame the warlocks here either. Because he also sacrificed countless lives in the past to oppose the 12 gods.

It wasn\'t this though.

Life is not a toy. You must be prepared to sacrifice your life.

Those who heard it would treat it as bullshit as well, but the moment they easily downplayed life, the power of power only turned into a terrible nightmare.

"Ganon. You were special."

Jamie had a light heart when she came here.

Come to think of it, it was largely because I got to know a warlock named Ganon. Because he only learned black magic for a purpose.

So I thought that modern warlocks were just a little more evil than that.

"These are the seeds I sowed."

Seeds that have grown for tens of thousands of years are now out of control.

I couldn\'t let it go though.

Someone had to correct it.

"I have one more thing to do."

12 Besides getting revenge on the gods, there is something I must do.

It is the direct harvest of all warlock societies with these hands.

I don\'t know how long it would take, but if all this was his karma, Jamie was going to do it anyway.

"Let\'s go."

walked again.

Then, in the distance, a familiar pink hair appeared.

But a man held his head. The man shouted something and lifted the wand upwards.

"I saw this as soon as I made up my mind."

Jamie smiled and walked over there.

* * *

And now again.

you. What are you asking?"

Hilla pointed her wand at Jamie in the form of Pika.

" ."

"A bastard who\'s not much different from this bitch is ignoring me now?"

" ."

"Ha! Really these are a pair... ."


Then Jamie called Bena.

Bena flinched at the sudden call.

"How long are you going to suffer?"

" ?"

"Is this guy that scary?"

" what it is."

"Get up."

Bena felt an irresistible force in Jamie\'s voice. In fact, Jamie was speaking with magic in his voice.

But everything that happened from now on was entirely at Bena\'s will.

Bena staggered and stood up. She didn\'t know why she was doing this. It just seemed like it had to be. If I couldn\'t do it, I thought I\'d have to live like this for the rest of my life.


Hilla burst out laughing as it was ridiculous.

"Are these really crazy?"

"How long are you going to be still?"

"Pica. I will kill you today."

vena. How long are you going to be still?"


It was the moment Hilla was about to move towards Jamie.

Bena was dizzy. She looked as if Hilla\'s figure was somehow distorted.

always tormented myself. Ignored, cursed, and treated like a bug. The reason was simply that it was \'not like a warlock\'.

\'I know. At least I don\'t like black magic.\'

He knew better than anyone that he was a person who did not fit into this place.

No, I didn\'t want to be the kind of person that would fit in a place like this.

I always wanted to run away. I always wanted courage. I didn\'t want to be timid.

He wanted to overcome it over and over again, but each time he did, Hilla quickly cut the buds.

"Now, I don\'t want to do that anymore."

Bena looked at the wand in her hand. I don\'t even know when I took it out. However, there was definitely a wand in his hand, trembling with fear.

"I don\'t want to live with being hurt anymore!"

Hela couldn\'t laugh at that. He glared at Bena with an angry expression on his face.

"I can\'t. It can\'t just be a punishment. Very hellish for you today... ."



Mana swirled.

Pink hair fluttered in all directions.

The blackened mana began to condense into the wand.

Although Hilla was looking at the scene, she did not understand what she was seeing.

Bena is about to cast a spell on her.

A slave who is as good as a slave is about to rebel, which is not even funny. It was as if I was possessed by a few words uttered by the same buggy.

I couldn\'t even imagine a sight like this.

"This is real!"

"I don\'t want to live like this anymore!!"

resistance for the first time.

Bena swung her wand hard. Black mana sparks and scatters a curse of pain.

However, the difference in skill was unavoidable.


Hilla broke Bena\'s magic without difficulty.

Bena\'s face was stained with despair, but her bad teeth were proof that she had not given up.

"I will change!!"

Her eyes began to glimmer.


An invisible energy wave emanated from Bena.

At that moment, Hilla felt her whole body tremble.

"Bar, what did you just do?"

All of a sudden, I felt like everything was shattered.

However, the real party, Bena, was unaware.

\'Maybe that\'s it.\'

Jamie looked at Bena with her eyes wide open.

I thought she was just a good-natured Bena. But I didn\'t know it was being hidden.


It was clear that he was not aware of this, not that it was hidden.

You just woke up from the situation!

\'After all, you will not be accepted as a disciple.\'

"This is going crazy!"

After absorbing the curse, Hilla shot it straight at Bena.

Bena shrugged and closed her eyes tightly.

But the curse did not reach Bena.

She shrugged and narrowed her eyes.

"What, what!"

Hela looked bewildered.

He looked at the owner of the hand holding the wand with an unbelievable expression on his face.

"Blood, Pika!"

vena. You took one step forward."

Jamie\'s eyes turned purple.

A thick hand gripped Hilla\'s face. An irresistible pressure cramped her whole body.

"The first time is difficult, the second time will not be difficult."

"Sleep, wait!"

Darkness began to corrode Hilla\'s skin.

No pain was felt.

It was just disappearing.

"How could you have such power ."

"Hey, power that doesn\'t fit the theme is easily destroyed."

At least, a little bit better than Bena.

I went crazy holding on to too much of a subject like that.

Hela stretched out her arms to live, but there was nothing he could do.


Bena saw a robe that had fallen to the floor.

I lost strength in my legs.

* * *


Gav, an old man with wide eyes, stood up.

I don\'t know what happened, but what I\'ve been working on for so long has finally awakened.

But it seems he hasn\'t figured it out yet.

\'Is the isolated situation finally seeing the light?\'

Gav remembered the face of Bena, who was always in pain.

For 10 years, everything has been adjusted to get everyone to reject her.

Slowly, so that no one knows.

So even those who bully Bena don\'t know why they hate her.

Bena herself would think that she was just being bullied for being ugly.

"I wondered what if I couldn\'t wake up forever because it was too much."

Fortunately, there seems to be an opportunity.

A huge talent that I discovered in Bena as a child.

"The power of the Valkyrie!"

Gav draped his robes and lifted up the cobra-carved staff.

"This place is no longer needed."

It\'s time to move on to a higher world.

- Continued on next episode -