The Dark Magician Transmigrates After 66666 Years

CH 46

: what happened that night (1)

Jamie thought he had heard it wrong for a moment.

So I asked again.


"I ask you to accept me as a disciple ."

I looked at Bena\'s expression quietly.

The expression on his face is tense, but he does not avoid his gaze.

And to think that she was trying to avoid the crisis, the mind check was telling her that her feelings were true.

I had no intention of stopping though.

Jamie reached out again.

"Sleep, wait! please!

Bena grabs her crotch.

Now, I asked for it with respect.

Jamie tried to push Bena down, but she grabbed her leg and started to ejaculate.

"I lost my parents in an accident 10 years ago, and I was led by the head of the school and forcibly became a warlock. Every day was terrible. Life-sacrificing experiments corroded my mind, and my colleagues criticized and harassed me. I couldn\'t even escape, so I was locked up here for 10 years. I know. I\'m a coward and a hypocrite. Still, I want to stop. Really I really want to quit."

"What does that have to do with being my disciple? I am a warlock too."

"The black mana you showed me. It was very different from what I was dealing with. It\'s not something that was created by sacrificing life. is not it?

It\'s not about sacrificing your life.

At that, Jamie smirked.

Just because it feels that way is not the answer.

Sometimes there is even a very pure \'darkness\'.


" on?

"And above all, I hate it."

As he shaved his legs, Bena fell to the side.

"I, please make me a disciple!"

As Bena hurriedly turned around, Jamie\'s hand touched her head.

Consciousness went out with him.

After a while. Bena, who had lost consciousness, opened her eyes.

She stared blankly into the air, then started fiddling with her face.

Then, crying, he leaned against the wall and hugged his legs.

what can I do ."

It seems that they all confessed.

* * *

Jamie was watching Bena from afar.


There was no disciple.

Before the creation of black magic, when he reigned as a great wizard, he had several disciples.

All of them were great talents.

He thought that if he raised him well, he could one day become an enemy of God with him.


At the memory of the old past, Jamie pointed to his temple.

Those who followed themselves as their masters.

However, at the end of it, only the back of his back comes to mind.

bitter past. Jamie stopped laughing and looked at Bena again with slightly damp eyes.

What. Not necessarily because of that."

Bena\'s talent. and sincerity.

Not everything was going to help me in the future.

You\'d be lucky if you didn\'t hold on to your ankles.

So I had no intention of making him a disciple.

"Take care and do something."

According to the information gleaned from Bena, the school of black magic that exists in Nessman is the Gav school.

His specialization is Curse Magic.

The number of warlocks staying here is roughly twenty.

Among them, Gav, the leader of the school, was a high-level witch doctor and was recognized as an absolute existence that could not be resisted by Bena.

"That\'s quite a lot."

It was terrible that there were twenty warlocks who were not from the general school of magic and lived in the shadows.

\'Doesn\'t the gentleman know? I may be ignoring it knowingly, but I don\'t think it is.\'

Count Peor, Lord of Nessman, was a middle-aged man with a good impression. Looking at him, it seemed that he would not compromise even if he could not reject evil.

It\'s only a matter of seeing what\'s inside, but the intuition of a wizard the size of Jamie was as accurate as possible.

Above all, Nesman is the gateway to the north.

As it was the closest to the capital, darkness was difficult to lurk in, and perhaps he was aiming for that point.

It is not for nothing that it is said that it is dark under the lamp.

Since they are a group of wizards, there is a high possibility that they will not know at all if they hide thoroughly.

"Shall we check how many things we have piled up?"

Jamie got up.

You will see with your own eyes the extent to which modern warlocks have developed at the cost of corrupting themselves.

If your disappointment is greater than your expectations-

Tonight is probably going to be long.

* * *

"Damn it. How does this guy always lose?"

A warlock groaned and walked out of the warp passageway leading to the Gav School Lab.

He was on his way to buy alcohol after losing a bet with his teammates who now share the same lab.

I\'ve already lost 3 in a row.

I didn\'t know if the rock-paper-scissors had no talent, or if they were cheating.

"You motherfuckers. Someday I will turn them into frogs and throw them at snakes."

I don\'t know when it will be, but I was looking forward to that day.

"Why is the day so hot again?"

It\'s midsummer, so of course it\'s hot at night, but the reason it\'s really hot is probably because I lost my bet.

"When I go back, I have to ask for a late-night snack this time. Dogs."

That was then.

"By the way, why is it so far away !"

As he was just passing through the alley, a hand came out of the darkness and dragged him inside.


silent cries.

After a while.


The warlock walked out of the darkness as if nothing had happened. He patted my face awkwardly and muttered.

"He\'s filthy greasy."

Jamie, who covered the warlock\'s skin, ruffled his robe with a displeased face.

"Still, this will be enough."

How Jamie came up with the idea that it would be difficult to deal with all the Gavs.

While waiting near the lab, when a warlock appeared, he would steal his form and infiltrate inside.

I thought it might take quite a while, but it came out sooner than expected.

"Prepare thoroughly."

Since the warlock\'s recent memories were also absorbed, there was little chance that his identity would be discovered.

"Let\'s go."

Jamie cleared his excited expression and went inside.

The view that unfolded was an open, pure white hallway.

And the cold air cooled the hot skin. Whether it was for a comfortable life, the air conditioning was very good.

\'Is it better than I thought?\'

I thought of the dark basement atmosphere, but it was very neat.

It was when Jamie was looking around.

"Pika! Have you already bought alcohol?"

"Pika is already here?"

Contrary to the anchovy-skinned warlock, the oversized warlock walked out.

Pika, now disguised as Jamie, was a warlock and two bets.

Skinny warlock Nalson squinted one eye and looked at Jamie\'s empty hands.


"Ah, that\'s it."

I didn\'t know I was going to meet them right away.

Were these guys even waiting at the entrance until the guy named Pika bought him a drink?

"What happened?"

The bloated warlock\'s cheeks rubbed his bulging belly with an irritated face.

Jamie pondered what to do, and then came up with a good thing in Pika\'s recent memory.

"Nalson. Isn\'t it?

"What is it all of a sudden?"

"Bol drank the 33-year-old whiskey you saved."


"Pika! Go, what are you talking about all of a sudden!"

"Hey ball! Is that true!"

Nalson shot the ball with an angry face.

He waved his hand saying it wasn\'t a ball. He looked at Jamie, who was greatly embarrassed, and asked why he was saying that just by the shape of his mouth.

Jamie grinned and said to Ball this time.

ball. Are you not that?"

" ?"

"Last time, you made a sample of 20 mice for testing."

It did.

"Two of them were stolen by Nalson. And he told me that you would never know because you are as dull as a pig."

" Is that true, Nalson?"

"Look, see. Will I?"

uh. You are enough!"

The ball pushed Nalson hard. Then Nalson, who was quite small, swung backwards and rolled a few laps.

"This child! Do you want to die?"

When Nalson pulled out his wand, Ball too pulled out his wand.

"I haven\'t liked it ever since."

"Same! What a pig!"

"Don\'t even think about living!"

"It is you!"

At the sound of a bang from behind, the warlocks who were using the nearby laboratory came out to take a look.

Jamie smiled and hid between them.

* * *

The size of the institute was quite large.

Considering that there were about twenty warlocks belonging to the Gav school, it was a relatively large area.

In addition, the white marble floor and the walls are neat because of the high-quality materials used.

\'I\'m surprised they made this place in secret.\'

According to the memories of Bena and Pika, the history of the Gav school is about 15 years old.

Although the history is short and the number of heads is small, it was thanks to their major that they were able to create a research institute of this size.

In black magic, a \'curse\' was a force that made the opponent suffer.

It is usually approached from the biological realm rather than the supernatural realm, and that was consistent with the medical part.

So, the Gav school directly developed medical supplies and exported them here and there through the top made in the sun.

Thanks to this, for a school with a short history, it was on the financially wealthy side.

\'It\'s fun.\'

People who harm people make and sell items that help people for their own development.

Jamie kept walking.

Passing through the various laboratories, I saw some of the experiments going on inside.

Perhaps because they were all research on curse magic, the contents of the experiments were terrible.

The most terrifying of them all.

"Ugh ."

"Ahhh ."

Two men and women hung on the wall with their tongues sticking out.

Both eyes were tilted up and down, unable to focus.

Their stomachs were split, and the warlocks were checking the condition of their organs under the curse.

"It\'s amazing. Look at the lungs moving in this state."

"The above reaction is crazy. I\'m going to be really sick Kkukkuk!"

"It\'s a long-running gag, hey. Did you look like you were pooping?"

The warlocks giggled at each other\'s test subjects as if they were playing a joke.

There was no sincerity in them.

These experiments acted as if they were mere entertainment.

Jamie watched it for a moment, then stepped back.

As we went inside, the intensity of the experiment gradually increased.

In one of them, a mangled corpse was hung on hooks, and his head was blinking to see if he was still alive.

\' .\'

Walked a little more.

The size of the lab grew bigger and more equipment caught my eye.

Red bloodstains painted everywhere showed how terrifying the experiments were. All the warlocks inside were laughing like crazy.

Jamie, who did not stop walking, stopped in front of the empty laboratory and entered it.

The inside was neatly organized.

Upon entering, there was a door. The door was opened, but no one was inside, and there was an organized document on the desk in the center.

All were papers on the experimental results. In the last chapter, the researcher\'s feelings were briefly summarized.

1. When A was administered to a rat, he had a seizure and died. Since the immune system of mice may be simple, I tried administering A to human subjects. The subject struggled in agony and died immediately. They lasted about 3 minutes longer than mice.

2. There is probably not enough research on A. After the convulsions, it goes into a completely empty state and is supposed to be a living doll, but it just dies. I think you need to lower the concentration a bit.

3. The concentration was slightly lowered and A was administered to other human subjects. Subject convulsed frantically and lost consciousness. At first I thought it was dead, but when I checked it, I was completely lost. it will be blank Finally succeeded.

4. B was administered to the subject who became blank. Subject remained still, then immediately looked at me with lively eyes. As he was about to open his mouth, he struggled with great pain and died right there. Nevertheless, the efficacy of A has been proven, so this experiment is successful.

Jamie opened the drawer. Two small bottles were rolling in the drawer. Judging by the letters A and B respectively, it seems that these are the terrible drugs.

Jamie thought, holding the two in his hand.

What did you create black magic for?

\'To kill a god by any means.\'

means and methods for an end.

For that reason, emotions were excluded.

I chose to forsake my humanity and become the enemy of everyone.

Only for the sake of victory, black magic has been strongly evolved.

But the thought was not taken lightly.

He carried all those sins on his shoulders. Even if it was heavy and I fell, I never forgot.

Even the moment he became an emotionless monster, he had a determination in his heart.

But what about black magic that has been passed down to the present day?

\'I knew.\'

either through books or through stories.

He knew what modern warlocks were like.

What I didn\'t know was their \'degree\'.


That was then. I felt popular outside.

"Who is inside!"

The sound of footsteps approaching.

The door swung open and a bald head came in.

He frowned and looked around the room.

" Is it an illusion? I thought someone was there."

The warlock tilted his head as he looked at the empty room.

- Continued on next episode -