The Dark Magician Transmigrates After 66666 Years

CH 41

: Diary (1)

Dragons were divided into six clans: gold, red, blue, white, black, and green.

Even the same dragon had different personalities.

In particular, dragons with opposite colors were almost like enemies, but in the case of Blue, the relationship with Red was bad.

It wasn\'t that they hated each other enough to kill each other.

Living as one under the Dragon Road, they never wanted to kill their own people.

\'But what is my life?\'

Beyond the tingling of the skin, it was difficult to even breathe properly.

If you were not used to this situation, you would have fainted.

It seems that you are caught in a troublesome situation.

\'I don\'t know if I\'d rather get caught up in it. This could be dead.\'

Blue dragons have the mildest disposition among dragons.

Perhaps that\'s why he was particularly friendly to humans, similar to how humans feel towards animals such as dogs and cats.

It\'s difficult to kill, and if you want to kill, there\'s nothing you can\'t kill.

However, as it was still a blue dragon, there was room to some extent.

\'If it was red, black, or green, I would have died.\'

If he had met the Red and Black, the most insidious Green Dragon, famous for being violent, he would have died instantly.

I don\'t know if I should call this lucky.

Jamie looked carefully into her eyes and said.

"Hey, it\'s been confirmed that he\'s not a dragon, so can\'t we just let him go?"

"I hate that."

" There is no reason not to let it go."

"You\'re also a bold person."

Maya Trey grinned.

"When they find out that I am a dragon, it is normal to beg for life or to kill me cleanly. Ah. There were times when I just cried like crazy. In that case, I just killed him."

Fortunately, it doesn\'t seem to be enough to just kill him.

Jamie smiled awkwardly.

"Don\'t laugh."

Jamie smiles hastily.

Seeing that, Maya Trey snorted and approached him.

Then he lifted Jamie\'s chin with his fingertips.

"I could just let you go."

"Then let me go."

"If you have the potential of yours, wouldn\'t it be amazing if you made it into a dragon soldier?"

Maya Trey, who neatly ignored Jamie\'s words, said with a smile.

The dragon infantry was an artificial creature created with the power of a dragon, and was a warrior with strong power.

The strength of the dragon infantry was determined by the level of wealth it became a medium.

"I think you can make even a master-level dragon soldier."

" ."

"You don\'t deny it?"

If Jamie\'s potential is replaced with power to create a dragon soldier, a monster that is more than a master will be born.

"Uh, why are you doing this to a child?"

"It\'s not too early to appeal to me that I\'m a human child."

Jamie is speechless.

Are you trying to make a real dragon soldier?

Jamie frowned. How long has it been since you had a new opportunity? It\'s not even a god, and one lizard has killed him.

\'I couldn\'t even get a proper revenge, but I can\'t die in vain like this!\'

Jamie opened his mouth to push the conversation further.

"But why do you want to kill dragons? Your sister is also a dragon."

"How are you? You sound like a sister. Because the human way doesn\'t work."

Sheesh. Jamie licked his tongue and smiled, pretending not to know.

Maya Trey thought that the kid in front of him was pretty mean, but not bad for a human.

But he had no intention of answering his question.

"Don\'t tell me."

But Jamie didn\'t hesitate to ask the next question.

"Is it because of that person?"


Maya Trey stopped walking.

Jamie turned her head to look at her. The vertically elongated pupil was staring at him with a terrifying death.

It was a powerful life that was incomparable to the living that stirred the cave earlier.

Jamie felt out of breath.

Not even a proper moan comes out. Is this the current gap between you and the dragon?

\'Damn it .\'

I was about to lose consciousness by force, but my life suddenly stopped.

"Koohoo! Keeek- wow!"

As soon as the blocked breathing was opened, nausea came up continuously along with the breath I had been holding back.

I heard tinnitus and felt dizzy as if my head had been shaken.

Through that gap, Maya Trey\'s voice was heard.

"If you ask me that one more time, it will become a body that neither dies nor lives."

She gave a terrifying warning and walked towards the entrance.

Jamie raised an eyebrow, drooling over and over again.

\'Is that so?\'

I\'m not sure, but I have a vague feeling.

Jamie decided to venture out to make her current thoughts certain.

"Didn\'t your clan recognize him?"

" ."

"So you sent a subjugation squad to kill him, and did you betray your clan to save him?"


Powerful magic created a large pit at the bottom of the cave.

A new version of the missing Maya Trey suddenly appeared in front of Jamie.

Nails pointed toward his head flew at a speed that could easily exceed the speed of sound. Everything is sincere. She definitely wanted to kill Jamie.

But Jamie didn\'t blink.

"After all, you are young."

A gust of wind blew.

Emerald hair fluttered uncontrollably.

Jamie saw the sharp claws that stopped right in front of her eyes.

"From the beginning, you had no intention of killing me or turning me into a dragon, did you?"

At first, I thought it was a dragon\'s leisure.

Even a blue dragon can treat a human like an ant if he makes up his mind.

Maya Trey didn\'t. Threatening to kill him and saying that he would turn him into a dragon were all playful tones.

Of course, when Jamie said something really annoying, he was ferocious, but that ended up being a warning.

It\'s still the same now.

"Above all, if you were curious about who I was, you could have brainwashed me with mind magic, but I didn\'t."

If Maya Trey made up her mind, Jamie would have become her slave. However, it did not.

"You are young. And it\'s good. I can\'t believe it\'s a dragon.

Maya Trey looked at Jamie with fearful eyes, not answering.

I didn\'t feel like living like before.

She removed her nails and turned around. Then he turned his head slightly and warned.

"This is the last time. Keep in mind that there are really no two times."

Words without any emotion.

This time Jamie felt that she was sincere. So, I rolled my lips inward and shut them tight.

Maya Trey shook her head as if she couldn\'t stop it and let out a sigh.

"You are a very strange person. as much as that."

"If he ."

right. You are the main character in the old oral tradition that you humans know."

A human known to have loved and caused Maya Trey to settle in this mountain range.

She said to Jamie with sad eyes.

"The story I am going to tell you from now on is to correct the rumors you know. So, listen carefully."

she started talking

* * *

Shoot ah-!

The rain fell heavily.

Lars was standing on the protruding rock.

The current was so strong that the rock he was standing on shook.

"Jamie. Where are you?"

He came down with a rant to Sears, but Jamie didn\'t even show his nose.

Lars, now in the form of an executioner, was quite tired of resisting the torrent.

But to find Jamie, it was okay to be exhausted.

"I\'m definitely not looking for you."

Lars threw himself back into the rapids.

* * *

"It was 700 years ago. It was the first time I met him."

Maya Trey recalled old memories.

"His name is Ganon. He was a warlock."

"A warlock?!"

Jamie\'s eyes widened at the word Warlock.

Why is the warlock popping out all of a sudden here?

\'Besides, why does a dragon fall in love with a warlock?\'

Dragons are the masters of white magic. To them, the warlock was nothing more than an evil that corrupted the concept they had created.

That was the reason they hated them in the past.

"It would be surprising. A dragon is in love with a warlock."

"Yeah, what It\'s a little surprising."

"But Ganon was different from other warlocks. He was very special."

"What was special about it?"

"Unlike other warlocks, he used black magic only as a tool for his own purposes. okay. A tool to reach the truth of the world."

Jamie\'s expression hardened.

I don\'t know what the truth of the world Ganon was trying to tell, but he used black magic as a tool.

Maya Trey continued.

"And even if it\'s not just black magic, he has unparalleled skills among humans. It was because I reached the 9th class in a human body."

" Could it be? For thousands of years, humans have not produced 9th-class wizards."

"Listen. From now on the reason will come out. Me and Ganon went on many adventures to discover the truth of the world."

I\'ve been looking for a lot of secrets.

Not only ancient ruins, but also forests and deserts that have existed for a long time.

I saw a lot and experienced a lot.

Some of them failed, but some were successful.

"Ganon was such a wonderful person. Surely humans must be inferior to us, but he was not inferior to me. Rather, I learned a lot from him."

Ganon was a human being who was wiser than the dragon called the race of wisdom.

A year or two passed like that, and the two learned quite a lot. If I did just a little bit more, I thought I would know to some extent the truth of the world that time had hidden.

It was then that the dragon clan intervened.

"I don\'t know how I found out, but I got a call from Lord."

[Bring the human who accompanies you.]

I was happy at first.

It seemed that the clan recognized Ganon.

Ganon seemed a little grumpy, but the chance to talk to the entire dragon clan was rare, so he accepted their request.

The problem was next.

[Ganon. You are a sin that should not be lived.]

Rod\'s judgment.

All the dragons moved to kill Ganon.

Maya Trey defended him to the best of his ability, but the dragons ignored her opinion.

Maya Trey and Ganon ran away from the unknown attack. However, there were limits to escape.

"We headed to the ancient ruins we had seen a long time ago. It was a place where only one person could enter, so it was a place we promised to enter later."

It was a relic of powerful magical power.

There may be some dangers lurking, but Maya Trey decided it was better than dealing with the whole clan.

Ganon was worried about her, but reassured him that Mayatrei would only be punished, not killed.

Ganon fled to the ruins, and Maya Trey, who was captured by the dragons that appeared late, was ordered to be exiled for a thousand years.

"How nice it would have been if that had ended."

Thousands of years is a long time for a dragon, but it was also a time that would flow if you sleep deeply.

However, as decades passed, Ganon reappeared.

"At that time, Ganon had reached the truth of the world."

Ganon risked his life to appear before the Dragon Lord.

Countless dragons surrounded him. No matter how strong a human being, it was impossible to survive.

But Ganon was brave. He was again furious and angry with all the dragons.

\'Why do you stand by? Why are you turning your eyes away from the truth of the world!\'

The problem was that all the dragons gathered there were old dragons who lived more than 5,000 years.

If there was a young dragon, he would be confused by his words, but the old dragons did not pretend to listen to Ganon.

The annihilation began again.

Ganon was not easily defeated. He broke through the dragon\'s siege and rescued Maya Trey from exile.

And the chase began.

"He and I have arrived on this land. It was a really huge mountain. I thought I would be able to buy some time by hiding here, but he showed up."

Black Dragon Aegos.

A young, but endowed dragon with great power.

He destroyed this place without mercy.

Maya Trey and Ganon had no choice but to fight against him, fighting nonstop for days.

In the process, a huge mountain was destroyed, and it is now in the form of the Maya Trey Mountains.

"It was a very intense battle, and we were victorious."

But should we call it a victory?

The dragons were no longer chasing. Because there was no reason to pursue them.

"Ganon is dead."

Ganon was hit directly by Aegos\' breath and eventually died.

right. Last but not least, the rumors are true. I cried over his death, and I still cry today."

Her eyes did not cry, but the rain was still pouring in her heart.

"I thought I would rather be happy that it ended like this. By the way ."

Maya Trey\'s eyes were torn fiercely.

"The clan started erasing everything in Ganon. Not just his life, but all traces of his existence."

I felt great anger.

"So, only here, to protect only the traces of Ganon that remain here."

His fierce eyes filled with sadness again.

"I am here."

anger towards the clan.

sorrow for a loved one.

Guilt for not protecting him.

Hearing all that, Jamie thought.

\'The dragon god intervened.\'

People don\'t know, but all dragons are actually priests of the gods.

They believe in Brahman, their parent and creator, the dragon god.

\'That\'s why I was trying to kill Ganon for whatever reason.\'

The truth of the world Ganon discovered.

It was clear that the evil deeds of the 12 gods occurred after Diablo Volfir\'s death.

\'The reason he learned black magic must have been to use it as a key to finding my traces.\'

How did Ganon find out about Diablo Volfir?

And, how did you discover the secrets hidden by the 12 gods?

It was full of questions, but it seemed like he didn\'t tell Maya Trey. She lived here in pain, harboring various emotions.

"Is there a tombstone for Ganon here?"


"Even as a warlock, he was a great archmage. As a wizard, I also want to impress the fact that he exists."

According to the story I\'ve heard so far, Maya Trey was a good-natured dragon. And he was a dragon who knew how to rejoice at the words he lifted up his loved ones.

"There\'s nothing I can\'t show you. Follow.

restraint was lifted.

Jamie followed her, rubbing her throbbing wrist.

And Jamie\'s eyes widened when they reached the huge cavity.

"That ."


"Oh, no."

A thought came out of my mouth without realizing it.

Jamie couldn\'t stand the shaking of his lips, so he covered it with his hand. Then I saw the tombstone in the center of the cavity again.

A bracelet was placed on it.

\'It\'s my bracelet!\'


One of the three gods of Diablo Volfir was placed there.

- Continued on next episode -