The Dark Magician Transmigrates After 66666 Years

CH 40

: Maya Tray (2)


The knights moaned and stopped Sears from throwing himself off the cliff.

She shouted to let go, and reached out towards the deep valley.

"My son! My son fell for it! let this go! Quickly! Quickly!!

wife! Calm down!"

"Let go of this!!"

Jack frowned and looked at the valley.

it\'s a huge tide If you fell into a place like that, it was virtually impossible to survive.

But he didn\'t know what would happen if he said that to Sears, so he tried to reassure her as much as possible.

"The soldiers were released. We are going to search all the way down, so you have to wait."

"My son! My son Jamie!!"

wife ."

Sears was sobbing that it was not strange even if he fainted.

Sarah was holding her mother\'s skirt and crying profusely.

"Hey, Jamie."

Ricky couldn\'t accept the current situation.

My brain turned white. Panic has come.

Anna couldn\'t see what was going on. However, he seemed to know that something big had happened to Jamie just by hearing the sound.

She blankly grabbed her brother\'s arm.

All It\'s all my fault.

Sears sat on the floor, muttering something that he couldn\'t tell whether it was tears or rain.

"If I said I wasn\'t going. If it were, this wouldn\'t have happened. all my fault It\'s my fault. my fault... ."

wife ."

Jack had no way of comforting her.

The strong current was still there, and the heavy rain from the sky seemed unstoppable.

I told her that I was going to search, but in the current situation, if I overdo it, a few more will die.

However, if I gave up, I don\'t know how Earl Wellton would come out. Right now, the incident alone will blow the throats of all the escorts.

It\'s my fault. it\'s all my fault can\'t go I just had to stay home. I love Jamie... ."

Someone approached Sears, who looked down at the floor and repeated the same words like a parrot.

Jack looked up to see who was approaching.


It was Lars, the Holy Executioner of the Pyro Church.

He sat down on one knee next to Sears and said.

"It will be fine, madam."

At that, Sears tilted her head to the side.

Her beautiful face was messed up with rain and tears.

Jamey won\'t die just to the extent that he fell over there.

" Is that true?"

"It\'s not just about being hopeful."

Lars\' expression was more serious.

Jack did not understand Lars who said that without end. It is good to give hope, but realistically, the current situation has no answer.

Jacques knew that Jamie was gifted with great magic.

Yes, 7 years old. It is correct to judge that no matter how great it is, it is impossible to survive as long as you are caught in such a torrent.

But Lars had a different idea.

"If it were Jamie in the first place, I wouldn\'t have fallen down there, but it must have been something."

what. What was it?"

I\'m not sure about that, but maybe it\'s some kind of disabling force at work.

"Then, isn\'t even a great wizard dangerous?"

Lars looked at him at Jack\'s tip.

Jack continued.

"I fell down there without using any magic. There is no guarantee of life or death, but it is certainly dangerous."

" Commander."

I made a mistake while trying to refute Lars\' words.

Zack sighed and apologized to Sears.

"Sorry, I\'m sorry. It\'s too absurd, so I\'ll stop.

Sears looked at him terrifyingly, then looked at Lars again.

"Then you mean our Jamie is alive?"

"The leader\'s words are not entirely wrong. However, I think the chances of survival are high. Jamie\'s skills are more than any adult wizard. As long as you restore your magic, surviving will not be difficult."

Sears\' expression improved slightly at Lars\' confident voice. It wasn\'t that I was worried. As he said, there was only a possibility, but the current of the valley did not weaken.

"So I will go."

Then, Lars got up from his seat and said.

He fixed his sword and looked towards the cliff.

"If it were me, I would be able to survive in me."

"Wait, are you all right?"

"Even you can be at risk."

Sears and Jack were worried about him.

After hearing that he was a Holy Executor, he did not doubt his abilities, but natural disasters were too powerful for human strength to endure.

3 hours. I will be back in just three hours."

Lars did not answer their concerns and raised the divine power around his body.


Ricky called him worriedly.

Lars smiled and dived down the cliff.

Jack ran to the edge of the cliff and looked down. Ras, which became a dot, disappeared into the rapids of the valley as it was.

It started to rain more and more heavily.

* * *

drip- drip-

The sound of dripping water was heard.

Jamie struggled to raise her heavy eyelids.


nothing is visible

You can only feel the cold moisture in your eyes.

He shook his head to calm himself. Each time, I felt my whole body tremble.

\'Is it floating in the air?\'

My feet were floating in the air.

I moved my legs to see if there was anything around, but there was nothing to touch.

I tried moving my hand. With a rustling sound, I confirmed that my arms were fixed.


It\'s probably hanging from the ceiling.

\'And, this is probably.\'

Moist air, falling water drops, and wide echoing sounds.

It is most likely a cave.

By not seeing a single point of light, I could infer that it was quite deep.

\'doggish. How did this happen?\'

Jamie remembered the last voice he had heard.

[Who the hell are you.]

[you are.]

[Are you a dragon?]

It is also certain that the owner of the voice was responsible for the Mana Burn.

Even now, I keep trying to use magic, but the magic doesn\'t come out. Mana Burn was also working here.

\'You mistook me for a dragon.\'

The reason seemed clear.

Perhaps he felt a huge potential in himself that was as big as a dragon. Otherwise, there was no reason to mistake it for a dragon.

That was then.


Footsteps were heard from not far away.

Jamie closed her eyes, pretending to faint again.

The sound of footsteps grew louder and louder, and even as they approached a distance, they did not open their eyes.

" ."

no words come

He seemed to think he hadn\'t regained consciousness yet.

After a while, footsteps were heard again, this time getting farther away.

\'You don\'t seem to want to force me to wake you up.\'

Jamie sighed in relief and opened her eyes again.

"I was also pretending to be asleep."

Then a thin voice came from behind.

It was a clear voice, like a rolling jade ball, but that didn\'t matter to Jamie.

\'It was fishing!\'

I thought it was just a return, but it was all by design.

Jamie was convinced that the owner of the voice had a pretty bad taste.

"Did you think anything would happen if you kept pretending to faint?"

That\'s right.

Closing your eyes like this will only waste time.

Even now, people outside must be desperately looking for them.

We had to get out of here as soon as possible.

" Why did you kidnap me?"

It seems that he brought it because he thought it was a dragon, but he did not know the specific reason.

said the owner of the voice.

you. Are you a dragon?"

" You know it\'s not because you\'ve seen it, don\'t you?

right. As soon as I saw it, I knew it wasn\'t a dragon. But that doesn\'t make sense. You\'re not even a dragon, how do you have that potential? And, the type of mana you have."

voice was low.

"The way you gather mana is very similar to that of a dragon."

The mana breathing method was created by humans to imitate dragons.

However, the dragon\'s body structure was formed as if it was a race that existed for mana from the beginning, whereas humans did not.

So, in order to be even a little similar to the dragon, who can be said to be the master of magic, the mana breathing method was created.

"However, the way humans breathe mana is the other way around. Since they weren\'t born with mana in the first place, they could only imitate dragons. But what about you?"

Jamie made an awkward expression.

Hopefully the whole-body breathing method will be poisonous in this case.

This would not have been a misunderstanding if he had only used it in the way of Marquis Linmer, but he advanced the method of Linmer one step further and completed the ultimate breathing method.

However, I had no idea that this was the same breathing technique as a dragon.

\'Do I know how the lizard children get their mana?\'

The dragons of Diablo Volfir\'s days were all just reptiles that watched him.

It\'s good to observe newspapers now, but at the time, Diablo didn\'t have much interest in anything lower than himself.

It\'s too much to handle with just 12 scenes right now, so why do you have to pay attention to even the weakest things?

"It can\'t be explained. No matter how high your mana affinity, no human being could be as good as you. Are you half-blood with an elf?"

The owner of the voice seemed to be a fairly talkative person.

When I talked in my head earlier, I thought I would have a pretty heavy personality, but it\'s the exact opposite.


"You mean you\'re not of mixed race? Well, even if it\'s mixed race, it doesn\'t make sense. It\'s hard to get the feeling that even a high elf is similar to a dragon."

"What doesn\'t make sense? You are watching it now."

Jamie was annoyed by the constant denial and shook her little body back and forth.

"But look at this guy? Why are you so proud of the subject you are holding on to?"

"You keep underestimating my abilities. But who are you?"

"I think I heard that human children are slurred. Are you very good at it?"

It wasn\'t exactly a human child, but the owner of the voice seemed to have some prejudice.

Until then, Jamie didn\'t know.

"Can\'t we just unpack this and talk about it?"

Huh. No.

" Without magic, I\'m a kid with nothing, so there\'s no danger.

"I don\'t want to let go of you just because it\'s pretty fun to see you. And even if you can use magic, it doesn\'t change your situation.

A voice with laughter is annoying.

Jamie frowned.

"That expression is also funny."

playful personality.

And the way he calls himself \'human\', his unique relaxedness, and his arrogance.

\'Rain and wind pouring down from the sky. Thunder and lightning that threatened the carriage. Intended mana burn.\'

Last but not least, the story that Jack told me.

After thinking about it, Jamie said to the owner of the voice.

"Are you a dragon?"

It\'s not certain, but the current mountain range is named after the dragon Maya Trey, and that Maya Trey is the Blue Dragon.

From the characteristics of the Blue Dragon, which has the power of water large enough to change the weather. Even arrogant remarks that treat nothing other than dragons.

\'Personality is the same as that of a blue dragon.\'

No matter how much I think about it, nothing comes to mind except dragons.

" ."

No answer was heard.


The moment Jamie opened her mouth with certainty


The darkness lifted and a dazzling light afflicted both eyes.

After a short period of time, vision returned.

Jamie blinked a few times and looked around.

It was also in a cave.

He shook his head and looked straight ahead. Someone was standing there with arms crossed.

She was an impressive woman with long blue hair that came down to her legs. The clothes she was wearing were almost shreds of cloth, and she was so embarrassed that she could see everything inside.

She said.

"My name is Maya Trey. Like you said, it\'s a dragon.

" Why did the dragon try to kidnap the dragon?"


Maya Tray\'s pupils were torn lengthwise.

"To kill."

A tremendous amount of life stirred the cave.

- Continued on next episode -