The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 874

"The body is a bodhi tree, and the heart is a mirror. Wipe it frequently from time to time, so as not to cause dust!"

It\'s the voice of black scale. He is much deeper than Chu fan in the cultivation of great Brahma Prajna Heart Sutra. It\'s not too much to say that he is an eminent monk.

At the moment when Chu fan\'s palm was about to fall, a low voice echoed in the hall, like a morning bell and evening drum, pounding heavily on Chu fan\'s heart, shocked his body, and his scarlet eyes gradually dimmed and became clear again.

"Husband!" Tang Feifei was sobbing with tears in her eyes. Just now, she was afraid and worried. If Chu fan really lost her mind, let alone her and grandma, I\'m afraid the whole Tang clan would be slaughtered by him.

Others don\'t know Chu fan\'s strength, but she knows too well. Ten grandmothers are not Chu fan\'s opponents.

"Sorry, scared you?" Chu fan smiled. His body was like a deflated balloon, shrinking rapidly and changing back to the original shape. He opened his arms to Tang Feifei. Tang Feifei immediately burst into his arms crying.

Chu fan comforted a few words, looked at Tang qin\'er on the high platform and said with a free and easy smile: "you won, this ring belongs to you."

Tang qiner reached out to catch the ring thrown by Chu fan and said with a bitter smile, "I can\'t afford such a valuable baby. You\'d better take it back. Besides, I was the loser just now. You won."

Tang Feifei quickly wiped away the tears on her face and begged, "grandma, the gratitude and resentment of the previous generation have been over for so many years. Why do you hold your grudge? Let Tang Jinlong go. He is Chu fan\'s uncle and my future uncle."

"Silly girl, if I want to kill him, I can keep him until now?" Tang qin\'er stared at her angrily. "Is Grandma an unreasonable person in your eyes?"

Tang Feifei immediately turned her worries into joy, released Chu fan and turned to her grandmother\'s arms. A burst of coquetry coaxed Tang qiner to laugh. Suddenly the rain cleared up and the dark clouds dispersed.

However, Chu fan is a little silly. The old lady didn\'t intend to kill Tang Jinlong. What do all the previous acts mean? Test? Wipe, it\'s over!

Hearing that there was no movement in the hall, the people of Tangmen looked at it with a trembling head and saw that there was no danger, so they came in one after another. Among them, Tang Jinlong and Tang Jue are at the forefront. It seems that they are not embarrassed at all?

"Uncle, are you all right?" Chu fan asked with concern.

It\'s one thing to listen to Tang qiner. Now that Tang Jinlong is really okay, Chu fan\'s hanging heart finally falls to the ground.

"I\'m fine!" Tang Jinlong smiled bitterly, which made Chu fan wonder again. Is there any secret?

When Tang Jue and others came in, Tang qiner took Tang Feifei down from the stage and didn\'t have a good way: "the position of sect leader is back to you. It\'s a bunch of disappointing things."

People in Tangmen immediately bowed their heads in shame, but some people refused. It\'s obvious that you are bossy and domineering. How can you blame us?

"Actually, I wasn\'t hurt by elder martial sister. On the contrary, she was helping me heal." Tang Jue coughed a few times and said with a bitter smile, "in the early years, I had a problem practicing martial arts and left a hidden disease. Elder martial sister took the opportunity of competition to help me get through the blocked meridians... Cough, although she vomited some blood and suffered some pain, elder martial sister really did it for my good."

Tang qin\'er glared at him: "don\'t pick it up. I\'ll help you because I\'m looking forward to the face of the master. In addition, I don\'t want to see the Tang clan fall in your hands. Originally, I wanted to help you manage the Tang clan well, but facts have proved that I\'m not that material. So, you\'d better come by yourself."

Everyone in Tangmen was relieved. She was not the leader at last. Otherwise, Tangmen would have to be torn apart by her. But Tang Lin was a little oppressed. Just now, he almost died in Tang qiner\'s hands. Is this too much fun?

"Why, I can\'t test my grandson-in-law with you?" Tang qiner glared at Tang Lin, "if he dares not to save you, he doesn\'t deserve to be my grandson-in-law."

What can Tang Lin say? He can only smile bitterly. Who makes mistakes first? You deserve to die.

Chu fan patted Tang Lin on the shoulder and said with a smile, "don\'t be sad. Even if my grandmother didn\'t take the shot before, you can\'t die. If you can\'t control this strength, can you help the sect leader heal? I\'d have killed him."

This explanation surprised Tang qiner to see Chu fan. Smelly boy can speak very well. No wonder he will abduct my baby granddaughter.

In fact, she didn\'t keep her hand. If Chu fan didn\'t stop it, Tang Lin would be dead. But with Chu fan\'s explanation, even she almost believed it, and others believed it.

"Thank you, sect leader. I will concentrate on my cultivation in the future and don\'t make trouble again." Tang Lin hurried forward and bent down to salute, thanking Tang qiner for his mercy.

This time, although I was greatly frightened, compared with the punishment, it was light. Like Downing, I still don\'t know where to hide. I\'ll certainly be severely punished when I come back. I\'ll never hang out with him again.

Since it was a false alarm, it was much simpler. Chu fan refused the banquet of Tang clan and took Tang Jinlong home directly. Unexpectedly, Tang qiner also followed and sat in Chu fan\'s car.

What does the old lady want?

All the way, Chu fan was frightened. He didn\'t finally return to Chu\'s house until more than three o\'clock in the afternoon. On the way, song Qinghe called and asked his family to prepare wine and vegetables. Chu fan and others came in. The food was just ready!

Among the people, they didn\'t eat lunch. They were already hungry. Moreover, Tang Jinlong came back unharmed. Naturally, the whole family was happy. However, Tang qiner\'s arrival was somewhat unexpected. When they learned that she was Tang Feifei\'s grandmother, the Chu family was relieved.

After dinner, Chu fan sat on the sofa drinking tea, but Tang qiner stood up and said faintly, "Chu fan, I\'m tired."

"Green lotus, send grandma to the guest room to have a rest." Chu Fan said quickly.

"No, I\'ll send grandma up. You can talk." Tang Feifei smiled and helped Tang qiner upstairs.

Seeing that Tang Jinlong was a little distracted, Chu fan couldn\'t help asking, "uncle, what\'s the matter with you? When you came back, I saw something wrong with you and were absent-minded during dinner. What\'s the matter?"

Chu Jingxian immediately became nervous: "Jinlong, did they do something to you? Take off your clothes and let me see where they hurt?"

"Don\'t listen to Chu fan\'s nonsense. I\'m not hurt, but..." Tang Jinlong stopped talking and didn\'t know how to speak.

Chu Yang stood up and said, "you talk. I eat a little too much. Go outside."

"Dad, you don\'t have to avoid it. In fact, it\'s nothing, just..." Tang Jinlong looked upstairs and said with a bitter smile, "my father, in fact, is also Feifei\'s grandfather."

"What?" Chu fan was surprised and jumped up, "Feifei is... Your father\'s granddaughter, so... Isn\'t Tang qiner your mother?"

"You can say so." Tang Jinlong said with a bitter smile, "I only learned about it yesterday. When Tang qiner married my father, she was actually pregnant, but she didn\'t know it."

Chu fanle said, "this is a good thing. In theory, Feifei has to call you uncle."

Tang Feifei calls Tang qiner grandma, so Tang qiner must have been born a daughter, and her daughter and Tang Jinlong are a father\'s own sister and brother. Don\'t Tang Feifei have to call Tang Jinlong uncle.

Turning his head, Chu fan looked at Song Qinghe and said with a smile: "this time, Feifei is your cousin, gaga!"

Song Qing\'s face turned red when Horton, and he took a hard look at the goods. Others can\'t hear it, but she knows very well that the goods can\'t think of any obscene - trivial bad things.

At the thought of the sisters serving Chu fan together, song Qinghe felt hot and his face was hot. Tang Jinlong immediately found out and said curiously, "Qinghe, why is your face so red? Is it a fever?"

"Ah, but... Maybe I caught a cold last night?" Song Qinghe regretted it as soon as he said it. Which pot didn\'t open and which pot to carry. It\'s unknown to tell the godmother that he did something bad last night?

"You talk, I went upstairs." Song Qinghe lowered his head and trotted upstairs.

Tang Jinlong looked at his daughter\'s back and frowned: "how do I feel that Qinghe is a little strange today?"

"Cough!" Chu Jingxian coughed, "are you tired, too? Go upstairs and have a rest."

"I\'m not tired. I\'ll talk to Chu fan and our father for a while."

"You\'re not tired, people are not tired? Hurry upstairs." Chu Jingxian glared at him. Tang Jinlong was a little funny. He was old husband and wife. Are you so worried?

Chu fan was a little uneasy. His aunt asked Tang Jinlong to go upstairs. She must have said something about Qinghe and himself. If Tang Jinlong knew that he had harmed his daughter last night, would he run down and fight with himself?

Just when Chu fanru sat on a needle felt and was nervous, Chu Yang handed him a cup of tea. He didn\'t have a good way: "now you know you\'re afraid? What have you done?"

"Grandpa, I..."

"OK, I can\'t manage your young people\'s affairs, but you should remember one thing." chuyang said positively, "a bowl of water should be leveled. Don\'t favor one over the other and hurt a woman\'s heart. Understand?"

Chu Fan said sincerely, "Grandpa, don\'t worry. I know what to do."

"If you have nothing to do, just stay a few more days. If you have something to do, you can do it. Don\'t accompany me, an old man." Chu Yang waved his hand and went out for a walk with his back.

Chu fan thought about it, quietly went upstairs and glanced across the door. Sure enough, Tang Jinlong and Chu Jingxian were in Song Qinghe\'s room and were questioning in a low voice. Song Qinghe blushed, shook his head for a moment, nodded for a moment, and didn\'t say a word.

In the other room, Tang qiner took Tang Feifei\'s hand and whispered something. Tang Feifei was tearful and seemed to have encountered something difficult to choose.

Chu fan\'s heart is half cold. Tang qiner doesn\'t want Tang Feifei to leave me, does he?