The CEO Who Hates Me

243 Like A Bomb

Kay shouted, "Everyone please take out your mobiles and use the torch of your phones for light!"

Everyone followed and used their mobile phones to light the stage..

"What's going on? Where's Arya?" Denise mumbled as fear engulfed her while she clutched Shawn's arm tightly.

Shawn quickly made a phone call and Denise trembled as she heard Shawn's conversation...

"Arya is in danger, this bloody old man played his tricks again… Secure all exits and passages!" instructed Shawn to his people on the other line and quickly ended the call.

"Denise, I have to go… Stay here with mom and dad please be safe." Shawn murmured as he removed Denise's tightly gripped hands on his arm.

"But...Please… Can you please not go? Ryu will be there soon I'm sure..." asked Denise with teary eyes as fear started to engulf her whole being.

Her mind and her heart were not able to understand what she was saying or doing, she only wanted to be with Shawn and keep him safe. All she knew at that moment was that something bad could happen.

Shawn paused for a few seconds, held her shoulders bent down and gave her a kiss then hugged her tightly and said, "I will be back, no matter what… It's because of me that Arya is abducted by that evil man Skull. She wanted to help me and got trapped in return. Moreover, I am the elder brother, and it's my duty to look after them and keep them safe, so I must help my brother in saving her. Don't worry, nothing bad will happen... Stay with mom and dad. They will need you here. I love you."

Before Denise could say another word Shawn was already gone.

Then the lights came back and the banquet hall was bright and lighted again… the crowd was in panic and the commotion grew because Arya was no longer on the stage or anywhere else to be seen. She was missing!

"Arya! Where's Arya? Oh my God! Arya is abducted by Mr. Lee, the old man is gone too!" shouted Kay as his last part according to Arya's plan.

However, he was stuttering… He was nervous… He did not anticipate something as this could really happen though Arya had briefed him that there was a very high chance that she would be abducted.

But how that Old Man Skull did it all quickly without any hurdles, because Bernard had already provided a security team for Arya to make sure that she would be safe.

Then he realized something and cursed at the thought that Arya might have not given him complete details about her plan.

'Geez Arya! Are you trying to kill me right now!' he mused nervously as he ran towards Mr. and Mrs. Ken nervously.

"What?" Karl exclaimed as Kay told him Arya's plan.

"What was she thinking she was doing and then not telling us about this dangerous plan in advance but just now!?" Cecile burst out as panic and worry could be seen in her face.

"She did not tell me exactly, but she just said that if something wrong happened, we must not worry too much because she will be safe." Kay added as his face was becoming pale.

'Oh God Arya please be safe!' Kay prayed inwardly.

Very soon, the police were already in the area scanning the whole place in search for Arya.

"Bro, that's so creepy! Mr. Lee is that Old Man Skull who purposely adopted, no it's abduction actually, he purposely abducted Ken's child. This means his foster son Mr. Shawn Lee is actually a Ken's son! Mr. Lee is responsible for abduction of Shawn! And Ryu's long lost brother is Shawn Lee? It's a complicated story!" Brione exclaimed in awe as she heard Mr. and Mrs. Ken giving their statements to the police.

The media were all going crazy because of the exploding information that blasted like a bomb in just one night...

Then suddenly mobile phones of everyone started beeping and the eyes of all who saw their notifications widened in shock… one by one, everyone, opened their phones and what they saw shocked them to the core…

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