The CEO Who Hates Me

242 Something Was Wrong

The crowd cheered her up and most of it came from her fan clubs.

"We love you Arya! Do tell us your story! We would love to hear it and even the people watching on their television are curious to know about it too," shouted the fans in chorus.

Arya laughed and said, "Alright, I will be fast and briefed. I would like to share this story because I want you guys to know everything about me..."

Then she looked at Senior Cooper first, waiting for his signal if she could continue on her speech. As soon as Senior Cooper smiled and noddedArya smiled and slightly bowed to say thank you.

Then, she began her story on how her family had crumbled and how she was set up to meet and play with Ryu Ken… she continued and told how she eventually fell in love with him yet had to part ways with him for the sake of her family.

Finally, how Ryu found her out and trapped her in the contract… and now they were going to get married soon.

The crowd gasped…

"What's going on? Are we going to hear her love story in full blast? Is that even for real or just some kind of a trick for publicity?" some of the artists murmured.

"What? Did something like that happen for real?" Brione whisperedto her manager. Arya's story was full of drama and she couldn't believe that something like that could really happen.

"Shh… Let's hear more Brione… I'm curious to know…" uttered by her manager who seemed to be engulfed completely on Arya's story.

Denise felt her heart stopped as she listened while Shawn's face paled as he looked at the gloomy face of Old Man Skull who glared at Arya furiously....

"What is she doing?" Cecile whispered to Karl.

"I'm not sure Cecile…" Karl answered. Arya was very detailed with the story of her and Ryu.

"And do you want to know who plotted that whole thing? It was Ryu's older brother who was taking revenge because he thought he was abandoned at birth. But it was all a misunderstanding, a devious plan made up by a person who wanted to bring down the Kens by using their own flesh and blood. He used Ryu's brother and polluted his mind for that old man's advantage." Arya continued the story but she did not mention any names…

Old Man Skull's face reddened as he gritted his teeth in anger.

'How dare this bitch!' he cursed silently then looked at his men at standby and signaled them to obey his orders...

Shawn was alarmed when he saw how Old Man Skull signaled his men and he knew at that instant that Arya's life will be in danger.

Arya was still on the stage as she was narrating the whole story and the crowd were murmuring their sympathy for Ryu's older brother that was the real victim…

"Oh what an evil person to do such a thing to the Kens!" commented one of the reporters.

"Yes and I watched that scene where Dean narrated the story about the brother Ryu and his family thought died so he is alive and his with that evil old man?" one of the reporters added.

Not only the crowd inside the banquet were engrossed with Arya's narration but the people who were watching nationwide were so into the story that they were talking and askingabout who was Ryu's brother and the old man who was so evil to stage such hideous things to bring down the Kens.

"Please tell us who Ryu's brother is and who is that evil old man! That old man must be punished!!!" shouted the crowd.

Arya was about to answer them as she stared at Old Man Skull's seat with contempt.

She held the mike tightly as she opened her mouth to say the words but the mic was turned off unexpectedly and there was no sound as Arya spoke.

What followed next made the crowd gasped…


All the lights in the banquet were turned off and it was pitch dark at the whole area...

All people in the banquet could hear was some muffled voices of a few people not able to identify anything at all.

Something was wrong…

Something was very wrong at that moment…

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