The CEO Who Hates Me

22 First Time He Became Patien

The fashion show turned out to be in a flurry of electric runway show, vibrant street style, flashing cameras, and of course, complimentary champagne.

It was an ambitious and dazzling show under the night sky but at Ryu's eyes there's nothing more as dazzling than his girlfriend, Arya.

His eyes were shimmering with love whenever she looked at Arya. Kay who was sitting beside him can no longer take it and walked hurriedly to the back stage and looked for Arya.

"He seemed so in love Arya. What are you going to do? Can't you tell yet how he would react if you tell him the truth? I mean, his personality, can't you distinguish it yet even though it's early?" he asked impatiently although if he was also on Arya's shoes, he will surely have a hard time especially now that her father was still on trial.

Chances are, if she tells Ryu, it's either she will be forgiven; he will support her and help with her contract with Rita or the opposite around.

Arya just sighed, "Kay, I really can't tell yet. It's too early to predict that. All I know right now was he always gets what he wants and those who tried to mess up with him, he make sure to hunt them and bring them down. So I will definitely not take the risk of telling him the truth." She told Kay that those were words from Ryu's mouth when they met Mr. Yamato.

Kay let out a deep sighed. Although, he can't believed it, but Kay was quite sure that was love already, the sparks he saw on Ryu's eyes. "Oh crap! It just dawn to me that you will soon break a tycoon's heart. I just hope he can move on easily besides the kind of him can quickly get any woman after a heart break." He commented before going back to his seat.

After the show, Arya messaged Ryu to go inside the car first and she would follow shortly. There were so many cameras right now and gaining an attention because of Ryu's presence was the least she wanted.

As soon as she got inside the car she did not hear anything from Ryu during the drive at all. It was just pure silence.

Arya don't know what to do with the tension inside the car and until they arrived inside the room. 'What is this? Are they quarrelling quietly?' she thought inwardly.

Unconsciously, Arya hugged Ryu from behind. "Please don't be angry anymore, it's just that I don't want to drag you on a scandal. There were so many cameras at the show," she murmured as her hug tightened. She felt his heavy breathing and deep sighing.

Then Ryu, turned around to look straight into her eyes and said, "Can't you just see and feel that I like you so much? Who cares about that scandal and cameras? Aren't we in a relationship already?"

Arya felt so guilty and scared seeing Ryu's face, she moved closer and touched his face and leaned forward to kiss him. "I am really sorry, I won't do that again," she murmured during her kisses.

She was scared of him being angry with her and she doesn't want that but then the thought of him getting angry once she leaves him crossed her mind. It was bound to happen and she can't do anything about it considering at the big stake involved.

Ryu encircled her waist and kissed her hard in return. Arya felt that he was punishing her with his rough kissing but weirdly she doesn't mind at all and instead clung to him.


Ryu was staring to Arya who was sleeping soundly in his arms. Then he sighed. He was asking himself if he was already in love because he likes Arya so much that he can't even afford to get irritated with her long. Even his patience for wanting her has been tested. That was the first time he became patient on something and on someone specifically. Then he sighed and kissed Arya's head once more before he closed his eyes. Another long night awaits him, another sleepless night but that's okay as long as Arya was on his arms.


"Hahaha… Is this really Ryu Ken I am watching?" Rita heard a loud crazy laugh from the person at her front who was watching the videos she played on the tablet.

"So our Ryu Ken can be this affectionate to a woman?" Rita heard the sarcastic comment and she sighed. The video playing was Ryu and Arya together whenever they were outside. They hired a professional to track and monitor their every movement including the taking of videos and pictures without being known.

Rita saw that fiery eyes once more, she actually don't like it whenever she sees those eyes. Those eyes were full of resentment, anger, envy and hatred as it watched Ryu and his loving gazes and stares to Arya while the latter was caught smiling on his own as he stared at the girl.

"When is she coming back here?" Rita's thought was interrupted by that question and she quickly answered, "She will be back by tomorrow."

Then she added, "Ryu was supposed to go back yesterday but he stayed." Then she reported Ryu stayed and slept at Arya's room.

Another loud laughed almost break Rita's ear and how she hated that. Those laughs were followed by the words, "I did not expect it to be that fast. So he finally met a match. I can't wait to see how he would react if we took her away from him. Can he still smile or will he crumble or will he remain stiff as his mask? Let us see how far his feelings can go."

Rita continued with her report regarding Arya's family when she saw the hand that was gesturing her to continue.