The CEO Who Hates Me

21 Favorite Among The Res

Ryu was exchanging messages with Arya while he was having tea at Mr. Yamato's residence.

Ryu: I wonder if I need to chain you up later at night so I won't get another bruise.

Arya: Huh?

Ryu: Or maybe it would be better to chain you up by my side instead.

Arya: You'll be beaten up more if you do that.

Ryu: That's okay as long as it's you.

Arya: No comment...

"Oh please, I can no longer take that smile of yours." Mr. Yamato complained in jest when he noticed Ryu had been grinning on his own while reading messages on his phone. He was used to his expressionless toad face and it felt weird seeing him like that.

Ryu laughed and said, "Alright, I will have to go now. Oh right, remember not to tell my family I had a deal with you okay? No need to walk me out and just continue with your tea."

Mr. Yamato just showed him his thumbs up sign. Then he shook his head while looking at Ryu's back who was walking outside.

Then he recalled a circumstance when he visited their family mansion. Ryu was just sixteen by that time and he was surprised to see the boy outside the study room with a book on his two hands while he was in a squatting position for almost 6 hours already according to their butler. It was the Head Master's punishment for him which the butler did not disclose.

That time he dropped a joke to the butler saying, "Woah I guess Head Master Ken was training his soon to be successor on a head to head basis."

"Successor my butt. I will never stay under this household long. It's suffocating." The young Ryu mumbled that time that made him laughed. From that time on, he was teasing the man and they became quite close like a good buddy despite of their age gap.

He was aware how strict the Ken family was and he was not surprised at all when Ryu stood up on his own.

Presently, he had heard that the Ken family was on uproar because of inheritance issues. He was quite sure that sooner or later Ryu will be involved even though he was running away from it because Ryu Ken was the favorite among the rest of Head Master's grandchildren.


Arya had her period and the cramp attacked her during rehearsals.

Kay noticed her crumpled face. "What's going on?" He asked when he saw her crouching.

"Oh it was nothing, just the menstrual cramps. It will usually goes away after an hours." Arya smiled.

"Do you want a pain reliever?" Kay asked. Arya just shook her head. She was not used to taking reliever medicines especially if the pain was tolerable.

"Go and rest now. I'll take care of it." Kay told her. Arya smiled and thanked her friend. She was really uncomfortable and she needs to stop by at a convenience store.

Arya was already paying the cashier when her phone rang.

It was Ryu who was at the rehearsal venue right now and was looking for her.

Arya: Sorry, I was in a hurry.

Ryu: Where are you now? I'll come to you just wait for me there.

Ryu picked her up at the store and she told him to go to the hotel directly. Arya went to her room immediately to clean up and change upon their arrival at the hotel since her period was quite heavy during the first days and it felt uncomfortable.

"Are you sure you don't want to go to the hospital?" Ryu asked in a worried tone.

Arya laughed and said, "Stop exaggerating. It's just a menstrual cramp."

She was even surprise to see Ryu on her room after she was out from the restroom with his stuffs with him.

"What's with that?" She asked while raising her eyebrow.

Ryu scratched his hair and said, "I decided to check out already and stay here with your room instead."

Arya shook her head; he always decides things on his own.

"Did I agree on this? You're a tycoon, why would you like to stay here when you had a better room?" She asked with still an arched eyebrow.

Ryu just hugged her and said, "Because I wanted to stay with you. I have to guard and take good care my girlfriend well. I asked you to stay with me but you refused so I will stay here instead."

"Besides, it's better you have someone with you. What if that's not just simple cramps. Anyways, I already ordered foods to help ease the pain since you don't like medicines. Let's just stay here and don't go out."

Arya: "....?"

Arya don't know what to feel at that moment, in the end she just let Ryu do what he wanted.

She was crouching on the bed when she felt Ryu's tight hug from behind.

"Do you still kick even if you have cramps?" Ryu asked jokingly and Arya laughed.

Then she asked, "Aren't you angry being kicked? Or what If I do much thing worse than that like hurting you?"

"Shhh. Stop saying nonsense." He said as he planted gentle kisses on her nape.

"I'm serious, what if I suddenly disappear out of your sight. What will you do? Anyway, you are Ryu Ken so I am sure getting any girl to replace me won't be that hard. So make sure not to invest all your feelings in a relationship because one thing I've learned was nothing is permanent except change so we should learn to love ourselves more above others. So if that uncertainty or breakage on a relationship should come you are still you and won't be broken by easily." Arya said expressively.

She doesn't know how to tell Ryu about her situation but she wanted to at least tell these words to him.

She felt his hug tightened while he commented, "Cramps were making you a love adviser now huh? Stop thinking too much. We're just starting and you are talking about break-up so early. If you disappeared, I have all means to find you okay. Stop bubbling nonsense and just close your eyes and sleep."

Ryu was sensing something behind Arya's words but chose not to ponder about it. Instead, he thought that she said it because of the failure she had on her first boyfriend.

He likes Arya so much that he intends to go along where his feelings will lead him to.

This was the first time he felt something like this, wanting someone desperately as much as he wanted her.