The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 968

Breeze, in their eyes, but the existence of abnormal characters!

It's said that the guy is unruly. After being hurt by love in those years, he went into seclusion. Later, because he had a good relationship with the ancestors of Shangguan family, he was invited by Shangguan's family to make the sea calming needle.

Shangguan family is the latest rising family among the four big families. In fact, Shangguan family's strength is not strong. Because of the breeze, he has risen rapidly in recent years, so that he can join the ranks of the four big families.

And the strength of the breeze is that it has no restrictions.

He doesn't care about fame and wealth, life and death, and even honor or disgrace. If anyone provokes him, he will abandon everything and fight with you.

This is the reason why the soft ones are afraid of the hard ones, the hard ones are not afraid of the ones with bare feet and shoes.

So almost no one dares to offend this strange old man who is desperate for Saburo.

It's just, I haven't seen you for years, why did it come out suddenly?

"Master Qingfeng, when will you leave the customs? Why don't you have any news?" Lin Junlong came forward and said with a smile.

Even though he has a big frame, he still admires people like Qingfeng.

There are not many such Mavericks in the world.

The breeze snorted coldly: "hum, I still have to say no to each of you when I get out of the pass?"

"That's not true!" Lin Junlong said with a smile, "at least, if I knew you were going out of the customs, I could send you an invitation."

"I don't have to send an invitation. Didn't I come myself?" Qingfeng said: "if I want to come, please come, if I don't want to come, you give me an invitation, I will not come!"

"The old man Qingfeng still has his personality as always." Lin Junlong said with a smile.

The reason why they all regard Qingfeng as their forerunner is that they will hear about Qingfeng's deeds when they are young. As for the age of Qingfeng, few people know.

Some people have heard that Qingfeng came from wuwangzong, but Qingfeng left wuwangzong later. There are different opinions about the exact generation of the emperor, but there is no final conclusion. Because Qingfeng is also a mysterious track and seldom appears.

There were some people who didn't know the character Qingfeng, so they asked each other and nodded their heads to praise Qingfeng's deeds. He was really a maverick old man!

At this time, Qingfeng said to Lin Junlong in a tone of complaint: "are you going to drive Lin Feng out?"

Lin Junlong was embarrassed by this question. He was thinking about how to answer it. However, Lin Zhengkai said behind him: "I want to drive him out!"

"Why drive him out?" Asked the breeze.

Lin Zhengkai said: "if you are nameless, you are not worthy to sit in the inner room of our Lin family's birthday party!"

"Ridiculous!" Qingfeng said: "I am nameless, you want to drive me out, right?"

"You're joking. Everyone knows what you've done in the world!" Lin Zhengkai said, "you are the top guest of our Lin family."

Although he said that, Lin Zhengkai hated the bad old man in his heart.

All the people who speak for Lin Feng are regarded as enemies. What's more, Qingfeng is only respected by his parents. When he comes to his generation, he only hears about some Qingfeng's deeds. He doesn't know much about it. He thinks it is still open to discussion about the strength of Qingfeng.

After all, he had heard too many legends and legends, and even when he met, he was just like that.

And the breeze dressed up as a migrant worker made him look down upon in his heart.

Qingfeng said: "if the Lin family treat me as a guest of honor, my friends of Qingfeng should also be treated with superior treatment. Lin Feng is my friend. Give him a place, and I'll have a few drinks with him!"

As soon as the words came out, everyone looked at each other.

How many cups does Qingfeng take the initiative to drink with Lin Feng?

If you are not mistaken, the two people should be more than a hundred years old, and they are actually friends?

It's rare in this world that you can get such appreciation of Qingfeng!

People only think that Lin Feng is refreshing their cognition bit by bit. This seemingly absurd and uninhibited boy, seemingly ordinary and vulgar guy, is always shocking them. This undoubtedly puts a mysterious veil on Lin Feng, so that this group of people want to see clearly, but can not see clearly.

However, Lin Zhengkai winked at old Du, meaning to let him do it.

Old Du understood it. He stepped forward and said to Lin Feng, "Stinky boy, you are not qualified to sit here. Don't rely on the support of the elder Qingfeng, you can play tricks and have self-knowledge!"


Qingfeng's return is a slap in the face of Du Lao: "who do you say is not qualified?"

Old Du didn't expect that Qingfeng was so cruel that he was shocked.

However, Du Lao, a triple cultivator of Qi State, could not dodge a single slap in the face of Qingfeng. He was also shocked. He was afraid that there was a big gap between himself and Qingfeng!

Seeing this, Lin Zhengkai rushed out and said, "elder Qingfeng, you are a guest of the Lin family. I hope you can enjoy the banquet here at ease!"His implication is that don't mind your own business!

However, Qingfeng's face changed. He came down to Lin Zhengkai and looked at Lin Zhengkai with cold eyes: "is this the way of your Lin family to treat guests?"

The speed of the breeze is very fast. It is like a gust of wind. When it appears in front of Lin Zhengkai in an instant, the powerful aura makes Lin Zhengkai feel some palpitation. He doesn't know what to do.

At this time, he heard Lin Junlong curse: "bastard, is it your birthday or mine?"

He said this to Lin Zhengkai.

"Dad, it's your birthday party, of course!" Lin Zhengkai bowed his head.

"When is it your turn to decide my birthday party? Get back to your seat Lin Junlong was very angry.

Lin Feng was invited by him, but he didn't expect this farce. When he was embarrassed, he didn't make a decision on these matters in time. However, his eldest son stood up and made many decisions for him. Now Lin Junlong reflected and found that his son was extremely inappropriate in dealing with things, and that he was making a fuss.

Today is to see his face, how can we let Lin Zhengkai always come forward to solve things.

Lin Junlong wants to take over the situation in front of him.

He said to Qingfeng, "elder Qingfeng, the comer is a guest. Please take your seat first."

"If you want me to take a seat, please let me sit with you!" Said the breeze.

"Yes, I will arrange Lin Feng to sit next to you and have a drink with you. What do you think?" Lin Junlong road.

"Mr. Lin, you should take into account everyone's ideas." At this time, Tang Zhen hinted at the side.

Qingfeng listened and understood seven or eight points. He looked at Tang Zhen and said, "what do you think? Come and talk to me alone

Tang Zhen knew that Qingfeng was stubborn, and he didn't want to cause trouble, so he sighed and didn't speak!

Ouyang Zhenhua is also a crafty and wily man. Seeing that Tang Zhen doesn't speak, he can't talk nonsense to offend people. This Qingfeng is a trouble. Don't offend him if you offend anyone.

For a moment, the scene was silent.

"You see, no one has any opinion! What's more, your birthday party is up to you

Lin Junlong said with a smile: "old master Qingfeng is still quite elegant. I will arrange Lin Feng to sit next to you and have a drink with you. What do you think?"

"That's good, of course!" The breeze smiles.

But listen to the side of Lin Feng lazy said: "good fart ah, you want to drink with me, I am not willing to pay attention to you!"

Suddenly, the whole audience was shocked again. , the fastest update of the webnovel!