The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 967

The white tiger hall openly advocated that the cultivation of martial arts should be based on physical cultivation, and the skills were only auxiliary. He insulted the Emperor Wu as a sect that only a group of waste people would join.

Wu wangzong didn't want to argue with him, so many people didn't understand the reason. They thought that Tang Zhen was right. They thought that Wu wangzong was afraid of the white tiger hall, so they chose to worship the white tiger hall.

Many small families also visit the white tiger hall on New Year's holidays, but ignore the Emperor Wu.

But Rao was so. Tang Zhen still didn't want to let Wu wangzong go. Of the four main schools, they were the most pure ones who studied martial arts and martial arts. The white tiger hall felt that if they didn't defeat Wu Wang Zong, they would be beaten by Wu Wang Zong one day, so they wanted to strike first.

However, this is not enough for a gentleman. Emperor Wu didn't want to deal with the white tiger hall in the past few years. It was just that the relationship with the white tiger hall was not very good.

Today, Tang Zhen, the vice leader of the white tiger hall, has won the support of more than half of the white tiger hall and become the vice hall leader by shouting the slogan of defeating king wuwangzong and becoming the first sect gate in Kyoto.

Since he took office, he has always been against King Wu.

Today, seeing Mr. Chen, Emperor Wu Zong, against the dissatisfaction of most people, he chose to stay with Lin Feng. He felt that it was a good time for him to offend people. He came to oppose him. Didn't he win over these people?

Therefore, Tang Zhen did not miss this opportunity and publicly came forward to attack Mr. Chen.

Tang Zhen is more than 1.90 meters tall, with big arms and round waist, and full of whiskers. He looks very fierce. He also has a big voice. Although he didn't say it hard, the whole audience heard it clearly.

Chen looked at Tang Zhen, but with a smile on his face, he said, "what did the leader of Tang say? How can I say it's half garlic? "

Tang Zhen snorted coldly: "don't you know that there are people with a head and a face here? If a person wants to have a hierarchy, he should be in what position he or she is. Can he be involved in what we are talking about in this circle? If we listen to something and talk to others everywhere, it's not good for us! "

"What the leader of Tang said is reasonable." If someone wants to speak again, he agrees.

Originally, a hairy boy came to eat, but they didn't have too many opinions. After all, they were all high-ranking people, and the pattern was not so low.

However, before Lin Zhengkai and Ouyang Zhenhua blackened Lin Feng, these people had a very bad impression of Lin Feng. In addition, Lin Feng's careless appearance after he came in made them feel that the young man had no quality and looked down on him even more.

Therefore, in this situation, they don't want to eat with Lin Feng at all. They despise Lin Feng in their heart.

What's more, when Lin Feng was on the scene, Lin Zhengkai said that Lin Feng threatened to bring the upper circles of Kyoto to an end, so they also had hostility towards him.

Therefore, a matter of where to eat seems very small, but involves a lot of things in it, and it becomes a matter of principle.

If you don't drive Lin Feng out, they will feel uncomfortable.

"Mr. Chen, you are also a respected elder. I always treat you as a big brother. But today, I don't think you need to protect this boy!" Ouyang Zhenhua seized the opportunity and said, "after all, everyone has his own place in this society. The hall leader of Tang Dynasty is right. There are different levels of people. If there is no grade, there will be no confusion! So, sesame fish and shrimp, go to where they should go, Mr. Chen, you can't control it! "

"Brother Ouyang, just have a meal. Is it necessary to be so serious?" At this time Shangguan Hong stood up and said.

He had long wanted to stand up to speak for Lin Feng, but he had no chance. Now seeing Ouyang family driving Lin Feng away, he couldn't see it.

Ouyang Zhenhua gave Shangguan Hong a smile and then spread out his hand: "this is not a matter of eating. This is a matter of principle. Do you think it is?"

"Yes! This is a matter of principle! "

"If you can all sit together, why do you have the inner and outer compartments? If you take off your pants and fart, it's unnecessary


everyone was very dissatisfied. For a moment, they all stood at the end of the black tiger hall Tang Zhen and Ouyang Zhenhua of Ouyang family, and the situation suddenly collapsed.

Tang Zhen looked at Chen Lao with a smile and a satisfied look on his face.

He had to beat the people of King Wu on any occasion and at any time, and let others know that the black tiger hall was the most important gate in Kyoto.

Seeing the excitement of the crowd, Lin Junlong was also embarrassed by the sound of letting Lin Feng go out.

Lin Zhengkai, Lin Zhengqing and others looked at each other with a smile, which was just what they meant. To drive Lin Feng away and make him unable to get in close contact with his father was the first step in their plan.

"Can't such a box hold me Lin Feng?" Lin Feng stood up with a smile on his face.

But his smile at the moment, but with a cold breath.

"No way, you are not qualified!" Lin Zhengkai said.

Then he waved to Mr. Du and others: "please invite Mr. Lin Feng to eat in the dining room. If you don't cooperate, you can do it!"However, when everyone thought that Lin Feng had to go out, he heard a big drink outside the door: "who wants to drive Lin Feng out? Pass me first

As soon as the voice fell, the door was opened, and a chic old man appeared in front of the crowd.

The old man, dressed in a shabby green military coat, a dog skin hat on his head and a pair of cotton slippers on his feet, looked like an old migrant worker just coming out of the labor market.

But the moment he took off his dog skin hat, it surprised everyone present.


"Is that the breeze?"

"That's him! I saw him many years ago, but he is getting younger and younger these years

It's the breeze.

After Qingfeng came out of the dungeon, she wanted to go to find Lin Feng directly, but she felt that she was out of touch with the society. She chose to spend some time on a stroll. She planned to integrate into her present life and then come to find Lin Feng to play!

He also has a little heart, like a child, and because of the lack of walking in the world, so the social experience is not enough, and the heart is very pure, very simple, joy and anger are hanging on his face.

Today, he heard about the Lin family's birthday party, but he didn't give him an invitation. He came uninvited and wanted to ask for a glass of wine, but he didn't want to hear someone dare to go out at the door.

He was so upset that he opened the door and roared.

"Are you the old master of Qingfeng?" Lin Jun's longan lights up in front of him.

"Yes, it's me!" The breeze came into the door and said, "who wants to drive Lin Feng away? Pass me first

After seeing the breeze, Lin Feng's first emotion is not gratitude or happiness, but a burst of helplessness.

He listened to Guan Ruoxue say that Qingfeng came out of the dungeon of their ancestral house because he wanted to find him.

Lin Feng felt that the old man's hobby was a little special, so when he heard the breeze, he suddenly got goose bumps.

But I didn't want to meet on this occasion today.

However, Qingfeng's presence made everyone gape. , the fastest update of the webnovel!