The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 689

Lin Feng knew that Su Jing had something to do, but he didn't ask in front of everyone. In the dead of the night, ask her what happened to her again!

A group of people eat and drink, very happy, Lin Feng has not been so relaxed for a long time, eating is not happy.

At more than nine o'clock in the evening, everyone had enough to eat, so they went back to their respective rooms to have a rest.

After Lin Feng returned to his room, the broken jade was taken out and put in a secret place alone.

Lin Feng's habit is very good. He won't put all the important things in one place. If he accidentally loses them, he will only lose one of them.

So Lin Feng's three pieces of broken jade, put in three different secret places, can't help, who let his memory superior, put a few more places also remember.

After that, Lin Feng lay in bed and began to think.

Now that I have three pieces of broken jade, I have the last one.

The last piece was taken to Kyoto by the Kim family.

Kyoto is the capital of China. He hears old bullshit that Kyoto is rich in big families and big people emerge in endlessly. In a word, the water is very deep.

So Lin Feng didn't have the impulse to kill him directly. Even if he did, he was looking for a needle in a haystack. So he planned to start from the Jin family in Songjiang city.

But now he and the Jin family have been making a lot of trouble. It is impossible for him to break into the Jin family. If he is tough, Jin Hanlin, the leader of the Jin family, will surely kill himself.

He doesn't want to scare the snake, so he has to think of another way. It's better to cooperate with the Jin family, and then follow the vine of Jin family to touch the melon in Kyoto.

However, how can we have the opportunity to cooperate with Jinjia? You can't do it yourself.

Lin Feng thought for a moment, suddenly a bright brain.

"By the way, you can use Su Jing's Dongqing group as a cover to let Dongqing group cooperate with Jinjia. On the other hand, I secretly observe the Jin family's trend from Dongqing group, including who the Jin family contacts with if it has Kyoto trade. Through these commercial secrets, we can find some relations in Kyoto!"

Thinking of this, Lin Feng sat up and did not intend to sleep for the time being. He went to talk to Su Jing to see what opportunities he would have to cooperate with the Jin family.

Lin Feng went to Su Jing's door and knocked on it.

"Who is it?" Su Jing asked.

"It's me! Your little peak Lin Feng, smile!


Su Jing opened the door, glanced at Lin Feng and said, "is it so late? What's the matter? "

"I want to talk to you!"

Lin Feng said and squeezed into Su Jing's room.

"Well, why did you come here uninvited?" Su Jing frowned and said, "aren't you afraid that other women are jealous?"

"Oh, I said it all. Even if one day my harem beauty is 3000, you will definitely be the main room!" Lin Feng said.

"Roll away!" Su Jing said angrily, "who is rare to be your official palace?"

"Hey, hey, hey! Come on! My Gao Leng female president, why can't you be gentle with me? "

Lin Feng laughs. She looks at Su Jing in a purple dressing gown. Her graceful posture outlines her perfect and sexy figure. Her white upper body shows deep ravines. In addition, she has a face that is too attractive to pay for her life!

He looked out of the window and said, "little Susu, you see, the moon is so round tonight. Why don't we calm down and talk about life, ideals, and gender..."

"shut up! The more you talk, the more you say Su Jingmei rolled her eyes and said, "do you have anything on earth? I will go to bed if there is nothing wrong with you."

The implication, to Lin Feng under the order.

Lin Feng said with a smile, "don't don't, I have something to do! I have something to do! "

"Tell me what's going on!" Su Jing said.

"I think you are worried when you have dinner today. I think you must have met with some worry recently. Tell me what it is. Can I solve it for you?" Lin Feng said.

"Alas Su Jing sighed.

This Lin Feng is said to her heart, she beautiful frown, said: "tomorrow I will go to the airport to meet a person!"

"Do you have such a grudge? You can't find the airport? Or are you afraid of getting lost in the airport Lin Feng said.

"Well, it's not what you think. The man I picked up is a big man. It's extremely difficult to serve. Moreover, it's said that there are many people staring at me when I come to China this time. I'm not sure that someone will rush to pick up the plane!" Su Jing said.

"What's the situation?" Lin Feng asked.

Su Jing sighed and told Lin Feng what happened in the world.

During this period, Dongqing group encountered some crisis, mainly because Dongqing group was bought by Zhu Tiancheng Group. Tiancheng Group has a part of hotel business, which is the leader. Su Jing studied hotel management in the United States, and when she was in Jincheng, Dongsheng hotel was designed by her, so she is very familiar with hotel business and wants to focus on developing this area.But after the strategy was decided, we found that the hotel of Tiancheng Group was really too low.

After the Dongqing group took over, it was necessary to shuffle the cards completely, otherwise, there was no way to continue.

Su Jing is very scratching her head. Although she can redesign the whole design, no one in Songjiang city will recognize it, and her partners will not come back to Dongqing group's hotel reservation.

No way, Su Jing had to go to Kyoto to hire a big designer.

The name of the master designer is Ralph.

Ralo is one of the top interior designers in China, and has a long reputation. If he can come to design this hotel, just listen to his name, there will be an endless stream of people staying in the hotel.

Moreover, after his design, the hotel can instantly improve several grades and become a famous hotel in Songjiang city.

Only when the hotel business starts, can we have the opportunity to cooperate with other families.

Now half of Songjiang city is occupied by Jin family, Wang family and Liu family. Only when their own hotel is high enough can we negotiate business with them.

But that Ralo is arrogant and picky. Dongqing Group paid a lot of money to invite him to come. He was also reluctant to come. It's hard to imagine what he would design when he came here. Maybe he was just fooling around.

What's more, after hearing that Leiluo is coming to Songjiang City, Liu's family, who is the business leader of Songjiang Hotel, can't sit still. He contacted Leiluo in advance and said that he would pick up the plane at the airport, and he was willing to pay a higher price to hire him.

This is clearly trying to crush the Dongqing group.

That's why Su Jing was so depressed and worried.

After hearing this, Lin Feng smiles and thinks about it carefully. He says, "well, I'll meet you at the airport tomorrow, OK?"

Su Jing said, "it's enough to pick me up."

"No, you will need me!" Lin Feng smiles and goes out of the door without refutation. She closes it with her backhand. Su Jing is stunned. , the fastest update of the webnovel!