The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 630

In fact, elder Qiu came to Xupu County for a purpose.

As the vanguard of the worship of the moon, he is equivalent to an eye, which is placed in the front of 100000 mountains.

It is said that the broken jade is priceless because it is a clue of treasure.

If such a valuable thing is taken away, there will naturally be pursuers here.

Therefore, elder Qiu of the worship of the moon is placed in Xupu County to observe the wind and grass. If there is a pursuer here, please inform the high-level of the worship of the moon.

Elder Qiu took his apprentice Liu Yuan down the mountain a few days ago. After arriving in Xupu County, he carefully analyzed the situation of pursuing soldiers according to intelligence.

According to the report, not only some families in Songjiang are staring at this quick broken jade, but also some big families in Kyoto covet it. Moreover, many overseas organizations want to get this thing.

The information is limited and can't be listed one by one. However, it is clearly stated in the intelligence that there is a man named Lin Feng. His persistence to broken jade is different from others, so Lin Feng will come sooner or later.

Lin Feng, who served in the special forces of the Chinese military region, has retired. He is one of the world's top hackers and racers, known as Shura, and he has a lot of attainments in martial arts. He has become a four fold practitioner of blood state!

Qiu Changlao didn't expect that Lin Feng would come so soon.

But also good, oneself these days also have nothing to do, just take Lin Feng to practice hand!

Elder Qiu himself is also a cultivator. He is the later stage of the five levels of the blood state. Naturally, he doesn't pay attention to Lin Feng.

In addition, he has been refining Gu for many years. With the help of poisonous insects, it is easy to clean up Lin Feng.

Therefore, he did not intend to tell the leader that Lin Feng had come after him. In the past, he killed Lin Feng first and took his head back to the cult leader. The leader would certainly have a high look.

Now is the time to fight for the leader candidate. It will give me a lot of points. How can you argue with me?

Elder Qiu was very happy in his heart. With a big wave of his hand, he said to Chen Yizi, "your son's ears have been cut off. It's a bitter feud. I'll take revenge for you and my apprentice. I'll take the boy's head tonight."

"That's great. Elder Qiu is really righteous." Chen lame son says gratefully.

Qiu elder one face complacent says: "small meaning, this matter is not certain, how have the face to sit in front of two to drink tea?"

Chu Guiren said, "elder Qiu is really an expert! If you kill people tonight, I'll settle the matter. I dare not say anything else. It's hundreds of miles away. I'm good at speaking! "

"That's it, that's right. I'm much more relieved with the empress Chu's death!" Elder Qiu smiles, and his eyes are more murderous.

"It's settled. Wait for my good news tonight." Elder Qiu said.

"OK, I'll set up a banquet and wait for brother Qiu to triumph!" Chen said.


at this time, Lin Feng and others were in the restaurant.

The owner of the bald shop really regrets that he didn't grow eyes and offended such a guy.

Even gulee, who is so terrible, would call him big brother. Where is this guy?

The shop owner and the chef looked at the one eyed brother who supported them all cut off an ear. They were scared to pee their pants. They said that they had lived for more than 30 years. Today, their lives are to be accounted for.

Gulee said to Lin Feng respectfully at this time: "brother Lin Feng, I didn't expect to meet you here. It's great!"

"Well, it's predestined." Lin Feng said with a smile.

Gulee waved to the door. The door opened and a young girl came in.

The woman is young, very handsome, eye movements, looks very intelligent.

"This is my sister Xiangxiang!" Gulee introduced to Lin Feng: "come and see brother Lin Feng quickly!"

"Hello, brother Lin Feng!" Xiangxiang always listens to Guli talking about Lin Feng, but today she didn't expect to see it with her own eyes. Lin Feng's delicate face and a ruffian's bad smile at the corner of his mouth make Xiangxiang's heart thump.

"So handsome!" Xiangxiang murmured.

"What do you say?" Gulee asked with a smile.

"Oh! Nothing Xiangxiang quickly don't go, blush into a tomato, but occasionally peek at Lin Feng, and then face more red!

Gulee had never seen his sister like this, so he couldn't help laughing.

My sister is 18 years old. I'm afraid she fell in love with big brother Lin Feng!

However, gulee agreed with Lin Feng very much. Lin Feng was not only skillful, but also had no personality. When he assassinated him, he was able to put down his hatred to save himself, which showed that his inner cultivation had reached a very high level.

Even oneself, also can't achieve Lin Feng big brother like, can release to own enemy.

Those who are inferior to others should be respected!Therefore, gulee has great respect for Lin Feng.

It's her good fortune for her sister to like brother Lin Feng.

"Xiangxiang, don't be embarrassed. Brother Lin Feng is my benefactor. If he doesn't save me on that day, I can't come back to meet you!" Said gulee.

"Well, thank you, brother Lin Feng!" The little girl blushed to Lin Feng a smile, and then embarrassed to lower his head.

Fire spirit in the eyes, of course, is to understand the meaning of the little girl, but Huoling, a big sister of a mixed society, sees more love between men and women, and is naturally not stingy in terms of men and women.

The little girl likes Lin Feng, which shows that Lin Feng is excellent and has a correct vision!

Lin Feng said to Xiangxiang, "Xiangxiang girl, don't be polite. It's just a little work! By the way, do your brothers and sisters live near here? "

"Oh, no, this time I brought my sister to the county, mainly to buy some ordinary things and things for my cultivation. My sister and I live in seclusion in the mountains all year round!" Said gulee.

"Oh, that's it Lin Feng nodded: "then you must be very familiar with the 100000 mountains!"

"I think so." Gulee road.

Lin Feng's heart is happy, perhaps gulee will know more about the worship of the moon. After all, they all mix in the mountains.

However, with so many people at the moment, Lin Feng didn't ask much. Thinking of talking to gulee later, he said, "by the way, gulee, where are you staying tonight?"

As soon as he said this, gulee was very embarrassed and said, "Oh, I spent all my money on the materials just now. I'm also worried about this matter! If not, my sister and I will be looking for a shelter and have a rest! "

"Oh, you can. My sister is delicate and tender. Do you have the heart to sleep with you in the street?" Lin Feng glared at gulee.

"It's really embarrassing."

Listening to Lin Feng's words, gulee was even more ashamed. All of them blamed himself for being obsessed with refining Gu and spending all his money on materials. However, no one in this town dared to take in their brothers and sisters. They couldn't go back to the mountain tonight, so they were very embarrassed.

Lin Feng said, "don't be embarrassed. It's easy to handle."

With that, Lin Feng stood up and said to the owner of the bald shop, "that bald man, we all sleep here tonight. How many rooms are arranged for your room? Is there any problem?"

"No, no problem!" "I'll do it!" replied the shop owner , the fastest update of the webnovel!