The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 631

When the boss of the bald shop saw that Lin Feng was useful to him, he was not so happy. As long as he was useful, Lin Feng would not kill him. He had to seize the opportunity to perform well.

"Brother Lin Feng, I'll give you the best room. You can have a view of the mountains, the flowers and the moon. It's an absolute VIP room. I don't charge any room fee. I can stay as long as I like! Brother Lin Feng, if you are happy The owner of the shop changed himself. He changed his ferocious manner. At this time, he wanted to kneel and lick Lin Feng. His hands didn't hurt any more!

But Lin Feng scolded: "who is special? Is it your elder brother? You say I'm your big brother with all the wrinkles on your face? Call me old? "

"Oh, no, no, you are much younger than me!" The shop owner tried to please him.

"Don't talk nonsense, arrange the room quickly!" Lin Feng Road.

"Mm-hmm, I'll go now!" The shop owner said.

"Wait!" Lin Feng waved his hand!

"Brother, what else can I do for you?" Asked the shopkeeper.

"You black shop, spit out all the money of the Black family! All the food is free for others Lin Feng said.

"Good, good! I'll listen to you! " The owner of the shop waved to the chef: "give back all the money you have received, and then make some good dishes to serve everyone!"

"Well, I'm going! Brother, you are sitting here. I'll give you a table of good dishes Lin Feng also flattered the chef.

"Oh, don't bother. Just a few signature dishes." Lin Feng said.

At this time, the people around were so excited that they could not help but get back all the money. They also had a free meal. Thanks to Lin Feng!

Those little beauties came to ask for the mobile phone number of Linfeng one after another, and they warmly said that they would invite Lin Feng to dinner another day.

The Fire Spirit said to Lin Feng with a smile, "ouba, you are very popular today."

Lin Feng is also a smile: "not only today, I usually also very windy ah, ah, I have been used to, no feeling!"

"Cut!" The fire spirit sneered, and then said to Xiangxiang, "come, sister, sit next to me."

"Good!" Xiangxiang sat down and took a look at Lin Feng. Then she looked down again.

Soon, the chef brought up the food and wine, and Lin Feng and gulee talked while eating.

"By the way, gulee, you are often in the mountains. Have you ever heard of a mysterious sect called worship of the moon in the mountains?" Lin Feng Road.

"Of course I know that. Before, I had a conflict with them, but later they didn't come to provoke me. Our well water doesn't offend the river water!" Said gulee.

"Do you know where their headquarters are?" Lin Feng asked.

"The worship of the moon is very mysterious. According to legend, their headquarters can't be seen by outsiders during the day. Only on the night when the moon is full, will it appear in the mountains! I don't know exactly where it is, and I haven't looked for it. I know an old man who knows where the headquarters of the worship of the moon is! " Said gulee.

"Can you take me to see the old man?" Lin Feng asked.

"Yes, I can, but the old man is also very mysterious. I can only see it on the 15th day of the new year, so I have to choose a good day!" Said gulee.

"It doesn't matter. I can go to the mountain with you to find him!" Lin Feng Road.

"There are wild animals in the mountain, and there are many spirits and ghosts. I advise elder brother Lin Feng not to enter the mountain. It's very dangerous!" Said gulee.

"It's OK. I've been here before, and I've been in the mountains before. I'm quite used to it." Lin Feng Road.

"Well, since elder brother Lin Feng is determined to enter the mountain, I am willing to be a guide for him!" Said gulee.

"Ha ha, I'm much relieved to have you as a guide!" Lin Feng Road.

They talked and laughed, and drank happily.

However, at the same time, on the second floor of the teahouse opposite the restaurant, a man in black is watching Lin Feng and others in the restaurant through the window glass.

The black robed man's broad one-piece hat covered his head, picked up the tea cup, put it into the dark cap pocket, and drank it.

"Lin Feng, you dare to rob me. I will kill you tonight!"

The man said, the curtain on the second floor was lowered for fear of being found by Lin Feng.

This man is the Miao Gu affair that assassinated Lin Feng a few days ago.

On that day, Lin Feng hurt his arm and ran away. He was holding a breath in his heart.

Wugu Cuan is the magic weapon for his survival, and he must take it back. Moreover, he was attracted by the beauty of the fire spirit that night, so that he was so fascinated these days that he wanted to have a taste of the fire spirit.

So he followed all the way from Songjiang city to here, one was looking for an opportunity to start.

Just now, when the chef was cooking in the restaurant, he took advantage of people's unprepared to sneak into the restaurant, and poisoned the food of Lin Feng and others. This evening, when Gu FA was poisoned, Lin Feng and others would surely be in agony.

At that time, whoever he wants to see the king of hell will have to go.

Kill Lin Feng and gulee, and then, get the fire spirit and fragrance, and take back the Wugu Cuan. It's a perfect ending!

Qianfanlang took another sip of tea. Seeing that Lin Feng and others were enjoying the delicious food, he laughed and drew the curtain.At this time, Lin Feng squinted at the opposite teahouse, and his mouth showed a smile that ordinary people could not easily detect. Suddenly, he asked gulee, "Oh, yes! I heard that there is a famous "flower picking thief" in the mountains of Miao Autonomous Region. Do you know this person

Gulee took a sip of wine and said, "I know this man, and I hate him to the bone!"

"Why?" Lin Feng asked.

Guli said: "his name is qianfanlang. His martial arts cultivation is good, and his witchcraft is in a mess. However, relying on his ancestor's precious Wugu Cuan, he does evil and harms good women. I can't control others, but he takes my sister as his target, and repeatedly attacks my sister. Even a month ago, my sister was almost poisoned by him. It's really hateful! "

Are you sure you can beat him

"No!" Gulee said frankly, then thought about it, and then said, "but he is not sure that he can defeat me, otherwise, he would have robbed my sister long ago!"

"It makes sense!" Lin Feng said: "you are not sure to defeat him, mainly because of his witchcraft?"

"Yes Guli said: "his martial arts cultivation is higher than me, but I'm better at witchcraft than him. But when facing him, because he has the witchcraft Cuan, it's just that my witchcraft advantage can't be exerted! Oh, it's really very annoying, I am too! "

Lin Feng said with a smile: "don't worry, there will always be a chance! If you're cheap, you'll get it

"I hope so." Gulee said: "don't talk about this, brother Lin Feng. Let's have a little fun. I'll take you to my villa on the mountain. It's absolutely a paradise!"


The four were chatting and chatting with each other, and the time went by.

After dinner, the tourists expressed their thanks to Lin Feng one after another, and then went out the door.

No one dares to live here because he was blacked out at dinner.

Those local people also left early. Many of them were entrusted by the shop owner.

In such a large restaurant, there are six people left, such as Lin Feng and the shop owner.

"There are many rooms, one for each person, and you can live as you like!" "My brother and I live downstairs," said the shopkeeper

"Well, let's go up there." Lin Feng said to gulee.

They went upstairs and opened the door with four keys.

But after entering the room, Huoling's room and Xiangxiang's room are next to each other. Gulee's and Lin Feng's rooms are opposite to them.

After the four entered the room, they began to wash and prepare for bed.

However, Zhenghuo Ling changed his pajamas and was going to lie in bed when someone knocked on the door quietly.

She is standing in front of the door, subconsciously opened the door to see.

"It's me!" Lin Feng looked around like a thief. He stepped in and closed the door.

"Ouba, you..." the fire spirit was very surprised.

"Hush, don't make a noise. I'll sleep with you tonight!" Lin Feng Road. , the fastest update of the webnovel!