The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 626

Although there are still about ten days to go before the full moon night, Lin Feng calculates that it will take a few days on the way, and it will take a few days to enter the mountain. When we get there, it will be almost the end of the day.

Huoling naturally knew what Lin Feng meant, so there was no objection.

Master mang knew that Lin Feng was going to Miao with Huoling, and he gave Huoling a long holiday, so he could come back whenever he wanted.

Moreover, he also gave Huoling a bank card. He paid all the expenses there. If you want to spend it, you must treat Lin Feng well!

Fire Spirit said with a smile, even if you have your card, I can't spend it in the mountains. If a good man does it, he will lose nothing. Master Mang, you really know how to be a man!

And here, Lin Feng simply explained what happened after he left.

His goddess and his women let him protect him.

The three said they would go all out. If the goddess lost one hair, they would accept any punishment!

At this point, Lin Feng went on the road at ease.

This time, his goal is very firm, not to take back the broken jade, never give up.

If you take back the broken jade, you will have three pieces of broken jade in your hand, and then you will attack Kyoto. If you take back the last broken jade from the big family cooperated by the Jin family, you can see the sky again!

The plan is like this. It's up to God to make plans and accomplish things. It's up to God whether the plan can be completed successfully or not.

All the way, Lin Feng was in a good mood. On the one hand, he had a goal. On the other hand, he became a long-distance tourist. He did not travel for a long time. He really missed the mountains and rivers!

And fire spirit all the way to Lin Feng science knowledge, science is very comprehensive!

"Ouba, when you go to the Miao area and live in a hotel, you must remember that you must not live in a spotless and spotless inn. There are definitely poisonous insects."

"Europa, if someone gives something, don't pick it up at will, let alone eat it, or there will be dangerous drops!"

"Ouba, when you meet a beggar or a dirty person, don't look down upon or laugh at. Stay away, especially the dirty old lady. You should pay more attention to it. If you look down on her, she will chase after you and torture you. Even if you kill her, Gu will still stay in your body and make you suffer forever!"


Lin Feng knew something about it before, but it was not so comprehensive.

In particular, Huoling said with strong jealousy: "ouba, Lin Feng, don't provoke the local girls. If they have a heart for you, if you don't marry them, they will torture you to death!"

Lin Feng said with a smile, "are Miao girls so powerful? You see, I provoked you. Why didn't you torture me to death? "

"Well, I am compassionate and magnanimous." Huolingdao.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" Lin Feng laughs.

After that, the fire spirit gave Lin Feng popular science about the role of witchcraft.

Lin Feng has known for a long time that this thing is not a common product. He did not expect that the effect is still so great. It is really a great harvest.

Lin Feng is quite familiar with musical instruments. He used to like to play flute. Naturally, he no longer talks about playing this Cuan.

He can be very easy to integrate into their own feelings, all in the music, listen to the fire spirit a sigh, too good to hear!

They were very happy all the way, chatting and laughing, making a car for the whole night. In the evening, they arrived at a county in southern Xinjiang. The county seat was the territory of the Miao people. There were only a few hundred miles left from the 100000 mountain of Miao. The next day, they had to take a bus for half a day to get to the foot of the mountain.

So tonight, they plan to set up camp here!

After getting off the bus, they quickly found a hotel where they could eat and stay.

After putting down their luggage, they first sat down at a table in the hotel lobby, preparing to order local specialties for a tooth sacrifice.

The owner of the shop is very social. He has a big bald head and a big gold chain. He comes over with the menu. He throws the menu on the table and says lazily, "call me when you choose a good dish."

Then turn around and go.

When Lin Feng looked at the menu above, it was very expensive. It's hard to imagine that in such a small county, a plate of fried chicken would cost 88 yuan.

"It's too dark!" Lin Feng shook his head and said.

"What do you say?" When the boss of the bald shop heard it, he frowned, turned around and said with a gloomy face: "do you try again?"

The fire spirit quickly stopped Lin Feng and said with a smile to the bald boss: "Oh, don't be angry. My friend doesn't understand the price here. Excuse me!"

After that, Huoling whispered to Lin Feng: "this county is a tourist county. Many people have to go through here to travel to Nanyun. So it's very normal to have a black shop. Let's change to another one."

Lin Feng also smile, said: "OK!"

He also did not want to take care of these people, more than one thing is better than less, Lin Feng does not want to waste energy on these messy things.

Two people stand up to go, but at this time listen to the big bald waiter said: "what to do?""Oh, we don't think the things in this store are to our taste. Go to another store and have a look!" Said the fire spirit.

"How about that?" Big bareheaded eyeball one stare, drink a way: "you arrive in my shop, sit my stool, must consume, want to go, have no way!"

Lin Feng squinted his eyes and said to the fire spirit, "fire spirit, are the people in your hometown so domineering?"

Fire spirit embarrassed smile: "also not, individual case!"

"Don't talk nonsense and eat fast!" The big bald head shouts.

Heard big bald talk, the chef also came out of the kitchen, carrying a kitchen knife, aggressive.

It's all living coercion!

Lin Feng glanced around. At this time, there were several waves of customers in the shop. Besides some tables which were native natives, the rest seemed to be foreign tourists.

However, the tourists from other places all looked frightened, as if they had been intimidated by the shop owner.

Lin Feng was not annoyed. He whispered to Huoling: "it's not bad to experience being slaughtered for the first time! Life, you have to experience everything

He's retired now. If you let go of his old temper, the store will be on fire.

Huo Ling continued to be embarrassed and whispered: "these people are very arrogant. It's very troublesome to pester us! And they are all related to each other locally, and no one will talk to us! "

Lin Feng is a light smile, did not expect to just enter the southern Xinjiang, not to the foot of the mountains, to experience the fierce local customs here, very interesting ah!

The owner of the bald shop said, "order quickly, don't you want him? Whet haw, which table is not good for eating here?"

After hearing this, Lin Feng stepped aside and went to another table that looked like a local. He picked up the menu and saw that the fried chicken cost 18 yuan.

He gave the menu to the owner and said, "why do you treat it differently? A friend came from afar, fried chicken 88, you Leng is more than 70 yuan, kill life

The shop owner picked up the menu of the table of foreign tourists beside him and showed it to Lin Feng. He said, "the price is the same as you. You don't talk nonsense. If you don't order, I want you to look good!"

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Huoling said to the bareheaded waiter, "what, this big brother, we will not eat the dishes. If you throw down some money, I will take it as my food! We have something else to do. Let's go first! "

After all, the money is from BoA Yee. She doesn't care about it. She doesn't care. He has money!

However, the bald man refused to give up, and roared: "don't go. If you don't eat vegetables, you just give me money. Can't I rob you? Don't you call us robbers

As soon as he said this, the tourists around the table almost cried.

The boss of this shop is such a scoundrel. There is a saying that you have to pay for it. If you are a robber, you have to set up a brand of loyalty. That's enough!

They were all slaughtered. There were old people and children, and there were young girls at one table. They all went to Nanyun for a tour.

One of the old people pulled Huoling's clothes and said, "girl, don't argue with them. Alas, if you go out, you can bear with it."

A few young girls at the next table seemed very angry. They were not clear. One of them was also eaten tofu, but they did not dare to speak. They just looked at this side.

Fire spirit see money can't, also have to eat, her willow eyebrows locked, pretty face was angry!

In broad daylight, this is too bullying!

She is not a good-natured master, but she does not want to cause trouble, but this group of people, really do not want to face.

"What do you want? I tell you, don't bully people because we are from other countries! "

"Just bullying you, what can I do?" With a wave of the big bald hand, the chef behind him came out with a knife and went to the two people.

"Well, my mood is not beautiful any more." Lin Feng sighed and asked Huoling, "are you in a beautiful mood?"

Fire Spirit said: "it's not beautiful!"

Lin Feng said to the big bald head, "do you hear me clearly? My friend is in a bad mood! "

"It's none of my business if you are not beautiful! Pay for the food quickly, or I'll kill you! " The chef behind him is more arrogant than a bald head.

Lin Feng smile: "good, I order dishes, order a stewed pig head first!"

With that, he suddenly threw up the ashtray on the table and slapped it on the chef's face.

"Ouch, ouch!" The cook cried out in pain.

His face instantly red and swollen, Leng is really hit into a pig's head by Lin Feng.

What a braised pig's head!

This scene looks around several tables of tourists dark, but no one dares to speak.

Seeing that the chef was beaten, the bald shop owner was very angry and drew a machete from the back of the bar and rushed to Lin Feng.

Rush to Lin Feng, big bald head a knife to come over.

Lin Feng easily hide, grasp the big bald wrist twist.

"AhBig bald head to eat pain, the knife on the hand falls on the table!

At this time, Lin Feng asked Fire Spirit: "fire spirit, what would you like to order for the next dish?"

Fire spirit shook his head: "no idea for the time being!"

"Then eat braised chicken feet," said Lin Feng

Then, grasp the bareheaded hand and press it directly on the table top. The other hand takes up and falls the knife on the table. The knife tip goes down, pierces the palm of the bald head, and then penetrates the table top, directly nailing the bareheaded hand to the table.

"Ah --"

he yelled with pain, and the sweat was left from his forehead, but he couldn't move it by hand. The pain almost made him faint.

Seeing that the shop owner and the chef were cleaned up by Lin Feng, the tourists around him immediately applauded him. The young girls clapped their hands and cheered at him:

"handsome boy, good-looking!"

"Handsome boy, you are so brave!"

Lin Feng smile, 45 degree angle proud of the small face, mouth a rise, very pretend to force said: "a small matter, a small matter, this society needs positive energy, I represent justice, never bow to the evil forces! Hum

"Wow, how handsome!"

The eyes of those girls are straight. They are handsome and have a sense of justice. They are really charming!

"You two, spit out the money of other people and give it back to them!" Lin Feng cheered to the shop owner.

"Yes, pay us back, pay us back!" The group of tourists stood up to beg for money.

The old lady who advised the fire spirit to bear could not sit still. She pointed to the shop owner and said, "black hearted merchant, return the money quickly!"

Lin Feng saw that the shop owner did not say a word, and said to the shop owner, "don't you hear me? Refund! Otherwise, I'll order another steamed bullwhip today. Do you believe it? "


The shop owner was frightened and subconsciously covered his crotch.

But at this time, I heard a loud drink from the building: "dare to make trouble here? You are a brave boy , the fastest update of the webnovel!