The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 602

Songpan style bar.

Songpan style bar is a famous bar in Songjiang city. Many boys and girls like to come here for recreation at night.

Moreover, it is not far from the university town of Songjiang city. The university town of Songjiang city is a school district integrating many colleges and universities such as Songjiang University. It is only three or four blocks away from the Songpan style, so there are many college students here.

Since the last time, we've talked about how to stop the snake from the bar.

Because this bar is a distribution center for many students, Huo Ling takes this place as her first stop. She came here today with more than a dozen younger brothers. She wants to take this bar as a pilot to eliminate those who sell goods and let other bars have a look at it, so as to see the determination of the flying snake Gang to deal with the sellers.

As it happens, Wei Yichen came to the bar to have a drink after his mock exam. He happened to meet Huoling and they agreed to have a drink.

But Huoling had something important to do, so he said to Wei Yichen, "I'll go to do something first, and I'll come back to you for a drink.".

Wei Yichen is waiting for the fire spirit in the box. However, she sees the fire spirit with more than a dozen younger brothers punching and kicking at a person. She doesn't understand what happened, so she looks out in front of the glass of the box.

At this time, the person who was beaten seemed to have called someone. They were some people in black suits. They knocked down Huoling's younger brother and dragged the fire spirit into a box.

Wei Yi Chen of course can not watch them do so, she rushed out to the fire spirit, but was pulled into the box by the other party's people.

What impressed him most was that there was a scarred face, who was shouting with a wanton smile that he would take them both in the box.

Wei Yichen shouts that she is a member of Jincheng drag racing party and the granddaughter of the chairman of Changsheng Group. If anyone dares to move her, the drag racing party and Changsheng Group will never spare them.

Scar face thinks twice and looks at Wei Yicheng with salivation from the corners of his mouth, but he sighs and releases Wei Yicheng.

However, Huoling refused to let go of anything, and threatened Wei Yicheng. If he dared to meddle in his business again, he would surely let Wei Yichen look good.

Wei Yi Chen also can't help, in a hurry to call Lin Feng, because once she encounters anything critical, the first thing she ever thinks of is Lin Feng.

At this time, Wei Yichen made a call to Lin Feng, and he was quite calm.

But suddenly, she heard the fire spirit in the box shouting, "no, you animals, don't move me, ah!"

Wei Yichen's heart trembled, and she quickly banged at the door. Looking inside from the crack of the door, she found that the scar face was tearing the clothes of Huoling.

Wei Yichen angry cry out: "you he again dare to move my fire spirit elder sister, my eldest brother came, absolutely stripped your skin, you he? Give me stop!"

But at this time, someone said, "Wei Yichang, how are you here?"

Wei Yichen listen to this voice some familiar, fierce look back, found a familiar figure, is lenglengleng staring at her.

It was Shen man, a police officer who had just been transferred to Songjiang city.

Shen man at this time a sportswear, although a little loose, but still can not cover his proud upper circumference and round thigh.

In particular, her cold but incomparably beautiful face, still with the justice and bravery of the people's police, let a burst of infatuation, called out the goddess!

The reason why Shen man came here is that she wants to know what the situation is here!

Today is her third day to work in Songjiang city. She asked her colleagues to learn about the situation in Songjiang city. She knew that the bars in Songjiang city were in a mess. Then she learned about the situation of the bars in detail, so she chose to come to the Songpan style bar at the first stop.

Because there are the most students and the worst influence.

She wants to set a good example here.

But she knew that the water in Songjiang city was very deep, so after work today, she wanted to come to know about the situation in private.

Did not expect to just come here, but saw Wei Yicheng, she seems a little surprised.

But Shen man's appearance, but let Wei Yi Chen in front of a bright.

Wei Yichen yelled: "officer Shen man, come here, someone has committed a crime. Come and arrest him!"

Shen man frowned when he heard.

Because her impression of Wei Yichen is not very good.

At least she knew that Wei Yichen was a little sister of Jincheng drag racing party, and she was very difficult to deal with.

"Sorry, after work, I'm not a policeman now. I'm just here to drink. If there's a crime, you can call the police!" Shen man said.

"It's not urgent to call the police!" Wei Yichen called out, "my sister is going to be poisoned by others!"

See Wei Yi Chen that anxious appearance doesn't seem to be false, Shen man Liu eyebrow frown, said: "where does somebody commit a crime?"

Although it is off-duty time, although she is not a people's police now, her sense of justice has been exploding. If she encounters a crime, she can't stand by.

"There Wei Yichen pointed to the box: "there are people who want to rape my sister Huoling!""Rape?"

Shen man's eyes are cold!

Is Songjiang so chaotic? Dare to rape in broad daylight?

Shen man smashed the door angrily and yelled: "open the door, police check the scene!"

But the inside door was closed and did not mean to open it.

Shen man felt that something was really strange. He smashed the door several times and roared: "open the door quickly. If you don't open the door again, I will take compulsory measures."

At this time, the door opened, a head came out, evil smile, and then withdraw back to the room, shouting: "boss, there is a big girl outside the door said she is a police officer, that beautiful girl is no worse than fire spirit!"

The man inside said, "really? Let her in

The door opens and Shen man is invited in. Wei Yicheng follows Shen man and slips in with his clothes.

As soon as they entered, the door was shut to death.

At this time, the box was in a mess. Wine was spilled all over the floor, and the ground was covered with broken glass. On the sofa of the box, Huoling was pressed by three big men. One of the scarred faces was going to ride on Huo Ling. He saw Shen man come in and gave a cold look at Shen man. A look of lust flashed in his eyes, and he stepped down from the sofa and said, "what's the matter, girl, do you want to Do you want to play together? "

"Asshole!" Shen man clenched his fist and said angrily, "you insult the woman openly. Let her go. Stand upright against the wall for me!"

"You drink, the person looks very beautiful, the temper is not small, young girl, why should we listen to you?" Scar's face is full of obscene smile.

"I'm a policeman!" Shen man said, "so I order you...

" take out your ID card! " Scar face interrupts Shen man's words, and a pair of big hands reach out to Shen man.

Shen man felt her pocket and felt cold. Although she had been working here for two or three days, her job change process had not been completed due to a computer system failure. So she went to Songjiang, and there was no police signal or police certificate.

To put it more bluntly, she is not a police officer now!

It'll be done in a few days, but at least she's not.

Shen man took a deep breath and said, "I left my ID card at home."

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" Scar face a grim smile: "you can really play tricks, even dare to pretend to be a police officer, come here, and tie her up for me, I don't mind playing together, ha ha ha!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!