The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 601

Since the winter meeting held by Longkou group, great changes have taken place in Jincheng.

The order of Phoenix became the largest association in Jincheng, followed by the drag racing party, becoming the second largest association in Jincheng and the third in white shark gang.

However, the Longkou formation is declining and no one is interested in it.

The wind and clouds are surging and the world is changing. In just over half a year, some people are living and some are dying, others are thriving and others are declining.

Originally, there were four major associations in Jincheng, namely, Longkou group in the west of the city, car racing party in the East, phoenix order in the South and mountain gangs in the north.

The order of the Phoenix is the weakest of the four societies!

However, in half a year, he jumped to the top of the Jincheng community.

The cooperation between the order of Phoenix and the drag racing party also occupies the majority of Jincheng. With the friendly cooperation between Jin Fenghuang and Chen Da, the community of Jincheng appears in the public view with a new look.

Jincheng's community advocates to do serious business, honest management, young and old without fraud.

They will also help the government to share the pressure and help the people to seek welfare. It can be said that due to the prosperity of the community, Jincheng has also achieved unprecedented civilization and prosperity.

Those who used to be the night under the dirty, those unknown dirty transactions, less and less, even have the meaning of extinction.

Even Shen man, the police flower, has been idle recently. She has not been on the police for many days. Even she is surprised at the public order now.

So she was restless again.

After the social stability of Jincheng, she suddenly felt that she had lost her value.

She put her own ideas and boss Liu Mingyuan said that she felt that her work was not important.

Liu Mingyuan knows Shen man's character. Shen man is a person who likes to challenge. So he has a chance and a good promotion opportunity. He is going to Songjiang city to do public security management.

Every day, the police went to the scene of the crime, and occasionally at night to inspect the night clubs, bars and other places to rectify the public security work in Songjiang city.

Although occasionally dangerous, but very in line with Shen man's requirements.

Liu Mingyuan told her that this job is not to stay in Songjiang city for a long time, but to go to Songjiang city for a period of time and make some achievements there. When she returns to her hometown in the future, she can take a higher position in Jincheng.

Shen man is not interested in a higher position, but she is passionate about fighting against evil forces. As a people's police officer, Shen man always keeps justice and discipline in mind. Therefore, she immediately applied to Songjiang with Liu Mingyuan.

After that, Xiao Li soon took over the task in her hand, and she left for Songjiang.

But Lin Feng did not return to Songjiang immediately.

After that, because long Xiaoqian promised to open the kite square to Lin Feng, Lin Feng went to the Kite Square many times to investigate the clues of blood jade, but found no trace.

Isn't the fourth clue of blood jade here?

After that, Lin Feng had nothing to do and went back to the villa in Songjiang city.

In Jincheng, he handed it to Jin Fenghuang. Jin Fenghuang can be said to cover the sky in Jincheng. Once there is any news about blood jade clues, she will inform Lin Feng at the first time.

However, although long Xiaoqian didn't want to fight in Longkou group, he found that even if he didn't fight, he couldn't be peaceful.

Because Gul's body is missing.

After Gul's death, long Xiaoqian originally planned to send the body back to his family, but the body disappeared that night.

Long Xiaoqian saw this strange thing and did not dare to contact the people of the GUR family. He wanted to find the body and then contact the family.

Although Gul was not killed by his Longkou group, his body was lost in the Longkou group. This matter is always related to him. In case the Gul family blames him, he can not afford to bear it.

Therefore, in the following days, long Xiaoqian sent the whole city to look for Gul's body, but there was no clue.

But in the eastern Cemetery outside the eastern suburb of Jincheng, a new tomb appeared in one of the most secret places.

The tomb is very strange, not like other tombstones, but like Western European tombs, with a white cross on its head.

On the cross, there was a string of tusks.

This is Gul's grave!

A wolf head human body tall monster, cold smile at the tomb of Gul: "Gul, at the beginning, you promised to kill Lin Feng? As a result, you are on your own way to death

With that, the werewolf went to the grave and stroked the cross at the head of the grave:

"Gul, I specially selected the best material for you to build a tombstone. You should thank me! However, I don't have a good feeling for you. A werewolf can't have a good feeling for a vampire. I just do it for the sake of Lin Feng! "

"Because your body is not found, the later your people find you dead, the more time Lin Feng has to look for his treasure!" The werewolf said: "Lin Feng is very kind to my wolf family. If it is not for Lin Feng, our Wolff family's scientific research project will be stolen by others. Therefore, we Wolff family sent me to protect Mr. Lin Feng, Gul. The grudges between our wolf family and your Brad family will never be reconciled. Therefore, even if Lin Feng does not kill you, I will fight with you to death I live"Of course, you are not lucky. I saved a lot of energy to provoke Lin Feng. Poor guy! Hum! You lie in this cold underground, praying for others to find you quickly! Ha ha ha

The werewolf's tone was low, and after sneering, his figure flashed and disappeared into the dark night.




after returning to Songjiang City, Lin Feng started his cultivation plan.

The fight with Gul made Lin Feng realize clearly that the stronger the middle hand is, the higher the mountain is.

Gul is just a half tooth vampire, so powerful, if you encounter a higher level of vampires, it is not their own will be very hard?

Through his last conversation with his master xuanlingzi, Lin Feng knows that vampires have a high status in Western Europe, and several ancient family legends are all vampire families.

The top two are the Dracula family and the Brad family.

Count Dracula is the most famous vampire. It is said that Count Dracula is very mysterious, and Dracula himself has lived for thousands of years. He has a very high status in the vampire community and can command ordinary vampires. His castle is said to be surrounded by countless bats and is floating in the sky all year round. He only appears once every ten years and only sucks the blood of a virgin.

The family of Count Dracula is also very mysterious and terrifying.

But the Brad family is even more mysterious, and there are few records about them.

Legend is always very scary and exaggerated, Lin Feng did not believe it before, but today after meeting a vampire, he began to face up to the matter of vampire.

Although Lin Feng doesn't know which family the vampire comes from, he dares to make sure that long Xiaoqian is not capable of inviting a vampire to serve him.

Unless, the vampire wants to kill himself!

And why did he kill himself? Lin Feng is not clear now, so he called Lao Hu and asked him to find out why there are vampires who want to kill themselves!

After the phone call, he lay at home to practice.

But when Lin Feng just entered the state, the mobile phone rang.

Lin Feng usually practice when the mobile phone is turned off, but it happened to be on today.

He stopped practicing and took over his mobile phone. It was Wei Yichen who called.

Now it's evening. How can Wei Yichen call me?

Lin Feng felt a bit ominous in his heart. He answered the phone and listened to Wei Yicheng's anxious cry: "boss, it's not good. Sister Huoling is going to be insulted!"

"Where are you?" Lin Feng asked.

"Songpan style bar!" Wei Yichen said.

"Hold on, I'm coming!" Lin Feng said. , the fastest update of the webnovel!