The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 535

Moreover, at such a critical moment, when hackers attack, the originator of hackers, "Shura", actually stood in front of everyone.

For a moment, excitement, excitement filled the crowd, some teeth clenched, excited face flushed, some people even tears in their eyes, feeling that life has found hope again.

Because, if Shura is present, will he be afraid of other hackers? They feel secure in an instant.

However, Bai Jun said: "Lin Feng, you cheat, you are not Shura at all, you are pretending to be the name of Shura!"

Lin Feng said with a faint smile: "do I pretend to be Shura to have money? Is it necessary to pretend? "

Bai Jun took a look at Liu qianyun and said, "of course you do. You deliberately raise yourself and cheat others. In order to get a girl, you really use any mean means."

Lin Feng shook his head and sneered: "Bai Jun, that's just your idea. It's not uncommon for people like you to have this idea. But I'm sorry to tell you that I'm Shura, if it's fake!"

"You're lying!" Bai Jun shouts.

People around you don't know who to trust.

Before they had a lot of trust in Bai Jun, but they couldn't believe Bai Jun after experiencing such a thing.

Lin Feng, their trust will be higher, but Lin Feng said that he is the world's famous super hacker "Shura", which makes people some can't believe.

Therefore, the public remained neutral and did not express any views and opinions.

At this time, the virus again crazy attack.

"Dean, you see, the hacker's attack is fierce again!" The staff pointed to the big screen and said.

The Dean doesn't know much about computers. He just thinks that it should be very serious. He has a lot of worries on his face, but he has nothing to do.

At this time, Lin Feng grinned: "don't make a fuss, relax, relax, ha!"

Lin Feng again hit the keyboard, crackling into a lot of code, after a while, the big screen even showed a game.

Is the earliest video game "greedy snake", eat a fruit, the snake will grow longer, if the head hit the snake, it will fail to die.

This game carries a lot of people's childhood joy, so many people have an impression, but they do not understand, such a critical moment, how can Lin Feng still have the mind to program a small game on the computer to play?

"Any smoke?" Lin Feng asked President Gao.

"Oh, yes!" The chief of the high court handed the smoke to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng picked up a cigarette, held it in his mouth and said, "light to smoke, not fire?"

"Oh President Gao quickly stepped forward to light a cigarette for Lin Feng.

Lin Feng is holding a cigarette in his mouth, his legs are up, and he even plays.

Sleeping trough! What is his situation?

All the people present were confused. Why did Lin Feng play? Still playing so natural and casual?

Brother, are you playing with your life? Can you be serious?

Bai Jun said with a cold smile: "let's have a look. This is Shura. You can't get rid of the virus, but you play with snake! Is that why we should all be fools? "

People can't help being ignited by his words. Lin Feng is really too much.

But Liu qianyun was standing behind Lin Feng and said to Bai Jun, "I believe in Lin Feng. Don't slander Lin Feng!"

"Qian Yun, you..." Bai Jun bit his teeth fiercely.

"Don't slander Lin Feng. I believe he has his reason in doing things." Liu qianyun said.

When Bai Jun saw Liu qianyun defend Lin Feng, his anger suddenly exploded: "Liu qianyun, what enchanting soup have you been infused by Lin Feng? Is your IQ offline? Are you still talking for him at this time? You had a good sleep with him, didn't you? "

"Bai Jun, shut up!" Liu qianyun cheered.

"I shut up? Hum Bai Jun said, "when you are a whore, don't you let people talk about it?"

"Bai Jun, I didn't expect that you are such a person. You are really ashamed of your admiration for your younger brother and younger sister." Liu qianyun's face was iron green.

"Hum, you don't tell me that. Liu qianyun, I think you are cheap!" Bai Jun said.

"No more noise!" The head of the high court can't listen to it any more, so he has to stop it.

At this time, someone suddenly exclaimed: "you see, Lin Feng's greedy snake, unexpectedly, unexpectedly..."

people follow the sound and see that Lin Feng's greedy snake has broken through the game framework and is eating those red viruses one mouthful at a time.

All of a sudden, all of them were shocked again. They all looked at Lin Feng with adoration, and surprised him into heaven and man.

This was originally a hacker virus war, but Lin Feng even regarded it as a game to play. His game turned out to be an anti-virus program. The greedy snake is the snake that eats the virus.Can such intense information war, play into a game, this is the master in the master absolutely! In addition, there must be a strategy to win thousands of miles of faith, but also have a big heart ah!

This Lin Feng, unexpectedly game life, is amazing.

At this time, he saw that his greedy snake ate some viruses, and the outside virus became more and more irritable. He began to squeeze the green frame part, trying to squeeze in and get in touch with the red virus inside.

What's more, the red viruses are more and more fierce.

Lin Feng smile, directly opened a gap, let the snake from the gap drill out, and then quickly close the gap, greedy snake to the periphery, instantly was flooded by the red virus!


Everyone is surprised again!

This greedy snake sent out to those swarming red virus to eat, is not equal to suicide?

Why is Lin Feng's brain suddenly short circuited?

At this time, Lin Feng left the keyboard with both hands and said with a smile: "yes, everything is going well."

The people were confused again. The snake was eaten? You've done everything you've done? What a success!

At this time, Lin Feng finished smoking, threw the cigarette end into the level and put it out. Then he puffed his nose and said, "please keep your krypton eyes open. Next, it's time to witness the miracle."

Then, just hit the Enter key.

All of a sudden, the scene on the big screen has changed dramatically.

See the original red and green path and virus disappeared, the previous programming page also disappeared, but there is a map, the world map.

Then a green line was scanned from top to bottom on the map. After scanning several times, a small red dot suddenly appeared on the map.

After several keystrokes, the map expands continuously, and the location of the little black spot becomes clearer and clearer. Finally, it is located in a mountainous and jungle area in South Asia, hundreds of kilometers away from China.

"This is the location of the hackers who attacked our system!" Lin Feng said: "hackers are in the trilateral region of South Asia, which is the junction of the three countries, but they do not belong to any one of the three countries, so we usually call him" three regardless of the zone! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!