The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 534




"and so on!" The High Court chief quickly stopped Lin Feng.

He went to Lin Feng, a face tangled said: "Mr. Lin Feng, borrow a step to speak!"

Lin Feng and the High Court chief went to the side of the secluded place, and the High Court chief said in embarrassment: "Mr. Lin Feng, there are really some unknown secrets in this organization. However, I have signed a confidentiality agreement with the people of the wolf family. I can't disclose this secret to anyone. Can you understand it?"

Lin Feng smile, "can't!"

The head of the high courtyard is black, I don't know what to do!

However, Lin Feng said with a smile: "however, I can keep secret for you. You just need to tell me. I won't tell anyone. If you don't believe me, I'll hook you up!"

High courtyard long face is a black again, still pull hook, am I 3 years old child?

But he knew that this time, if the information leaked, his organization would collapse, and the virus would leak as well as secrets. In that case, the wolf family would not let him go, if he could still live.

Gao made a decision and said to Lin Feng, "well, I'll tell you the secret! In fact, we are studying a kind of biochemical gene, and all experiments are done with real people. This kind of biochemical gene can make human become more powerful. As long as this gene is injected, people's strength, speed, agility, climbing ability, etc., will be greatly improved. It is no exaggeration to say that a person with biochemical variation can eliminate 100 unarmed hands without any effort Special forces

After hearing this, Lin Feng nodded. This result is very similar to his own guess.

What's more, it also verifies what master xuanlingzi said: there are biochemical people and vampire families in the West. It seems that the wolf family wants to study biochemical variants for their own use!

"Your scientific research projects are inhumane!" Lin Feng said: "first of all, it's cruel to experiment with real people. Secondly, the study of biochemical mutants will break the balance of human beings, and give some ambitious guys the opportunity to speed up the outbreak of war. If there are such mutants in the future, our human soldiers will become the most humble species, which is unfair to human beings themselves."

"Well, I was also confused by money at that time. In addition, Dr. Bai joined the team, so I agreed to this. Now, I regret it. But I have been in a dilemma. Moreover, this biochemical gene serum has been developed, and the data is stored in the key areas of the computer Center!"

Lin Feng said: "so, hackers attack your area mainly to get the information of the biochemical gene serum, right?"

"Yes President Gao said, and then he said with a sad face: "although this kind of serum has been developed, its stability is very poor. The people who inject the serum are likely to die, or go mad, or become mindless zombies. They are very unlikely to succeed. Even if they succeed, they have to face gene conflicts in a short period of time, which is likely to cause the biochemical mutant person to lose his mind It will become a hidden danger to the society! "

Lin Feng nodded: "so, your project is not successful yet."

"Yes High Court chief road.

"Dean Gao, you are doing evil Lin Feng shook his head.

"I can't help it. I took the burden at the beginning and I had to go on. I couldn't quit halfway!" President Gao said.

"Dean Gao, you're not too young. It's time to think about things after retirement. I'll help you with your affairs." Lin Feng smiles.

But Lin Feng's smile always has a feeling of words in his words. In the eyes of the president of the high court, this smile has a kind of creepy meaning.

Lin Feng went back to the console and looked at the big screen. There were more and more red parts.

While Bai Jun on one side came back to the spirit, as if to see Lin Feng was about to fail. He sneered at him with a cruel face.

At this time, people are also very worried, although Lin Feng controlled the red virus, but did not kill the virus, we are still very dangerous.

Lina asked the Dean: "Dean, first evacuate the crowd, let these students and staff go out, in case of emergency, they will not be affected!"


The dean said to the staff, "now please evacuate the staff in the institution and take these students out!"


One of the staff said.

He went to the door, pressed several operation buttons, and immediately his face changed: "Dean, it's not good, the door can't be opened!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"

When Bai Jun heard this, he looked up and laughed. His face was red and he was very crazy.

"You still trust Lin Feng too much. Do you think that Lin Feng can subdue hackers with such a small skill?" Bai Jun stood up, took a look at everyone with a sarcastic look, and then said: "at the moment of virus invasion, our system has already failed, so now, no one can go out, ha ha ha ha!""Asshole!" The High Court chief clenched his fist: "this hacker is really a headache!"

"As I said earlier, this hacker is so powerful that it may even surpass Shura, so it is not so easy to deal with!" Bai Jun said, smilingly walked to Lin Feng and said: "boy, you can pretend to force ah, now the system is out of order. If you can't fix that hacker in a short time, all people will die here. Hum, so many people's lives are in your hands, you need to refuel!"

"Bai Jun, I think you overestimate each other?" Lin Feng said calmly: "you always say that the other side's ability is comparable to Shura, but how do I feel that Shura is more than a little bit better than him!"

"Ha ha ha, do you know Shura well? How dare you say that Shura is better than him Bai Jun sneers at Lin Feng.

Then, he turned his head and looked at Liu qianyun: "I said qianyun Xuemei, where did you get such a stupid friend? How can you talk nonsense

"I'm not talking nonsense. Shura is a hundred times better than this hacker!" Lin Feng said.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" Bai Jun looked at Lin Feng like a fool and then laughed: "you can really blow! It's like you know Shura! "

"I don't know Shura!" Lin Feng smiles.

"What else do you pretend to be? "You silly..." Bai Jun laughed.

"I am Shura!" He did not finish his words, but Lin Feng said directly.

"What?" Bai Jun is stunned.

"Don't you hear me? I speak louder, I am Shura, Shura is me! Can you hear me Lin Feng smiles.

This time, everyone was stunned, so large control room, a silent, needle can be heard.

We recall before Lin Feng calm appearance, also recalled Lin Feng ingenious blockade virus exercise, is very skilled, flowing water.

All of a sudden, everyone was surprised and didn't know what to say.

Those students who have heard of the name of Shura are even more excited. Unexpectedly, the famous Shura stands in front of everyone.

Well, am I dreaming? , the fastest update of the webnovel!