The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 513

Lin Feng got out of the door, opened the old Santana and drove to the west suburb of the city.

He just received a message from Wei Yicheng. On his birthday, he gave Wei Yicheng a mobile phone, which was sent from that mobile phone.

There are only four words in the message: "boss, help!"

Then, a location was sent.

Located in the west of the city Kite Square.

Lin Feng all the way to the Kite Square.

Kite Square is located on the outskirts of the city. There are no people around and few trees. There are only some leisure building facilities and some places for fitness activities.

Kite Square has a long history. It is said that when Jincheng was still a small village, there was a northwest wind all the year round. Especially in autumn and winter, the wind was stronger. Many children had nothing to do, so they made a kite with the help of adults at home to compete who would fly the kite high.

Over time, this kite flying competition has become an ancient tradition in Jincheng, and Kite Square is built for this ancient tradition.

It was midnight and there was no one around.

Lin Feng carefully looked around, according to the location of the address touched in the past, found that the location of the location, is a boxing hall.

At this time, the boxing hall is still on the light, three or two people are still practicing inside.

Lin Feng frowned. How could Wei Yicheng come here? Was she hijacked by someone?

At this time, on the ground floor of the boxing hall, Wei Yichen was tied to the pillar of the boxing ring. Under the stage, there were long Xiaoqian and long Shao, and there was a man about 30 years old. He was a strong man with a fierce face. At first sight, he was a man who fought and killed all year round.

Long Xiaoqian asked long Shao, "are you sure Wei Yichen has a good relationship with that Lin Feng? Wei Yichen is arrested. Will Lin Feng come? "

"Certainly will come!" Long Shao said, "Qin Huan and I had dinner with Lin Feng and Wei Yichen last time. Lin Feng and Wei Yichen must have had an affair in private. I can see that, so Lin Feng will come today!"

Long Xiaoqian said: "that's good. Last time we had a 5-on-5 competition with the order of Phoenix, we lost face in Longkou group. This time, we must get rid of this guy. As soon as Lin Feng dies, I think there is anything else he can compete with us in the order of Phoenix."

"Dad is wise!" Long Shao clapped his hands and said, "Dad, the last time we invited people from the death alliance, we didn't beat Lin Feng. I heard people in Songjiang city say that even Zhu Tiancheng was abused by Lin Feng. Zhu Tiancheng also invited Ren Changfeng, the" Wu Chi "of the death alliance. In the end, we are not Lin Feng's opponent. Are we sure we will kill him this time ?”

"Hum! If we underestimated him before, this time, it will not be! " Long Xiaoqian took a puff of smoke and said coldly, "this time, I paid a lot of money to invite this expert, but it's extraordinary!"

Long Xiaoqian pointed to the man beside him and said to long Shao, "see, this Master Cheng Yu is a famous master in southern China. Moreover, he is not an ordinary man!"

"Not ordinary people?" Long Shao looked surprised: "what do you mean?"

However, most of the martial arts practitioners in chengxiaotang are good at martial arts, even though they are good at martial arts

"Cultivator?" Long Shao knows about the cultivators, but the number of them is very few. Moreover, they are usually hidden in the market and will not show up easily. Unexpectedly, the Master Cheng Yu is actually a cultivator.

Immediately, long Shao stood up in awe and shook hands with Cheng Yu and said, "Master Cheng Yu, I've heard so much about you. I didn't expect that you were a practitioner. I really made my blood boil!"

Cheng Yu is a crooked smile, a look of arrogance: "practitioners are very few, you did not expect that I am a practitioner, it is reasonable, but you do not need to be passionate, we practitioners are not gods, but also human beings, do not need to worship too much!"

Cheng Yu's forced installation does not delay, as if to say, don't be infatuated with brother, brother is just a legend.

The Dragon did not see Cheng Yu acting like a bully, but he did not dare to play with Cheng Yu. He said respectfully, "Master Cheng Yu, what's the difference between a cultivator and an ordinary warrior? Lin Feng, who is coming today, is also very powerful, but he is just a warrior

Cheng Yu immediately raised his face, a pair of Laozi's biggest expression way: "practitioners can fight ten martial arts, I said enough straightforward?"

Long Shao clasped his hands and said, "I admire you

Cheng Yu sneered, "it's all younger brothers. Come on, I'll definitely let him come back."

I wipe it. Cheng Yu can pretend to be forced!

Long Shao thought in his heart, but he was more excited. He was brave. Cheng Yu dared to say so. He must be a cruel role.

But he deliberately teased Cheng Yu and said, "Master Cheng Yu, if Lin Feng is a practitioner, can you beat him? I'm not sure if he's a warriorHearing this, Cheng Yu's face flashed a little flustered. In fact, he was not a cultivator. He was just a warrior who was close to the blood level. In the martial arts, he was the top existence, but if the other side was a practitioner, he would certainly be unable to beat.

At this time, long Xiaoqian said: "Longyang, what are you talking about? We haven't seen the strength of Lin Feng. He is really a powerful martial artist, but he can't talk about the cultivator!"

Cheng Yu heard this, immediately came to the bottom of his courage, again raised his head, said: "what's this, practitioners are also divided into three, six or nine, even if he is a practitioner, it is impossible to beat me, I have traveled all these years, what kind of master have not seen, but I have not failed, so ah, don't be afraid!"

"That's great, Master Cheng Yu. If you're here again, I'll rest assured that Lin Feng will die!" Long Shao said happily.

These words were listened to in the ear by Wei Yicheng. Her mouth was blocked with a handkerchief, so she could not speak, but her heart was burning with anxiety.

This time, long Shao used her as a bait, sent a message to Lin Feng with her mobile phone, and ambushed such a powerful expert, that is, he wanted to kill the old, which was too insidious.

But she knows Lin Feng's temper. She has something to do. Lin Feng is bound to come. What can I do? If the boss comes, it's over!

At this time, but listen to long Shao said: "by the way, Dad, I have a better idea!"

"What's the idea? Let's hear it!" Long Xiaoqian took a puff of smoke.

"Last time we saw that Lin Feng was full of tricks. It is possible that he would run back when he saw something was wrong, so our bureau would be in vain. Therefore, I suggest that we let Master Cheng Yu ambush. When Lin Feng comes, Master Cheng Yu suddenly appears and is killed with one blow. He has no chance to escape! What do you say? " Long Shao said.

"Good, good idea!" Long Xiaoqian said, looking at Cheng Yu, he hesitated and said: "although the method is a good way, but Master Cheng Yu's generation of masters, this way, I'm afraid, is difficult for Master Cheng Yu to accept!"

Cheng Yu's eyes turned, but he said: "ah, boss long, there is no mercy on war in the battlefield. What master feelings do you talk about in life and death struggle? I'm a master, but if I take your money, I should do things for you as soon as possible! I think master Longyang's idea is feasible! "

Cheng Yu is relying on the name of the cultivator to cheat money everywhere. It's really a good thing to be able to easily defeat opponents and get money. Who cares what master is not a master? A fool thinks so.

Seeing that Cheng Yu didn't care, long Xiaoqian was also very willing. The man under his opponent said, "you guys, set up a mechanism above the ring, and let Master Cheng Yu go back!"

"Good!" Long Xiaoqian's men said. , the fastest update of the webnovel!