The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 512

"The eldest brother is also a cultivator? It's still the second level of blood exchange! "

The mouse screamed, and then pain came from the wound, covering his abdomen. Ouch, ouch, but it was still hard to hide the excitement.

He didn't expect that his boss was also a cultivator.

The eldest brother is really deep in hiding! He didn't know that until now.

Jin Fenghuang doesn't know what Lin Feng's words mean, but she does know that Lin Feng's double blood state must be higher than the existence of Bai Li Tong Mu.

Lin Feng can defeat such a powerful person as Bai Li Tong Mu. I didn't expect that there was such an expert around him.

Who is Lin Feng? He knows poetry and poetry, knows how to taste wine and race cars, and his military value is so high. Is this guy really just a small security guard of Dongsheng Group?

I believe it!

Jin Fenghuang thinks it's necessary to investigate Lin Feng in private. By the way, he also wants to know whether the man who has made a vow to the throne with him, the man who looks so similar to Lin Feng, has nothing to do with Lin Feng, or is Lin Feng the heartless man who just has plastic surgery?

Just as Jin Fenghuang was thinking wildly, Lin Feng walked up to Bai Li Tong Mu, stepped on Bai Li's face, and cried out:

"say, why do you want to move our Lin family's blood jade? What is the name of the organization behind you? "

Bai Li's grandmother spat out a mouthful of blood and said, "Lin Feng, I lost to you today. It's my carelessness. I didn't expect that you were also a cultivator and a higher level than me. A heavy training, a heavy day, sure enough, only one level short, but the strength is like the difference between clouds and mud! Today I lost, I accepted! But you don't want to get any news from me. I won't say it when I die. "

Bai Li's grandmother knew that his deadline was coming, and his internal organs had been broken by Lin Feng's fist. So even if he told Lin Feng, he would not have a chance to live!

Lin Feng looked at Bai Li Tong Mu and said, "you rob my woman, you cheat my friend, and you intend to rob my family's treasure. You really want to do right with me when you die! Then I'm sorry! "

Lin Feng stepped on it hard, and the girl cried out in pain. Her voice was very sad.

"This is for my woman and my brother, old pervert! Go to hell

Lin Feng didn't stop, but his strength gradually increased. Bai Li's grandmother cried out in pain, and her voice became more and more miserable. Finally, she heard a "click" and her skull was cracked.

Bai Li's grandmother rolled her eyes, convulsed all over her body, and then she did not move.

"I'll give you a happy one when I read your age!" Lin Feng said coldly.

At this time, the people around were so scared and stupid that they even trampled on people's heads. Where have they seen such means and power? It's too terrible.

All of a sudden, all of them felt a cool breeze on their backs. It seemed that Lin Feng's methods before were really just small games. At this time, they had no hatred in their hearts. Even those people who were cut into flesh and blood by playing cards also expressed their thanks to Lin Feng.

Because, Lin Feng is really merciful, otherwise, none of them can stand here alive now.

All of a sudden, everyone agreed to one knee Linfeng knelt down and said with one voice: "thank God for your life, thank God for your life!"

"Get up Lin Feng said, "do a little evil later, or I will kill you!"

These people listen, have a fear of a shiver, and then, the heart is grateful, stand up is also submissive looking at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng walked to the Golden Phoenix and said with a smile, "sister, you have suffered!"

With that, her fingers gently lifted the hair of the Golden Phoenix to the back of her head, and carefully looked at the palm print on the face of the Golden Phoenix who had been slapped by Bai Li's grandmother.

Jin Fenghuang's shy face turned red and said to Lin Feng, "villain, why are you looking at me like this? You say I'm your woman, you say I'm your sister. What am I, what am I

Seeing that Jin Fenghuang also made a fuss, Lin Feng was amused and said, "sister Jin, if you don't mind, you can be my woman. I'm really empty and lonely at night. Ha ha ha!"

"Well, little villain, you are taking advantage of others' danger!" Golden Phoenix said with a smile.

Then her heart flashed a trace of loss, the man, has been lingering in her heart, although the two did not even hold hands, but they have a vow of commitment, the man gave her a deep impression, has become a piece of her heart disease, although she can not control the heart like Lin Feng, but always feel that this is very wrong with the man.

If that man can appear again, even if it is to say "break up" to himself, he can accept it calmly and start his new life.

But now, he has no news, and his life and death are uncertain. In the heart of Golden Phoenix, there is always a piece of haze that can not be removed.

Therefore, only when she gets rid of the haze, can she completely accept Lin Feng. She doesn't like Lin Feng. On the contrary, she likes Lin Feng very much, and even is afraid of losing him. Only if she agrees to Lin Feng now, it is irresponsible to him.So, she needs time.

"Lin Feng, can you wait for me?" Golden Phoenix blinked her beautiful big eyes and asked.

"Waiting for you?" "When will you wait?" asked Lin Feng

"I don't know!" Golden Phoenix melancholy said: "perhaps very slow, perhaps very fast!"

"Of course I can wait for you." Lin Feng said, "but I am a very popular person. As you know, other women are chasing me every day. I am also very sad. I am afraid that if I make a mistake one day, I will be caught by which woman. What should I do?"

"On the up, I am not so stingy, as long as you are happy, I will not mind!" "Love a person, do not so stingy possession of him, should take him as a work of art, others love him, should be accepted!"

"Sister, you are a wonderful woman!" Lin Feng thumbs up: "how many men dream of a woman like you!"

"Oh, don't praise me, sister. I've been mature for a long time, and I'm not a blooming girl of seventeen or eighteen years old!" Golden Phoenix said.

At this time, the mouse called out, "boss, sister Kim, you two are flirting over there. Have you ever thought about how I feel as a wounded man? I'm risking my life to listen to your sticky

"Stinky boy!" Lin Feng said with a smile: "you can't die. Don't be hypocritical there!"

"Oh, it's not my affectation! Boss, it's the two of you that make me jealous! If I don't believe you give a beautiful woman to me now, I don't care about you two! " Said the mouse lying there leisurely and leisurely.

"Stinky boy, your wings are hard, aren't you?" Lin Feng went to the mouse and poked it in the ribs with his finger.

"Ouch, pain, pain, boss, don't... Ouch, can't I stop talking?" The mouse cried out in pain and itching.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Jin Fenghuang also laughed. Lin Feng was just like a devil, but suddenly he became so warm. He was like a big brother next door to a mouse. He was really a man of all kinds!

But at this time, Lin Feng's telephone actually rang, came a message.

Lin Feng saw the news, the first time his expression became serious, and his face showed a ferocious expression.

"What's the matter, boss?" The mouse found something wrong with Lin Feng.

Lin Feng didn't make a sound, but said to the Golden Phoenix on the side: "sister Jin, I have an urgent matter to go now. You can help me deal with the scene, and my brother mouse, you can help me to send him to the hospital, this matter please you!"

"No problem!" "Just, what are you in such a hurry?" said the Golden Phoenix

"I'll talk to you when I come back!" Lin Feng Road. , the fastest update of the webnovel!