The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 506

At the same time, Jincheng Swan Lake Villa area.

Lin Feng is also in the basement of his villa.

Because he came home from yesterday, Wei Yicheng and Shen man came to visit him. Wei Yicheng came to see him, and Shen man fulfilled the agreement and asked him to have dinner.

He had no time to waste, so he found an excuse to kill them both, and then he went to the basement so that no one would disturb him.

These days, he has to concentrate on training and sharpen his spears. He is not happy. On the full moon night two days later, he will definitely go, and the chance of success depends on the practice of these two days!

Lin Feng cross legged, according to the method in the "limitless cultivation Dharma formula", began to concentrate on practice.

Gradually, Lin Feng entered the state of cultivation, and the blood in his body was like a turbulent tide, rushing towards the pulse gate of his body.

Shenghua and shangchuang, though shaky, have not been able to completely open the two, while the other several are tightly closed, blood can only bypass.

Lin Feng tried again and again, but with little effect.

But he can't relax. These days, he has to devote 100% of his energy to practice. Although the road ahead is dim, there is always hope for his efforts.

Lin Feng devoted himself to the practice. He seemed to forget the happiness, anger, sadness and happiness, the time like water, and everything around him.

I don't know how long it took, a burst of telephone ringing came.

Lin Feng suddenly felt a burst of fatigue, and then recovered from the state of cultivation.

The call was made by a mouse. Lin Feng took a deep breath, but did not answer the phone.

He knew that the mouse was worried about him, and more than ten calls were missed on the phone, which were all made by rats.

Lin Feng smiles and turns off his mobile phone.

He stood up and looked at his wet clothes. He had to change his clothes before he could continue to practice.

When Lin Feng went upstairs, the fish belly appeared white in the East.

In other words, Lin Feng unconsciously practiced until the next morning.


He was a little hungry, so he went to the kitchen to find some food.

While he was eating, he was still thinking about the cultivation. Why were those two veins so shaky that he could not break them for a long time? What's the problem?

With bread in his hand, Lin Feng thought while eating, thinking more and more absorbed.

Suddenly, he felt a pain in his throat. He was so absorbed that he choked on the bread.

"Cough, cough, cough!" Lin Feng beat his throat a few times, but it didn't seem to work.

He saw the milk on the table, picked it up and drank it down.

The impact of milk will be blocked in the throat of the bread on the open, one stroke, immediately unimpeded.

"Oh! What a big man! I'm choking Lin Feng laughed at himself.

"But the feeling of this cup of milk washed down is quite cool!"

Lin Feng looked at the empty glass and comforted himself.

But at this moment, he suddenly seemed to understand something, and his eyes were shining.

"Yes, one drink, one stroke, this is the most correct way!"

He had been trying to speed up the blood flow and flush out the two major veins.

However, it is found that if it goes on like this, little effect will be achieved. It may take a lot of time to open the two pulse gates.

But if you use this one shot method, try to control and slow down the blood flow speed, and then accumulate good blood, suddenly accelerate, toward the pulse.

It's like drinking a glass of milk in one breath instead of drinking it in a long stream.

This is a feasible way!

I didn't expect that when I choked on my meal, I could still understand the cultivation method. It's interesting!

Lin Feng quickly ate his food and went into the basement again to practice with his own method.

Obviously, this method is also difficult, that is, he can't control the blood flow rate freely. However, Lin Feng has the help of "limitless cultivation method formula", which contains special skills for controlling blood flow rate. According to the book, after several attempts, he is quite proficient.

Then, in this way, he accumulated strength again and again, and attacked the pulse gate again and again.

He was able to feel that this was very useful because the two veins were obviously more broken.

Lin Feng's heart a burst of ecstasy, and then patiently practice in this way.


the sun rises and the moon sets.

In a twinkling of an eye, it was the fifteenth day of the lunar calendar.

During the day, there was a jubilant scene in the mountain group.

Red lanterns were hung high, and red wedding characters and red ribbon were pasted everywhere.

A high platform with an area of about 20-30 meters has been built in the assembly hall of the headquarters of the mountain leaning gang. The ceremony will be held on this platform this evening.There are also tables and chairs below, which are all for the people who support them.

In fact, it is more like a wedding ceremony. A marriage between men and women is just a master servant relationship wedding.

Baili granny sat on the chair like a dying old man.

"Mr. Baili! Everything is ready for today, just wait for the evening ceremony to begin! " Said a bald man.

Bai Li Tong Mu opened her eyes and looked around her. She nodded with satisfaction and said, "in another hour, I will ask the makeup artist to make up for Jin Fenghuang. Then she will take some pictures for us and send them to the Internet. She must be beautiful. I want all Jincheng to know that Jin Fenghuang is going to marry me on horse."

"Well, I'll do it now!" The bald man said and retreated.

Bai Li Tong granny did this because she was afraid that Lin Feng would not come, so before the wedding, she wanted to lure her again.

At this time, swan lake villa area, a villa basement.

Lin Feng is still working hard. He has been practicing in the basement these days, even without sleeping.

He used his own way to strike the two pulse gates over and over again. At this time, he understood why it would take years or even decades for those who practice at random.

These two pulse gates seem to be crumbling, but their impact for such a long time, still did not impact open.

But Lin Feng did not give up, his body has been tired to do not want to go on, but he began to insist, again and again the impact.

Suddenly, the base of one of the veins shook.

Lin Feng's spirit was suddenly invigorated. His method was really effective. His kung fu paid off. After dozens of hours of continuous practice, the foundation of the shenghuamaimen was finally loosened!

Lin Feng played up the spirit of twelve points and tried hard to practice again.

He believes in a word, man can conquer nature.

With this belief, he insisted, about half an hour later.

Another pulse is loose!

Lin Feng was as happy as an ordinary person who won ten million grand prizes. He did not want to be tired at this time. He used all his strength and saved up the most powerful impact that could be mobilized. He ran into the two pulse gates one by one.

"Boom, boom!"

Lin Feng's heart imagine that the surging rivers hit the towering gate, the kind of earth shaking roar!

That time and again the majestic impact, in Lin Feng's heart into endless power, as if his own blood is the towering River, the pulse gate is that majestic gate.

After a violent impact, repeated, Lin Feng gritted his teeth, and his skin became red.

But the river in his heart is more and more surging, the two gates are instantaneous collapse, collapse!

All of a sudden, Lin Feng's eyes opened fiercely, his eyes emitting a light never before.

He even couldn't believe it. He said excitedly:

"the two major pulse gates, finally, have been broken!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!