The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 505

North of Jincheng, the headquarters.

These days, the headquarters of the support group have been decorated with lights and decorations. They are all busy living for the happy day of the full moon night.

In the basement, Jin Fenghuang's hair is disordered. She sits on the bed with her hands holding her legs. She buries her head deeply between her knees. She looks very miserable and desperate.

At this time, the door opened, and Baili's grandmother walked into the basement.

He followed a servant with food in his hand. After entering the room, he put the food on the table and walked out.

"Come here and eat while it's hot." Bai Li said to the Golden Phoenix on the bed.

Jin Fenghuang raised her head. Her eyes were empty. She didn't speak and didn't mean to eat.

"There are two days to go, that is, the day when we are very happy. You should be happy!" Bai Li said.

"If I die, I will not have sex with you!" The Golden Phoenix is cold.

"Well, to be my servant is a blessing that you have cultivated in your eight lifetime. You really don't know what to do with it!" Bai Li said: "you can be proud now. When you taste my power, you will fall in love with me. Then you will ask me to torture you. Hum, you will become a bitch you don't know!"


Golden Phoenix raised his head and spat.

A touch of malice flashed in Bai Li's eyes and said, "Golden Phoenix, you'd rather die than eat the rice I gave you. It's really backbone. Don't you want to see your man?"

"My man?" "What have you done to Lin Feng?" the Golden Phoenix murmured

"Hum, bitch, you are indeed Lin Feng's woman!" Bai Li's grandmother gave an angry cold drink.

"It's none of your business!" Golden Phoenix Road.

"Don't worry, your man should have received my video, so he will come to see you soon!" she said with a smile

"Is it?"

Gold Phoenix face across a touch of joy, the original empty eyes suddenly flash a touch of glory.

"So, you have to eat, you have to keep your spirit, in order to see your man!" Bai Li's grandmother smiles.

As soon as Lin Feng is mentioned, Jin Fenghuang is very happy. If she can really see Lin Feng again, she doesn't want to appear ill and lose her life like that.

"Yes, I want to eat! I want to keep my spirit

The Golden Phoenix turned to grab the food on the table and ate it. The chain of handcuffs clattered.

This scene saw Baili granny is very angry, such a beautiful woman, but she can not get her heart, it is really very sad.

But can get her person, also very good, moreover, this is Lin Feng's woman, he wants to torture Lin Feng's woman severely.

The Golden Phoenix may be too hungry, and soon ate up the food.

With joy on her face, she was very happy to see Lin Feng.

At this time, Baili's grandmother said: "I really envy you for your special love for Lin Feng, but I'm sorry to tell you that when Lin Feng appears, it's his death time!"

"How could it be?" Jin Fenghuang was surprised, then said with doubt: "Lin Feng is the most powerful man I have ever seen. You can't beat him!"

Baili's grandmother burst out laughing. Suddenly, she put out her hand and slapped it on the wall.


The wall was filled with earth and stone. In front of Bai Li's grandmother, a palm print appeared. It was 35cm deep, which was taken by Baili's grandmother.

This scene startled Jin Fenghuang. He didn't expect that Bai Li's granny was so powerful that even Lin Feng couldn't do it?

"Golden Phoenix, do you know that Lin Feng is just a martial artist, but I'm already a practitioner in the later stage of huaxue realm. Lin Feng is just like a mole ant in front of me. As long as I exert a little force, he will be killed in an instant and be separated by my five horses!"


The Golden Phoenix was shocked.

Although she didn't know what the cultivator was, the palm of Bai Li Tong Mu just now was not a fake. If it was true that Bai Li Tong Mu said, wouldn't Lin Feng be sent to death?

Bai Li's grandmother seemed to see what Jin Fenghuang was thinking. He squinted and said with a cold smile: "there are two days to go. We will hold a wedding ceremony on the full moon night. You will marry me. My invitation has been sent to Lin Feng. I hope he will come to attend! Then you will see your sweetheart die in my hands! Hum

"You are so mean The Golden Phoenix gritted his teeth and denounced.

On the day when she was filmed, she was dizzy and couldn't remember the things behind her. She didn't know that Bai Li Tong Mu disclosed the story of the happy night of the full moon!

If Bai Li's grandmother really told Lin Feng about the full moon night, it showed that he had been prepared or had sufficient confidence. Then Lin Feng's coming would be very dangerous.

At this time, Jin Fenghuang didn't want Lin Feng to come. She hoped that Lin Feng would shrink back once and not mix in with this matter, because if Lin Feng came, he would surely die."On the full moon night, you and I will get married, which is a great joy; when Lin Feng comes, I will let Lin Feng's head fall to the ground to avenge Zishu, which is also a great joy; moreover, I will send someone to take back the two pieces of broken jade in Lin Feng's hand, and get two clues of blood jade stones at once, which is another great joy! Congratulations on the three joys

Listen to the Golden Phoenix, a cool heart.

The old pervert had already designed it.

No wonder he took a video to Lin Feng. No wonder he dared to challenge Lin Feng. It turned out that he had a premeditation, and he was very sure to kill Lin Feng.

Jin Fenghuang is in a panic. She wants to tell Lin Feng the news, but she is imprisoned in the dark basement.

She is now very contradictory in her heart. He wants to see Lin Feng come to save him, just like zhizunbao wearing battle clothes and stepping on colorful auspicious clouds to save Zixia fairy. But she is also afraid of Lin Feng's appearance, which means that he will face a dangerous situation.

Seeing that Jin Fenghuang's face was full of tangles, Baili's grandmother couldn't help sneering: "in fact, I've been kind enough to you. I can go directly to find Lin Feng and kill him. However, I chose such a day as the full moon night. I let him die more solemn. You should thank me! Ha ha ha

"Asshole, if you dare to tempt Lin Feng to come, I will die to show you!" Golden Phoenix is furious.

"Well, you mean that if I don't bring him here, you will be willing to finish the wedding ceremony with me, right?" Bai Li's grandmother smelled a chance.

The Golden Phoenix's lips clenched and her heart struggled.

"If you are willing to be my servant, I will consider releasing Lin Feng!" Bai Li Tong Mu said with a smile.

"Keep your word!" Golden Phoenix said.

"Of course Bai Li Tong Mu Dao.

In the heart of the Golden Phoenix, she felt sad, but for the sake of Lin Feng, she still gnawed her teeth and nodded.

"Ha ha! Good, full moon night, I hope we have a good time Bai Li's grandmother laughs and turns out of the basement.

But after walking out of the basement, the smile on his face became more ferocious and whispered, "will I be so stupid as to promise you? Ah, stupid man , the fastest update of the webnovel!